
Brontoraptor's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Brontoraptor's arguments, looking across every debate.

At least the left wing knows HOW to protest..

Yes. Protesting a life of cellphones, Internet, foodstamp cards, Medicare and Medicaid, vehicles and convenience stores, and a life that royalty of the past would very noble...

When right wingers protest, they bring their lawn chairs..

Probably because we choose gratitude over being little, ungrateful bitches with no self control. Some people call it acting like a grown ass adult.

What do you think our side should get violent over? All of the needles in liberal streets or the human shit? I say we stay in red states and let the leftists fuck up their dystopian hellholes. It's their life to fuck up. Go for it.

The Democratically controlled house of Representatives tried to pass a bill FORCING all public schools to allow boys, who want to be girls, into our daughter's sports!

But wear a cross necklace, and everybody loses their minds...

Oh yes, yes. We've come into the days where a group is finally twisted enough to say men and boys should hold women's state and world records.

People used to say the end is near, and I'd always think, "but it's not quite warped and twisted enough to bring God's wrath." I've stopped thinking that. We've entered a three ring freak show of abominations and iniquity. Now all we need is a worldwide hatred for Israel. Oh wait...

My Native name is "Runs With Scissors".

My native name is "Rides with Brontos and Raptors". What?

Not me.. I LOVE Native Americans..

Maybe, maybe not, but Democrats still killed them and stole their land. It felt like Nazi concentration camps and Nazi Germany and shit.

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form

Colossians 2:9

Another interpretation has it as this:

For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body.

Colossians 2:9

Is Jesus the God of the Bible?

Yes. He's the manifestation of God in human flesh.

It's Bumfuk because of all the wrongwingers who live there.

Cool. Those wrongwingers are Natives who you stole land from and and tried to genocide after raping their women and slaughtering their children. You're not being very libby today. Nevertheless, look at the cool utopia we built with the steaming pil of shit you left us with.

I'm thinking about screenshooting all of your dialogue and writing a fiction novel. It will be very entertaining. Or I could just write a book showing how stupid far left knuckle dragging Commies are. Which would you suggest buddy?

I agree also. The U.S. should NEVER become a socialist country!

Better swap parties until the Democratic Party moves back into sanity then.

1 point

can lie like a "fuckin idiot" EVERY DAY …. I reserve the right ….. even if I don't use it! ;-)

You do use it though.

Most protests are AGAINST a perceived evil

Most protests I've seen were people breaking windows, throwing firebombs, looting businesses, and supporting murdering babies while wearing hats that represent their genitiles.

Therefore, I think you and I are paying for their health care right now..

Cool. So why are Democrats making you pay for anyone in the world who wants in your wallet whether you give permission or not? If you're truly okay with it, why not just send your money to me and assume I'll go to the doctor with your money?

Oh ho ho. Oh boy. You're in serious ideological debate hell here Nom. Nom praisesStalinandtheUSSRbutguesswhat

Oh ho ho. Oh boy. You're in serious ideological debate hell here Nom. Nom praisesStalinandtheUSSRbutguesswhat

Oh ho ho. Oh boy. You're in serious ideological debate hell. Nom praisesStalinandtheUSSRbutguesswhat

Orwell was a socialist. Socialism is what he believed in.

Nice try Nom, but no cigar.


Orwell detested Soviet-style Communism – a belief strengthened when he ended up fighting Soviet-backed Communists during the Spanish civil war.


But, Stalin wanted to crush all left-wing parties who were not the Communist party; this led to a civil war amongst the Republican movement in Spain. Orwell got caught up in this and it made him really disgusted with Stalin and the Communist party.

You absolutely can't be this stupid, so one can only conclude you are pretending to be world class ignorant.

I refer you to the link provided in the debate.

Back up a little bit here, Adolf.

I'm confused. Why would you call me a Socialist Islam lover, seeing that I'm obviously not a Socialist Islam lover?

You're going to have to talk me through the history of this.

Excon's son is a Trump supporter. Excon also supports ANTIFA.

When exactly did attacking Nazis become a bad thing?

Never. That's why we continue to expose your anti Jew, white ideology that beats blacks, Asians, the elderly, and reporters in the streets if they dissent.

Hard to create a rebuttal to cold, hard facts, eh nom?


The United States subscribed to the Allied plan of making German defeat the priority, coordinating with the United Kingdom in most major operations. However, it also maintained a strong effort against Japan, being the primary Allied power in the Pacific Theater. The U.S. led the Manhattan Project to develop atomic weapons, which it deployed in August 1945 in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This attack led to the surrender of Japan and the end of World War II.


While Nazi Germany never attacked Britain with ground forces, it subjected the country to heavy air attacks in the Battle of Britain of 1940, which continued until mid-1941 as the nightly attacks of the Blitz. The air attacks killed 40,000 people[221] and prompted evacuations of major urban centres


If it weren't for us you'd be speaking fucking German mate.

Of course you don't show us your data or even an argument because your comment is stupid on top of more stupid. The Germans were a country 1/8 our size, with 1/20th the land, with an ocean between us and no allies in the region for landing ports, and with way less military might.

That's probably why you hate Brits so much, am I right?

Couldn't care less. Take on your enemies alone. Good luck.

LOL. You regret that we turned the Nazis back. Oh, the glorious days you could have had in the third reich, and we snatched them from your grasp buddy!! LOL!

Your right wing leader turned back the Nazis in a war where we fought off Hirohito and the Japanese in the South Pacific, and the Nazi Socialists both at once for you buddy.

It's actually not a bad question.. Lemme ask you this.. Do you think the 11 million of 'em that are here, right now, are going WITHOUT heath care??? I don't think they are.. You know they don't ask for your papers at the ER, doncha? Therefore, I think you and I are paying for their health care right

1)They'll be getting prescriptions, not ER visits.

2)We also can't even afford just the interest on the national debt. What do you give us, ten years before the system completely collapses?

This is easy.. Under his plan, the money you used to spend on insurance and your doctor will NOW be paid by the government.

So a mass exodus of doctors from the medical field seeing they are leaving as it is, while making buttloads of money.

Those costs will be born by you in the form of taxes..

Cool. What if we don't want our taxes to go up? Have fun selling a huge tax hike to people who are barely getting by as it is.

So, taxes go UP while health care costs go AWAY..

It's not even free in actual Socialist countries. It's just less expensive.

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