
Nihil's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nihil's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Obama's birth certificate has been virtually ignored by a decent amount of people. It calls to mind a study that concerns people becoming more impassioned regarding a subject that they believe they are right in when presented with contradictory evidence. There's more context to the experiment but that is besides the point. It reflects an emotional state of politicking in America, rather than one based on logic.

2 points

Ron Paul, because steam-punk dystopian USA would be so much more fun, not really.

I can't vote but oh well XD

Obama has kept many of his promises and working on others: promises/obameter/

Besides, that, I mean, being the way I am, I would fight for the man who can get the job done without pushing too much to the economic extreme. Obama is the man I know I could trust on that issue. Although we all know the stimulus was too small and that the marginal disutility of labour right now is less than desirable because of shrinking pay checks, which is counter productive in a liquidity trap.

That is my only qualm, that he failed to push through a more ambitious plan to capitalize on the deflation of the dollar and the economic recession to modernize many of America's public works, water, roads and such. Because, really, for the last 20 or so years most haven't been upgraded or anything.

That being what it is, the multiplier effect was much too small to make up the fall in aggregate demand from the collapse.

2 points

You make an excellent point, it could, indeed fall within the boundaries of harassment.

1 point

"this would prevent anyone in the country from making any form of threat without penalty of law."

I'm presently trying to discern whether, my good sir, you are a clever troll.

Care to elaborate? o.O

2 points

While I don't support infringing on such a personal matter, It may be better to take preemptive measures against overpopulation, resources are running out, technology has to advance at an astronomical pace to manage to create a renewable energy source that is clean, and, even if that happens, overpopulation will, inevitably, lead to a lower general standard of living. I can't really decide except to hope naïvely that the human race will actually adhere to its own "invisible hand" in this matter before it undoes itself.

2 points

I know the constitution is how we engage ourselves on a daily basis, but no any document by man is flawed, besides

"...the right of the people peaceably to assemble..."

forgot that part. That is where I come from on this.

1 point

Tell me what you think everybody, are limits sometimes O.K or never O.K upon the freedom of speech? :D

1 point

I see no point in letting someone live who does not want to live, or letting someone die who does not want to die.

I support the option to commit suicide, you know medical assisted for those with long term illnesses, I wouldn't do it, but I can't be in others shoes. So in this matter where the felon has, assuming, no long term illness like cancer or some painful disease, I am firmly in the belief that the honour and integrity of mankind can be upheld by the most just procedure in this case, incarceration.

2 points

While the US lacks the man power of China, we compensate in allies and we have a larger GDP pool to draw from, and with China's main importers being western nations, cutting off trade would hurt them more than it would hurt the US. China would suffer horrible inflation, like the Confederate army in the Civil War and would ultimately tank....

Unless of course they launch a nuke, then we are all dead, meaning Mutual Assured Destruction. But thats another story.

1 point

News articles show he had a past aggression, multiple maybe, and that he was a small government radical, meaning that he was militant in the same manner as 1970 liberals, about to snap.

He was a guy who, in my opinion, was not all that intelligent, bought into information that suited him, he wanted to tie money up in specie again! and hit the last straw and attacked the perceived enemy, those communist, socialist, neo-nazi, terrorist loving democrats..

Yes that was supposed to be facetious right there at the end.

1 point

"Government has the ability to tax you"

Yes, the social contract theory. We consent to taxation through our elected representatives.

"They won't let us do anything that they consider morally wrong"

Yes, again, that is right, the government does not consider murder to be appropriate, therefore they won't let you kill joe-shmoe.

2 points

The government is watching, yes, but, then again, when haven't they been? What is it but the local law enforcement expanded to the federal domain over areas that only the federal government can access. The government is watching you, they have leads that you may be a child molester. Now, if they catch a child molester, we all say yay.

And besides, any legislation passed, we know about, they are our elected officials, you don't like the patriot act? You toss'em out on another platform for repeal of the law. However, there are many times that rights must be suppressed for the greater good. Abe Lincoln, for example, did many things that the courts "put off" until after the war to declare unconstitutional, such as the income tax. Honestly, if you think your government cares that much about you, you must think you are some sort of celebrity.

2 points

While I value all life, I would put that of humans above others. But I would never condone torture upon another animal or any other kind of cruel and unusual inflictions. If you must test them, it shouldn't be very painful. If a monkey must die for scientists to find the cure to cancer, I will put up with that. If a monkey must endure unimaginable pain to find a cure for cancer, I'm against that.

2 points

If this continues and grows at such an extreme case, we all will feel the pain of companies choking up their outpour of products and services as their revenues diminish in kind.

I'm sorry, I know it's really nice and all, hey free stuff, but, the long-run implication are nothing but poor.

1 point

I'd say that this incident would have occurred without government intervention. Government intervention in the industry just stalled it, it was inevitable. I believe that this is less a market failure, like the housing market being built on nothing, than it was a result of poor government oversight. I agree with enigmatic man in that sense, but I won't get too specific, i'll agree with market failure.

2 points

You can't really be sure about anything to tell the truth, the only absolute in life is that of mathematical certainty.

No one can really dispel the idea of a god, and no one can prove it either. For me personally, I tend to be agnostic but lean towards deism.

As such, blaming something such as tragedy on a mythical being is pure poppycock, you can't prove it, certainly, but, on the whole, there is enough rational evidence to prove that man causes suffering. Even in the case of earthquakes, these are natural events and suffering only occurs when man acts and then forgets just a quick (I.E Haiti).

3 points

That is the point, during trows in the business cycle, if demand is not raised, then deflation can occur, creating inflation, also known as quantitative easing, helps the economy because it tries to maintain stable prices and fights deflation, which is more dangerous than inflation.

Additionally, the case where Keynesian policy truly failed was actually a result of a supply and demand side shock, the oil crisis during the trow in the business cycle phenomenon of modern times.

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