
Thejackster's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Thejackster's arguments, looking across every debate.

Batman already beat him in the Dark Knight Returns.

I love both, but Batman has the brains, the brawn, and the gadgets. Spiderman has the advantage of having superpowers (especially his spidey sense), but he is limited in the fact that he is a teenager without much resources.

2 points

I have a body count higher than Stalin, Mao, and Hitler combined

0 points

1. Most world leaders technically do follow God, it depends on which one your talking about. Aside from a few countries, most modern day world leaders identify as to being religious. Here in the United States, almost all of our presidents have identified as christian.

2. Hitler did not do what he did simply because he, in your words, "rejected God" . While I will concede that Hitler was most likely not a Christian (due to personal recorded statements), he never renounced his belief in a higher power and a great deal of the Germans and other Europeans who helped carry out the Holocaust were Christian. Plus, Hitlers anti-semitism (as well as anti-semitism in the West as a whole) has its roots in Christianity. Back during mideviel Europe, numerous pogroms were comitted against jews.

3. Most of the countries who score the highest when it comes to living conditions have largely non-religious populations, such as Sweden and the Czech Republic

If so, then jerking off is committing genocide.

2 points

With a few exceptions, like Ayn Rand, many of the politically right-leaning atheists I have have heard, seen, or met seem too quiet on pushing for secular values. While I can understand their shared goal of free-market economics with the religious right, they are too reluctant to take on and advocate for secular social values like the separation of church and state and the right to marriage for gays.

Thejackster(518) Clarified
3 points

Lol, I can never tell with you. While there is a notable debate as to the extent of the problem, I'm tired of hearing the old "but then why do we still have cold weather?" Argument

5 points

You take the prize on this.

3 points

I'm sorry Hellno, but if thats your response, you need to be reading more reaserch other than the Heritage Foundation and The Drudge Report

2 points

I'd rather not live in either, but I have many friends from Saudi Arabia and they don't seem too completley miserable and they are allowed to leave there, so I guess I would choose Saudi Arabia, but only just barely

0 points

Since there is a lack of evidence for one, it seems we are doing just fine.

I object to the terms, because they are too emotionally loaded. I personally don't like abortion and I believe everyone should have a right to life. however I believe that a woman has dominion over her body and all its contents. Plus most of these so called "pro-lifers" are such hypocrites. Many of them are the same ones who want to limit access to contaception and proper sex education (which would would lead to less unwanted pregnancies). They are also mostly people who want to cut all these socail programs to help support the child.

The only thing libertarian about him is his drugs policy, he still is for overseas military intervention, Anti-abortion, and anti-gay marriage. How is that Libertarian?

While I do respect a persons right to believe and worship what they want, the ultra religious here in the United States seem to think they have the monopoly on "morality" and see tolerance of their beliefs as never criticizing them. While I don't believe that they should be mocked personally (like saying their dumb for believing in this stuff), their religion as a whole should be open to criticism. Like the religious like to say "love the sinner, hate the sin", I say "love/like/tolerate the person, criticize their belief.

One step forward, lets hope this still keeps going till all states accept it.

It cant buy happiness literally, but you can buy things that give you happiness

Neither, I'm not voting for Hilary but i'm on this side because at the end of the day, i still agree with her more than Rand Paul.

One thing I have to ask all conservatives on this website is whats so special about Rand Paul? He claims to be libertarian, but other than his policy on drugs, hes no different then your run of the mill republican. He supports overseas intervention, opposes abortion and gay marriage. Please answer this question.

This argument is nonsensical, secularism is the absence of religion. Even if you are a religous person, whenever you do a simple activity (like brushing your teeth) that does not involve praying or praising your God, then it is a secular act.

With this?:.

Supporting Evidence: SLJ (

How did he confuse this:.

Supporting Evidence: LF (
2 points


Bible: Crusades, Inquisitions, homophobia, slavery, etc.

Quran: Misogyny, female genital mutilation, 9/11, suicide bombings, etc.

Eugenics: Holocaust

Lysenko's Biology: Soviet famine that cost over millions of lives.


2 points

I stand by Palestine and its right to sovereignty.

Thejackster(518) Clarified
1 point

Idk why, hating gays is a part of mainstream christian dogma. Their simply just doing what their holybook tells them to. In fact, they actually are going easy on gays, if they truly followed the bible at its word, they should be killing them

"God would never order his followers to do the things Islamic Terrorists do."


1.Kill people who dont listen to priests (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

2. Kill witches (Exodus 22:17 NAB)

3. Kill Homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

4. Kill fortune tellers (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)

5. Kill for adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)

6. Kill children who question their parents (Proverbs 20:20 NAB, Leviticus 20:9 NLT)

7. Kill Non-believers (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

8. Kill an entire town if they worship another God (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

9. Kill Blasphemers (Leviticus 24:10-16 NLT)

10. Kill people for working on sunday (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)


God Commanding/comitting Murder:

1. God sends bear to kill children (2 Kings 2:23-24 NAB)

2. God commands Israelites to slaughter the Almaleks (1 Samuel 15:2-3 NAB)

3. God comitting mass genocide (Exodus 23:23 NAB)

4. God demands the slaughter of the people of Jericho (Joshua 6:20-21 NLT)

5. God approves Micahs slaughter of an entire population (Judges 18:27-29 NLT)


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