
Namenotgary's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Namenotgary's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I am a Christian and I eat kosher...............stupid 50 character maximum

1 point

For me, at least the existence of objective moral values and the existence of non physical things is evidence enough that we are not merely chemical accidents, but i would also need irrefutable evidence to change my belief system.

1 point

If there was irrefutable evidence that was directly contradicting my worldview, i would examine it and accept the truth, whatever it was.

1 point

No, considering the triunity of god it is translated as singular God, a plural one if you will, here is an example:

Deuteronomy 6:4

Hear o Israel, The Lord is our God, The Lord is one, Blessed be the name of his glorious kingdom for all eternity.

Now lets look at this in hebrew:

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad, Baruch Shem kvode alchuto la-olam va-ed.

The hebrew for one is echad, a plural one, such as a cluster of graped or a branch full of leaves, a singular one is yechad.

1 point

Facts would convince me. If you can provide me with HARD evidence of anything other than judaism/christianity, than i will see no reason to believe it. But until i see hard eveidence, creation and God makes the most sense.

1 point

In the beggining was the word (Jesus) and the Word was with God and the Word was God, he existed in the beggining with God.

We see here, in John 1:1 that Jesus is with God and he IS God. The word Elohim is reffering to the trinity. Also when esed with singular verbs and nouns elohim is a singular noun.

1 point

NONE of the variations among the translations affect important doctrines, plus we have very old manuscripts such as the deas sea scrolls, so their is no reason to believe that out modern Bible is any different than the original.

1 point

Science does not have a basis for these rules. Sorry if i have a problem with that.

1 point

This is a faulty argumet from you only taking the last senrance of my argument. Read and digest all of it.

1 point

Humanism, worship of self, the belief in man as the final authority, is essentially a religion and crutch in and of itself.

1 point

It requires false gods to exist. Therefore with your logic it nerds to explain those false gods.

Ok then. It does explain them. The bible claimes that some of his created beings (angels) of lower status than him and not true gods

Disobeyed him and were cast down to earth where people started to worship them.

It doesn't need to explain the origin of things we know exist just because it needs it to work. Does logic exist? Yes. So evolution works.

Right but without something upholding it, it could not exist.

1 point

This makes no sense.

No, according to the biblical worldview God created the rule of nature that things with beginnings must have causes, if God was defined by a rule he created he would have had to have come about after that law existed and therefor could not have created it.

It does not make sense to say God would hav had to have been created.

1 point

No, this is faulty logic. The definition of a contradiction is "A and B at the same time in the same relationship." This is "A and B at the same time and in a different relationship. So no contradiction.

1 point

Isaiah fifty-seven does not seem vague to me, to name one instance...

1 point

No my point is that God as creater would cease to be the creator if he was defined by his creation. It would not even make logical sense for him to have been creates. He has to be infinite.

1 point

That isn't true :

I fail to see where this article addresses uniformity.

It was written by former Jews about the Messiah that was not recognized by the Jews, and therefore became a separate religion.

First of all the writers of the New Testament were not "former" Jews, they stayed Jews, their is no biblical statements that say otherwise. The church has strayed from what christianity was meant to be, fulfilled Judaism. Jews do not have to stop being Jewish to become christians, they just have to eccept their own religion, i say this as a Jewish believer in Jesus (Yeshua).

1 point

Which is the very problem I am referring to. It is essentially theft, taking concepts that you did not create and passing them off as your own (not you personally, you as an abstract reference).

The point is that the biblical worldview gives an explanation for this, we have no record of this concept earlier that the Bible, so their is no reason to believe otherwise.

No. When the Old Testament was written (before it was referred to as such) it was a book of Judaism, but when the Bible was compiled (the Old and the New Testaments) it was Christian.

The New Testament was written by Jews about the Jewish messiah prophecied about in the Old testemant, it is still jewish.

Again, neither the Big Bang or Evolution claim to explain them, yet explanations for it exist without a god being present.

Please state them, because i have not heard any explanations for it apart from God that make sense.

Of course it does. I am saying that said issue is not addressed by anyone on either side of this. The difference is that Creationists claim to have an answer, where as "evolutionists" don't (seeing as how Evolution does not make claims about abiogenesis).

The creation worldview does address it wherease the evolutionary worldview does not, it is necessary for any theories existence, so it must be explained in a worldview.

And we are back to circular reasoning. "I believe god exists, therefore existence is proof that god exists".

This is not circular reasoning. Circular reasoning would be

Logic exists from God and God exists from, logic however logic is not the reason that God exists, it just attests to his existence.

That is simply untrue. Our concept of evolution could be true today and untrue tomorrow, the processes of evolution could change, etc. Some things in this existence appear to have uniformity, so far as we can tell, and other things do not. Our observations of existence most certainly do not have uniformity. As for the world, it is random and sporadic, and our understanding of it is far from complete. Other worlds, which do not appear to be random or sporadic (again, only to our understanding) are unfit for survival.

See, here is one of the main ways in which our arguments differ: I believe humans are inherently fallible, and thus any answer we try to create is fallible. To that extent, I do not believe we could possibly know if a God or Gods exist, and I certainly believe (though I do not know) that our attempts to explain God/God's have been wrong (see: Religions). I believe that most reasonable and responsible approach is to continue the scientific method, something that is more than happy to accept when we have been wrong and change our understanding of things based on new evidence. If legitimate evidence is found that evolution does not exist and we were divinely created, I would believe it. But simply trying to poke holes in our current understanding of evolution does not prove creation.

You must be confused as to exactly what uniformity i am talking about. I believe in the underlying uniformity which defines everyone, without this uniformity the scientific method would not even be possible, i do not believe in absolute uniformity which it seems as though you're assuming.

1 point

Wooow. Yea you are definitly reading into my question as i never stated that shakespear was God, was using him as an example to get a point across.

1 point

But if his nose stays the same then his statement will have been a lie.

2 points

LOLOL i think you're right!

Thatis the best answer i've heard

1 point

Microevolution is a scientific law

Macroevolution is an unconfirmed hypothesis.

1 point

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."-Galatians 3:28

Context is key, this is reffering to the kingdom of heaven.

"A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."- 1 timothy 2:11-12

This is talking about the kingdom of earth

1 point

What did he not fulfilled. As far as i am concerned he has fulfilled every single prophecy.

1 point

Because he fulfilled 353 prophecies. Think that is a coincedence?

1 point

Please give me the other possible answers. Even if there was an explanation for them coming into existence they still have to be upheld or they would be inconsistent.

1 point

Where in the content of Shakespears book Hamlet can i find Shakespear in?

1 point

Isn't one of the ten commandments that you should not worship any other gods before the real God? The biblical worldview does rely on other gods.

I am pretty sure this is obvious that it is talking about false gods, people who are idolized or entities that are made up.

It requires logic to exist since everything requires logic to exist. Why would it require logic to be explained?

Because it requires logic to exist. Without a higher power to create and uphold uniformity and logic, it would not even exist, it is standing on borrowed ground.

1 point

It is not my job to prove your point. If you don't provide evidence, you can't claim that I didn't actually look for it.

That isn't true at all. People who believe in evolution do have explanations for those things. It is not covered under evolution because it isn't a concept of evolution.

Go ahead i'll hear

If you are right, we would have seen something change, we didn't see anything change, therefore we have no reason to believe it. Can you think of an actual reason to believe it?

You are begging the question i asked you why the past reflects the present (uniformity) and you said because it always happened that way.

No, if humans didn't create it you wouldn't be able to describe it.

Which is irrelevant. So if humans did not create it i could be sitting here and not sitting here at the same time?

"Name one bit of knowledge you gained without using your senses."

How to proccess knowledge

1 point

And Benghazi, the sad thing is a lot of people have already said she would be good for this country.

1 point

I agree, i don't use the downvote feature for this reason, i would much rather adress the arguments

1 point

The biblical worldview does not require hindu gods.

The evolutionary view does require logic.

1 point

Just googled it. Nothing. Research complete.

A: you didn't even search

B:you ignored everything you found

Oh no, how terrible. The theory of gravity only describes gravity. Let's throw it out.

The evolutionary WORLDVIEW has no explanation for gravity or logic or any non-physical things.

No reason to believe otherwise. You imagining things to be different doesn't mean anything.

Why is there no reason to believe otherwise?

This is a construct created by humans.

That has to be the single dumbest thing i have ever heard, so if humans didn'y come up with it then it would be possible to have A and B at the same time in the same relationship?

Humans have senses. Most of us use our senses to observe things. No need for god.

You use more than just senses to gain knowledge.

1 point

How about at that prayer breakfast a few months back....he reffered to islam as "our" religion.

1 point

You obviously do not have an understanding of God, he must be true to himself or he would not be God. He has seversl attributes, Love, Justice, and Perfection.

He because of love he made a choice so that people can love him or choose not to. But as the ultimate ruler of the universe, he must also be true to his other attribute, justice by making a punishment for not obeying, and because of his attribute of perfection someone who is not perfect cannot enter his presence, noone is perfect so it seems we have lost hope. Not so. Because of his attribute of love he made a way out, the messiah Yeshua who died for our sins, in this way people only need to go to hell if they choose to and all his attributes are balanced.

1 point

No, i will tell you that 2 is just 1 and then another 1, only number is still 1

1 point

As I previously stated, these "Biblical grounds" predate Christianity, as well as monotheism. It's like saying that words are a Biblical concept just because they are in the bible.

well that is the definition of a Biblical concept :)

And i am not talking about christianity specifically, when the bible was written it was Judaism.

Biblical: of, relating to, or contained in the Bible.

Even if was known or observed before the bible does not change the fact that it was explained in the bible but not in the Big Bang or Evolution.

An issue that Creationists do not solve, as it ultimately boils down to "My belief has always existed, but yours can't have".

This does not really give a response to the statement you are replying to:

Of course evolutionists believe that there is more than just moving matter in the universe, the problem is how the non physical things got there.


Only if it actually is a presupposition, something this article in question consistently does over and over. Do you know what a presupposition is?

A presuppostion is something already assumed when you make a statement.

In the statement: The shark used its razor sharp teeth to rip through the fish's flesh.

I am assuming the shark has teeth

"The Bible says that god exists, and if god exists then god created the laws of logic, therefore if the laws of logic exist god exists" is circular in nature.

God exists, God created the laws of logic, the laws of logic are evidence of gods existence.

If i drew a picture, someone could determine through drawing style and stuff that i drew it, if i drew a picture i must exist the picture would not exist if i exist, i am necessary for the pictures existence.

The picture could not have drawn itself.

My statement:

If this were true then tomorrow two contradictory claims may be true at the same time. We have no way of knowing if things are constant.

Your statement:

Yes, that is true.

So if you are correct there is no reason why evolution could be true today and false tomarrow. If there was no underlying uniformity the world would be random and sporadic, and infit for survival.

1 point

I have officialy changed my position after reading some of the above posts. The only real number is 1.

1 point

Why is having no alternative to good a bad thing? Why would that choice be necessary or positive?

Because God wants people to WANT to follow him, it is their choice, if there was only one choice we would be robots without wills.

1 point

Wait, i though this was well known, knowledge?

At least some of the democrats are zombies, there May be one or two good ones.

1 point

Because superman is boss. And so is batman. And so is green lantern.

1 point

Messianic Judaism would be jewish and nonjewish believers in the jewish messiah, Yeshua. They keep kosher and they celerate the holidays that God said to celebrate perpetually such as passover. They do not call themselves christians because of anti-semitism in the reformation and the crusades.

1 point

Cats are good judges of character. Ther is a reason they hate you.

1 point

If it is an outside cat all you need to do is put food and water out, and a box to sleep in.

1 point

Cats, because they are much less work, i don't need to take them on walks.

1 point

Their is a starting point but no end point. It starts at one and goes on forever!!!

1 point

God created evil because he wanted humans to have a choice, if he had only created good their would be no alternative.

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