
Foratag's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Foratag's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I have no problem with evolution being taught in school, however, it should be made absolutely clear that how life began on Earth has nothing to do with evolution. Too many kids mistake evolution as the beginning of life. It should also be taught that scientists for centuries have attempted thousands and thousands of times to start life from non life and every attempt has failed miserably. Kids have to be told that science has deemed it impossible at this time that life cannot begin on its own, because that is what science has proven so far.

Atheists like to point out that there is no physical proof for the existence of God, and there is no physical proof for life beginning on its own, so believing in abiogenesis should be just as ridiculous to an atheist if they truly accept science.

foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

When you say from the beginning, what is the beginning? Are you saying Flynn was working with Trump BEFORE the election? If so, can you show any evidence please. If not, then it is just speculation.

2 points

He probably pissed all of his money away and now is desperate for income.

foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

When people are investigating you and they have a political agenda instead of being neutral and getting to the truth, that is a cause for concern. Please share how Flynn can prove Russia influenced the election with Trump's help. I would love to hear it.

1 point

While his team may not be falling totally apart, one thing is certain. He put together a team where at least eight have donated to Democratic candidates. If someone has the numbers on how many of his team gave to Republicans would be greatly appreciated. I have heard of none, but some may have. If there are none, then the bias is clearly there against Trump.

One last thing, Flynn came aboard AFTER the election, I do not see how he can help in the possible collusion of Russia interfering with the election when he wasn't even part of Trump's team before the election.

foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

Come on my friend, the timid left wing? You mean like people who tear down centuries old statues because it hurts their fragile feelings. Or how about when a verdict does not go the lefts way and they riot and burn down cities, close off freeways, etc.

I take it you didn't notice that the conservatives did NOT riot when Kate Steinle's murderer walked.

1 point

What difference does it make. Washington is full of sexual predators, adding one more is not going to change anything. Welcome to the club, Mr. Moore. I do believe he did some inappropriate things when he was younger, however, remember this, everything he is accused of doing he did while he was a Democrat. He changed parties in 1992, and no accusations have came since then. It looks like he rehabilitated himself. LOL

foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

If you are going to blame fossil fuels for global warming, then please explain this to me. We drastically increased fossil fuels from the 1950's through the 1970's compared to the 1930's and 40's and the planet went through a dramatic cooling spell. That would completely dispel your notion that fossil fuels cause the earth to warm up, would it not?

2 points

If you go see a comedy show expect to have certain groups put down, if you do not like it then don't go see it. Only weak, insecure, pathetic, mentally unstable people get offended. Nothing bothers me, not even when Kathy Griffin held up Trump's severed head.

When people go off the deep end rioting and vandalizing when they see a 150 year old Confederate statue you know they need to get into a mental institution ASAP. Did you notice there were no Republicans burning down cities when Kate Steinle, a pretty, white Christian girl was gunned down by an illegal minority? Thankfully there are still civilized people who do not resort to barbarism when they do not get their way.

1 point

The climate has changed millions of times before Homo Sapiens walked the earth and it will do it millions of more times after humans depart the earth until the sun finally gives out. Now there is science nobody can deny.

1 point

Concludes? There are already millions of liberals who have concluded Trump broke the law, fortunately in this country conclude means absolutely squat. There has to be evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Every politician has broken the law, do they all go? How serious does the broken law have to be? One last thing, collusion is NOT a crime, as much as the liberals believe it is.

foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

Abortion should be legal if we could know the baby is going to grow up to be a liberal. It is the only way to prevent suffering as an adult. It is like protection. It is a good thing for the baby.

1 point

It is not so much that people are dumb it is people, like the OP, who resort to name calling and childish fits that make this site undebatable. Don't get me wrong, you are not the only one, many on here do the exact same thing. That is why I will never respond to one of your posts ever again.

1 point

You can't have a discussion without making disparaging comments. I feel sorry for everyone who is involved in your life. This will be the last time I correspond with you. You are simply not mature enough to have a debate with someone of my stature.

1 point

Bronto, you know you are winning a debate when they resort to calling you names. The leftists always find their way there when facts they do not like are introduced and they have nothing else but the usual racist, sexist, homophobe antics.

1 point

An expert who thinks people on the right are for big government are no experts, so there goes your argument right down the drain. So you are disputing the fact that Nazi's were in favor of government control. Interesting!

1 point

I could careless what scholars think, just like I could care less what climate change scientists say who are being paid by the government to espouse certain views. The number one criteria for being on the right is individualism and small government. Everything else is a distant second. The Nazi's did not believe in small government, so they simply could not be on the right.

1 point

The Nazi's were in favor of a large, strong government exercising control over the means of production. Anyone who believes they were far right is not worthy of debating. The right is for small government and individualism.

1 point

Lets not forget about the 10th amendment, the liberals want to do away with that one while claiming everything on the planet falls under the 14th.

1 point

Elvis was the greatest of all time, and it is not even close. He was simply amazing.

1 point

You can't lower the debt until you wipe out the annual deficit, which right now we are looking at 600 billion for next year. Lowering the debt will never happen.

foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

The other 10 are rotated. If we follow your logic then eight anti USA members can condemn the USA in any way they please. They can declare the USA a terrorist nation, etc. The USA could get screwed royally if this plan were to go into effect. What good is a UN council if third world shit holes can impose there arcane beliefs on the five biggest nations on the planet.

Dumb idea in every aspect.

foratag(257) Clarified
2 points

You do realize that illegals cost US taxpayers 85 billion dollars a year, do you not? That money can be better spent on our education system and our veterans, don't you think?

foratag(257) Clarified
2 points

You do realize that collusion is not illegal, don't you? Who determines who a foreign enemy is? That is subjective.

4 points

Thank God SCOTUS has ruled numerous times that hate speech is free speech. The moonbats just can't accept it.

3 points

BLM complains about white privilege. If they have such a problem with it then they should move to a country that has black privilege. Africa has approx. 45 countries that are almost all black and the Caribbean has another dozen or so countries that are almost all black. That is a lot of black privilege around the world. They need to pack up their shit and move to where they can be successful if they think white people are holding them back.

foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

Hello birther? Are you mentally okay? Some of your responses would seem to suggest otherwise.

1 point

When you don't list CNN as the number one unreliable source then this debate is already off on the wrong foot, however, all Americans should support our president, no matter who he is, to make the correct decisions that will benefit AMERICANS!

2 points

First things first, California needs to secede from the union. The USA will be much better off when the radicals form their own country. We can then bring in Guam or American Samoa to replace them.

1 point

The left is really up in arms over this pardon. I wonder what the uproar would be if Trump had pardoned someone as disgraceful as Marc Rich, who Clinton pardoned on his last day in office. That has to be the worst pardon ever by a president of all time.

The Clinton's benefited tremendously afterward as Rich sent millions to the Clinton Foundation. Here is an article to refresh people's memory. I am sure the left on this site will justify it somehow.

I guess being a racist is so much worse than what Rich did, isn't it lefties.

4 points

As far as I know, the US government does not or rarely arrest anyone in a foreign country. The country that the fugitive is in is responsible for arresting someone and then extraditing them back to the USA.

If the crime occurred in a foreign country that country is the one that will prosecute them.

4 points

I guess the Founding Fathers could not envision 200 years later there would be idiots stupid enough to believe that everyone on the planet has our Constitutional rights. If they could have looked into the future they would have worded it differently so as to not confuse the ignorant.

2 points

Howard Dean said recently that anyone voting Republican in 2018 is a racist. No one on the left condemned those remarks, however, if a Republican leader said "anyone voting Democrat in 2018 is anti-American" the left would be up in arms.

The Democratic party in the party of hate and divide. Shameful.

2 points

It is only unusual punishment if it isn't done often enough. Do it enough times and there goes half of the Constitution on the issue. Now you are left with if it is cruel or not.

3 points

Trump pardons a sheriff and the left goes nuts, however, Obama frees 60 Gitmo terrorists, some who go back to the battlefield to kill American soldiers and the left doesn't say a word. I think we know where the lefts allegiance lies.

1 point

The mayor of London said EVERY major city has terrorists. Well, Tokyo needs to do their part and start importing terrorists. No sense having stupid white countries hoarding all of them. Liberals in the USA truly believe the more Muslims you let in the better the USA will be. Senator Tammy Duckworth wants to let in over a quarter of a million Syrians. It makes no sense to me.

1 point

So what if coal is not clean. The planet has been through far worse than humans using coal, and it always comes out fine. If you are talking about the health of humans through the use of coal, would it not be prudent to first ban tobacco, it has far greater health risks than coal will ever have. The left going after coal is not a winner for them, IMO.

3 points

You do know that there really are not any Islamic terrorist attacks due to Islam, don't you? I thought there were, then I read this from Obama who blames global warming for the attacks. All along I thought it was crazy Muslims to blame, now I know better. It's global warming. LOL obamaotherworldle.html

1 point

Their economy sucks because their culture sucks. I think everything through. How old are you. I hope like 12, because if you are an adult I really feel for the ones around you. Have a great day.

2 points

If all cultures are equal, why aren't people knocking down doors to get into Iraq, Somalia, and Venezuela? They are not equal, western culture is superior.

foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

So would sending them back to where they belong. Illegals cost US taxpayers between 85 and 99 billion every year.

foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

Considering you do not know me, that was a very ignorant comment to say that I do not know what collusion and inflation are. Where did I mention collusion, BTW.

foratag(257) Clarified
2 points

I was not talking about people in nursing homes. You should have been able to figure out that I meant people who are of working age and not incapacitated.

3 points

The problem with the Democrats is far too often they equate affordable with free. Just about everyone can afford to pay something every month for health care. Medicaid is abused by far too many. When states started making work mandatory for food stamps the rolls plummeted. The same would happen with Medicaid, make people work and the amount the governments spend would drop drastically.

2 points

I am assuming you have no problem with what Ukraine did with their collusion to help Hillary and the DNC defeat Trump. Ukraine's actions are far worse than anything Russia ever did as far as meetings are concerned. The left wing media does not ever mention it, as far as I know. Big surprise there.

foratag(257) Clarified
3 points

Just out of curiosity, how many of those 190 countries would have supported the Paris agreement if they had to send billions of dollars to other countries instead of inheriting billions.

If 189 countries told Uganda that they had to send billions of dollars to them I seriously doubt Uganda would have agreed to it. You can insert any country you please, but when you are bribed to agree with some thing it holds no value to me what they say. If the USA and China said we will cut our emissions to zero and save the planet, but every country on Earth has to send us as much money as possible, you will not find one country supporting global warming.

Put a million dollars in front of me to say I saw Bigfoot and produce phony evidence to back it up and I will. Money talks, and just about every country is going to benefit from this hoax financially.

foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

Sorry, but numerous scientists in that group of 97% have come out and said they do not belong on that list. There are so many flaws in that finding it is a joke.

The planet has been around for 4.5 billion years, I can assure you there is nothing wrong with it. It has been through much worse than humans and has always come out of every disaster without any problems. The planet is fine.

Wrong, but temperatures have risen MUCH faster many times in the past. Do your home work.

2 points

George Carlin said it all about the environment and global warming.

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