
MikeSavage's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MikeSavage's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

China is closer to capitalism than communism

You've defended them too. Probably because you don't have any principles and base your opinions on whater Xi Jinping tells you to say because you're his slave, whipping boy and a servant to the state that you worship.

1 point

It takes no effort on Trump's part you mook. His only move is do nothing. Pelosi has to find a way to explain not funding what she has already voted for in the past and why she's holding up paychecks to block funding for something she supported in the past. Her fumbling back and forth, flip flopping, with pictures of Americans without checks will make a beautiful political ad.

0 points

Let's just do some math.. At 70 mph, to be SAFE, you're supposed to stay about 10 car lengths behind the car in front of you. Self driving cars wouldn't have that requirement. They can safely run bumper to bumper. Therefore, 10 cars could travel safely in the same space that one car can today - hence a DRAMATIC reduction in highway congestion..

What you just described is called a train.

What you just described is not how self driving cars work.

0 points

Your own link.

*The term 'democratic socialism' is sometimes used synonymously with 'socialism', but the adjective 'democratic' is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.

And you ckaim to be a Marxist.

0 points

Socialism is the government having control. There is no such thing as a Democratic version of an omnipotent entity.

1 point

You make socialism sound like Islam, as far as restraint and servitude go.

If the shoe fits.

Our Democratic Constitution protects U.S. from that, while allowing the Islamic religion within the country.(As long as they DON'T get carried away with their restraint and servitude).

Not bringing them in at all ends the problem in one easy step. Libs don't accept easy, logical solutions. They prefer creating a shitstorm and then acting outraged and demanding things be fixed after the infrastructure is damaged and the situation is unsermountable and out of control.

As long as WE, the people, control our democracy, we can pick and choose whatever we like from ANY political or economic entity.

The Democrats in power aren't picking and choosing this or that. They are preaching Communist Marxism.

If we are taken over by the RNP, forget it! You will see "restraint and servitude" like never before, in THIS country!

Trump took the reigns. We got richer, joblessness went down, the DOW is through the roof, and the Middle East just suddenly stopped being a warzone of chaos from hell.

Your boy gave us the opposite.

1 point




a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the government.

synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism; More

policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.

synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism; More

(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

MikeSavage(67) Clarified
1 point

Sorry. I just can't picture Bernie or AOC as "slave drivers", I CAN, however, picture the Retrumplican Nationalist Party as THAT, and worse.

Retrumplicans aren't pouring in Southern brown cheap labor for the rich to pay crumbs to. Democrats are bringing them slaves, just like they used to do. Someone has to pick the fields. The Democrat way. Call us racists if we don't allow you to smuggle in fieldhands.

Democracy, with the will of the people, can weave parts of ANY political or economic entity into a democratic government AS WE HAVE DONE FOR YEARS. We use those parts of socialism we WISH to, we can use a few more. Capitalism is great, as long as it doesn't get out of control

Socialism is the government running all of the businesses in the country. It has nothing to do with public service or healthcare.

1 point

For the sake of argument, let's say Trump DID all that..

He did do all of that you bum! Have you even been paying attention!!!???!!!???

What he ALSO did, was turn Syria over to Russia, giving them a warm water port and a military presence in the Middle East where, since 1970, they've had NONE.

Because of Trumps weakness, the Baltics are at risk.

Good lord mook. Do you know what the hell is going on?????

1 point

against guys like Putin, ISIS, MBS …. ANY of those that Trump is defending

Trump bombed the ISIS mooks into oblivion and put the heaviest sanctions ever delivered in American history on Russia. He has also attacked Russia militarily.

2 points

The mooks don't understand basic English. This is rather sad.

1 point

Should soldiers run their orders through their political ideology BEFORE they obey them?

The order is slaughter every man, woman and child. Now answer your own question for us.

1 point

The Apache helicopters are overwhelmingly operated by right wing patriots. Their commanders are right wing patriots. Their Commander n Chief is a right wing patriot. They'll be standing down or helping us because they, as right wingers, are the victims of censorship, targeting by a two tier justice system, and so is their family, you mook. Punch that into your data base and tell me what comes out!

1 point

I did not trash Jews. I asked why Democrats claiming to be Jews insist we import people that hate Jews.

Can you not pull the wax out of your ears and the scabs from your eyes and see that pandering to antisemitical Muslim groups is a stupid idea? Are you deaf and blind? Are you begging to be pulled out into the road and beaten by people you thought you had to tolerate? Do you lock your doors at night? Then why can't you figure this one out?

You mooks mass imported Communism and a hoard of antisemites. Now look at the West. You see an Islamic bomber blew up a building, you go back to eating your meal, waiting for the news to find a right wing nutbag to be outraged about. Put down that fork! Finally! A nutbag right winger finally snapped!

The Communists are taking over the government, and you go back to said meal. What an absolute disgrace. That's all.

1 point

I'll ask you again. Tell me why the Democrat Jews insist we import people commanded to torture and murder us in the streets like Nazis. Do you prefer I start quoting the Quran? Jews aren't exactly the heroes of the book. Once enough of them get here, it tells them to cut off your head out in the street. I prefer to import as few antisemites as possible. Is it not common sense to not open the door for the fox or the wolf?

1 point

Then Amazon happened.. Now, it's a RICH town. RICH towns aren't tolerant..

When are the Democrats going to stop importing poverty, trash, crap in the streets, and homelessness? How long must Californians with common sense deal with Democrats recruiting gangs and poverty to our once beautiful safe cities???? Do we need to tie ourselves together and begin burning down buildings like the libs? Do we need to start tossing people out of restaurants!!!??? Must we strip naked and show our nipples and private areas!!!??? How long must we deal with the mutts and the mooks????? If you feel you must destroy our cities, can you at least give us a reason why, other than emotions and white hate!!! Tell me why the Democrat Jews insist we import people commanded to torture and murder us in the streets like Nazis???? Does this stuff really make sense to you??? Does it to anybody? Does it even matter to a lib??

1 point

Everything you say is a lie. Literally everything.

You are brilliant. You are great. You are very exotic. You are a good person.

1 point

The West Bank Arabs are losing their land to encroaching Israeli settlements, and the Gazan Arabs are being BOMBED to smithereens..

If I went to Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, I didn’t go for the horse or the elephant. I went for the freak show in the back: the one-breasted man, the half-bearded woman (in other words, the people who today have become politicians). In my day they were in the back room of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey. Wisdom doesn't go out of style, even if it's in increasingly short supply. That's all.

Think inside your brain as you inhale a deep breath of smoke. Listen to what I'm telling you. Fair?

Tell me. Why was Israel as we see it created in 1948?

1 point

Brett Kavanaugh was the now Supreme Court justice that libs said drank beer in highschool.

1 point

Jews of the world. It's coming AGAIN. HATE is in the air. You can FEEL it, can't you?

You have an entire religion dedicated to the extermination of theJews. You say nothing.

Over the years Dr. Ben Carson has been in a kerfuffle with the liberal news media (and a few conservatives!) because he stated that he wouldn’t support a Muslim becoming President. Of course, the context of the statement was missing. He had specified that he believed sharia law was inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution.

Not only did Dr. Carson refuse to “walk back” these comments, but he actually expanded them in a very useful way for the public debate. He explained on Fox News that he “would not support a Christian who wanted to institute a theocracy, [nor would I] support a Muslim who submitted to sharia law before the Constitution.”

Why would this even be a controversial position????

After all, these are the same left wing media outlets that have been warning for years that scheming Christians were trying to establish a “Christian theocracy” because they oppose abortions or same sex marriage. Are they implying they’d be okay with an Islamic theocracy, of which we have plenty of current examples around the world?

I can feel the Council on American Islamic Relation(CAIR) and Prophet Muhammed's cold dead finger rap tap tapping on my shoulder, or is that the Democrat party's finger. I can't tell the difference anymore.

1 point

But, NEITHER of those guys were able to bring health care to the masses.. Obama DID that..

He didn't do that. People with insurance stopped going to the doctor because they couldn't afford the premiums!! He swapped those who were paying for those who weren't!! Aren't you a brilliant one? The guy steals ability to see a doctor from millions, and you call it progress. No wonder the West has shit in the streets and homeless bodies lying everywhere. It's run by people with the minds of children. That is all.

Here's why millions of Americans aren't going to the doctor even though they have health insurance

0 points

The mandate would have done that, but, as you so gleefully reminded us, it's GONE..

It didn't do that. People were opting out and paying the penalty because it was cheaper. Do facts even play a part in the liberal cloud called a mind?

So, all we gotta do is figure out a way to PAY for what we're absolutely gonna do..

It's quite a sneaky, clever move isn't it? I want a chocolate factory like Willie Wankas. How am I going to pay for it? Well, I'll figure it out. Nevermind the numbers. Throw that damn calculator in the trash! It's getting in my way! Christ allmighty, I want a damn chocolate factory! Do you not understand that when I yell for my factory in the streets that you should cowar in fear and give it to me because my feelings and idealism are involved??? What kind of a heartless, racist bastard needs the numbers to add up??

What is that? The quality of care will go down? They'll start rationing? A generation with no black and white morals sees no good reason to let the elderly live? Screw it. Bring in a host of illegals. That'll do the trick. Put them in the front of these welfare state generated lines a mile long. What's another mile?

You are sick? Too bad. Get in line. The waiting time? A month, but it's paid for by raping your paycheck, yet is free. Do you understand?

1 point

But, there's a better way to fix it. END food deserts, raise the minimum wage and guarantee affordable housing..

The perfect way to create a state that rewards no effort!!!! The ChiComs would squash us economically, then militarily in only a few years!!!!! You people blow the human mind. Need I say anything more? Didn't even make a dent, did I?

1 point

---"Depends what you are dissenting, eh con?"---

No, it doesn't.. I don't need your approval on the cause I'm protesting.. If I wanna protest the bus service for letting a guy fart on me, that's between ME and the bus company.. . YOU are not part of the equation, and your vote don't count...

If I am dissenting and protesting a child rapist going to prison, am I jagoff or what??? Do you mooks even listen to yourselves????!!!??

4 points

Shut your lying mouth you mook. Antisemtic racists swarm the Democrat Party, and any honest broker knows it. You've run so far left that your brain has fallen out.

2 points

If I was on a bus, and the guy next to me farted, I'd CALL that harassment..

Then you clearly need to get your crap together for god's sake.

And, if it's not, why not

Common sense. Do you seriously need someone to explain this stuff to you?

Can't I decide for myself what's harassment or not??

Clearly you cannot.

Clearly, deciding what IS harassment and what isn't is arbitrary...

No it isn't. You go to someone's house, or see them at a restaurant and begin yelling at them in mobs, that's harrassment. Would you be inclined to go over the language commonly referred to as English? Would you like to go through a dictionary with me?

1 point

Tax returns, tax returns, tax returns..

The last time libs grabbed his tax returns, through an illegal leak, it turned out he paid $38 million in taxes that year and was in the highest tax bracket possible.

1 point

America and the west went to war with Communism

Obama, Theresa May, Angela Merkel, Bernie Sanders, Sweden and Denmark are not at war with Communism. The days you describe are not today.

so your belief that happened adjacent to "Marxist Theory" being "constantly offered" is absurd. The state was offering people the same thing it was fighting against?

It's been offered to Cuba and Venezuela, even to Brazil. Brazil tried it, wound up in a military dictatorship, then retreated once its brain kicked in. The other two countries are hellholes.

1 point

Again, you either misunderstand reality or you are purposefully being fallacious. Some people profit under hierarchical systems otherwise they would be completely useless. This is true of monarchism, feudalism, fascism and capitalism.

It's true of real life. If you could rid the world of all of those systems, they would result in the same hierarchy only under another name or another form.

The point is that, because they are hierarchical pyramid systems, the number of people who genuinely profit when divided against the total sum of resources available is very, very small.

I got a job and saved my money. Anyone can do it, including you.

Communism is an attempt to see everyone profit rather than just a select few social elites.

Everyone I know has things the generation before us would have killed for.

You are preaching idealism. Tell me why a murdering thief deserves as much as a peaceful, hard working saint?

1 point

The masses are already trapped.

I'm sitting in a houseboat on a big, beautiful lake. Am I trapped in the boat? If I jump off the boat, am I trapped in the lake? If I guzzle a cold one, am I trapped in the bottle? Explain how I'm trapped.

Do the masses have the choice to not have 7 children?

That's why Communism was theorised in the first place: as a means to emancipate them.

But is that what the promise of it is used for?

You appear to be under some rather classic false perceptions.

I'm a realist. You are an idealist.

Capitalism is an economic hierarchy where the poor work for the rich.

Buy some land. Build a farm. Work for John Doe by choice or for yourself by threat of starvation. You are a slave to your body's needs. That isn't capitalism's fault. It's being born and biology's fault. Are you going to get pissed at the universe? Who are you directing this disappointment at? Should you have stayed in the womb where it's warm, eternally? What exactly is the point you are making?

1 point

That is an absurd way of looking at things. Let's apply your belief that social progress is a "carrot on a stick" to technological progress. Should we not leave the cave because progress is a myth? I mean, what are you actually saying here? We shouldn't try to better ourselves?

Slow down. You tell me Communism has never been correctly applied, but the offers of Marxist Theory are constantly offered and have been offered like candy to children at a parade. Why does it never work out? Why doesn't anyone ever get the actual candy? Why does the dream never come to fruition!?

Have you ever considered that it's just that; a dream? A dream used by tyrants to round up the peasants like cattle?

1 point

Even if we accept your false premise that true Communist states have ever existed

I've never offered up that opinion. You have presented a position as though it's mine.

then the Soviet Union was one of the world's top two superpowers for over half a century, during which time it invented satellites and put the first man into space.

The Nazis invented the World's First Mass-Produced Helicopter. Are you going to bow before the golden calf? Stop it already.

The Soviet Union did not collapse because of the Soviet Union. It collapsed because of a forty year arms race with the United States. Your version where the United States and its allies had nothing to do with it is absolute revisionist poppycock.

I haven't offered a version. Why are you debating for me. Debate your own position. Stay on your own side of the road.

1 point

I think you are radically misunderstanding the situation. People like Stalin and Mao were not Communists. They seized power for themselves, which makes them the precise opposite of Communists. The basis of the theory of Communism is that the working class are given back the means of production from the rich elite. Therefore, if Mao owns the means of production then that is not a Communist state.

I think the darts are missing the target here. The dream is the carrot on the stick. The dream never happens. The dream is an excuse to trap the masses into dictatorships. This should be a caution to you to ever believe anyone offering you the same dream as Stalin.

If you knew a man offering people candy was killing people by luring them with the candy, would you not be cautious if you saw a man offering people candy on the street? For god's sake, don't try to get the candy. He plans to shove you in his trunk. Do you understand?

1 point


Not nonsense

If you want to talk about persecuted groups then forget the Jews. Communists are right up there with them.

It hardly serves your point to tell me Communist are the most persecuted group because they have persecuted each other.

1 point

In October, he was indicted in the District of Columbia on a dozen charges that include conspiracy, money laundering, failing to register as a foreign agent, and making false statements

Tell me what that has to do with Russian collusion.

He was indicted for non Russia related crimes that happened years prior to knowing Trump. Is it sinking in yet, or is the sponge between your ears not doing its job?

1 point

Look at the good news though. Now they are in the West and can kill each other here.

1 point

What are you talking about? You quote Goebbels, then ask if Goebbels said it?

1 point

As you are fully aware, I am a Marxist. The Marxists were the single greatest enemy of the Nazis.

The Communists are the greatest enemy of the Communists. They are always killing each other. Mao vs Mao equals death, plain and simple. If Communists weren't busy killing each other, they'd have already conquered the world.

2 points

It's a rather handy tool isn't it? We ignore Trump for 8 years, then shut the libs up for the next 8 with one word that starts with "w" anytime they bring him up.

MikeSavage(67) Clarified
1 point

Look, the fallacy of I'm right, you're wrong, so I have no interest in what you have to say. Hopefully you don't use this logic with your wife.

2 points

What the hell are you talking about, "whataboutism"? Is this one of those new, made up liberal buzz words? Regardless of what it is, of course I want a supporter as Attorney General. Who the hell do you think I would want? The Shah of Iran? For God's sake, listen to yourself.

2 points

You claim there has been no change in two years, but this is obviously untrue, since four of Trump's campaign staff have been indicted, along with a litany of Russians operating in America

None of which have anything to do with Russia collusion.

Mannafort was literally charged with tax fraud that happened before he knew Trump. You see Putin in that equation? Neither did Mueller.

1 point

Our slow friend here seems to be hard of hearing. Let me repeat. Read it slower this time.

Jim Comey-

Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. In addition to this highly sensitive information, we also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed on e-mail (that is, excluding the later “up-classified” e-mails).

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

Separately, it is important to say something about the marking of classified information. Only a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information. But even if information is not marked “classified” in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it.

While not the focus of our investigation, we also developed evidence that the security culture of the State Department in general, and with respect to use of unclassified e-mail systems in particular, was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information found elsewhere in the government.

With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked. But, given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence. We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account. on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system

1 point

Claiming you have "inside knowledge" of the Trump/Russia collusion investigation is not "dealing in facts".

Evidence is facts. There is none. Or do you have inside knowledge?

It is especially not dealing in facts when you claim you have inside knowledge

I have inside knowledge that is public knowledge. Those investigating say with their mouths, "we've found no collusion".

and then attempt to substantiate it by cherry-picking the public information which fits your narrative, while ignoring the rest

List out what I missed.

1 point

The next Attorney General will have to be confirmed by the Senate.. I don't think even the Republicans will go along with Trumps version of the Saturday Night Massacre.

Have you ever noticed how on a scale of 1 to 10, something that is a 1 is always described as though it's a 10 by the libs?

ISSUE: Kids who were illegally brought here by their law breaking parents are temporarily seperated from their parents at the border for their own safety.

LIBS: Oh my god! It's like Nazi gas chambers and death camps! The Jews are rolling over in their graves!

ISSUE: Trump fires an Attorney General.

LIBS: Oh my god! It's like the Saturday Night Massacre!

Do you god forsaken libs ever just tell it like it is? Must you always add 50 inches to the fish in your story? It was a minnow. Call it a minnow. For Christ's sake have some self respect.

Nixon fires 3 Attorney Generals in one night is the same as Sessions resigning. What planet do you libs live on? Does reality ever even matter?

1 point

I like what you did there. Show us 7 Putin lies, then create a false dichotomy of correlation by throwing Trump in there.

Your logic was as follows:

Putin lies, so Trump is lying. The liberal brain surgeons pull off the mind numbing fallacies once again. Do I even need to continue? Probably not. I just got a lecture from the bum about proof on the other side of the debate, then see the mook not needing proof on this side of the debate. I wish I were making it up, but I'm not.

1 point

What makes YOU think there is no evidence against Trump?? YOU have inside knowledge on the case??

Yes. In 2 years, there's been no charge. Notta. Nothing. You think they are sitting there with 2 years of evidence, giving pressers that say no proof, because they have proof? Christ are you dense.

NO! You have your mind made up WITH NO PROOF, and have never demonstrated a desire to HAVE any proof that Trump is innocent.

You cannot prove someone is innocent you dolt. You molest goats. Prove your innocence. The burden is on the accuser. See how that works?

You want facts? Probably not, but let's look anyway.

Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched For Two Years 2018/09/14/woodward noevidenceofcollusionbetweentrumpandrussiaisearchedfortwoyears.html

There's your evidence. There is none. But we'll keep digging away for sure.

1 point

If you are going to spew, spew facts rather than fiction. I deal in facts. You peddle fiction.

Jim Comey-

Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. In addition to this highly sensitive information, we also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed on e-mail (that is, excluding the later “up-classified” e-mails).

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

Separately, it is important to say something about the marking of classified information. Only a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information. But even if information is not marked “classified” in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it.

While not the focus of our investigation, we also developed evidence that the security culture of the State Department in general, and with respect to use of unclassified e-mail systems in particular, was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information found elsewhere in the government.

With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked. But, given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence. We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account. on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system

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