
Rajpadalia's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rajpadalia's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Creationism/ Intelligent design is not science, it is faith based religion. It cant be taught in schools. If you want to learn it or want your children to learn it, teach it to them yourself and let them decide. The classroom however is not a place to preach religion. Creationism has not been proven using the scientific method, therefore it is not a real science. Evolution, although it has not been completely proven, it has greater acceptance than religion in classrooms due to the fact that it has a substantial amount of scientific evidence, much more than religion.

There is no hypothesis to prove in religion, its just faith and ideas.

0 points

"i do not believe that we should teach evolution as fact when it has never ever been proved right, whereas the biblical accounts of many things have been proven right over the years"

This my friend, is where you are 100% mistaken. Youre an idiot. Although the theory of evolution as a whole has not been made a scientific law, it has however been backed up by many studies. If evolution were all false, then it wouldnt exist as such a popular theory as it is today. The bible however is based on religion. Separation of Church and state is what is fair. If you insist on teaching both, then we might as well teach every damn religion out there, not just Christianity. The Bible, Torah, Quaran, Bhagvat Gita, ... ect has its place, not in a science class, but a theology or religious theory class.

2 points

Youre making a very broad and ignorant generalization. Any body is ENTITLED to be offended by anything they want. Its ignorant beliefs that cause the problems in the world

2 points

Not the BEST MOVIE EVER OMG, but it was a very respectable, well thought-out film. The plot was flawless in my opinion and it gets better everytime you watch it. There are so many things going on and it all interconnects. It had some of the best acting as well, RIP Heath Ledger.

2 points

It depends of course

If Th3y RITE lykE Th1s

then by all means vote it down

but teh innocent spelling mistakes are fine

1 point

Denial of Global Warming to help big polluting corporations

WAR, just to get oil

His values are a little lopsided

3 points

Well, if you have given me the choice of Hitler or Bush, it would be Hitler of course!

Im sure all of you know of the atrocities that Hitler has caused with his wars and the Holocaust, so I wont discuss the obvious reasons I would like to have assassinated him

But although I am a liberal, democrat, I have respect for Bush. I think its depressing that people disagree with him when they do not have sufficient knowledge to hate him (they are simply jumping the anti-bush bandwagon). Sure I disagree with Bush's questionable policies, but c'mon... killl him?!

Isnt that what Hitler did? Kill those that dont agree with him?

People are bound to disagree, but the presidential office is a very dangerous, and difficult job, so we as citizens have to respect that

1 point

If I could commit a crime and get away with it....

I would probably be a vigilante. I would protect and uphold the social order that this society deserves but does not have. What stops most law enforcement is the fact that they also have to respect the rights of criminals and follow the law themselves. But if one were a vigilante, the process of justice would go much quicker. I wouldnt have to consult any courts to search, for example. But a drawback of course is the risk of becoming corrupt, which tends to happen when one is above the law.

If I had to commit another crime, it would probably be a robin-hood type of act = steal from the rich, give to the poor. I will of course distinguish the hard-working-fair rich people and the corrupt-greedy ones.

1 point

If you have respect for him and are financially able to give him a meaningful gift, go for it.

If not, a card will always suffice.

Gifts in the workplace are not only used because of the Christmas spirit, I think we all conscientiously (or not) give gifts to people because we want them to like us more. And if thats the case, there is no harm in that.

Because of the economic problems lately, it is possible that it was just wasnt feasible for a raise. My folks and some friends have gotten laid off at companies they have been working with for 10-20 years. =/

Im sure however, that a good well-thought-out gift at the right time will earn you a little extra boost at the workplace.

1 point

What an amazing, inspiring video

What we all need is unity

If we band together, even in small communities, then only, can this become a reality

1 point

Why do you write G_d, instead of God?

1 point

He was born in Hawaii, what is there to argue. Hawaii is part of US territory, therefore he is a citizen. And hes president-elect now anyway, this debate is essentially over

0 points

Its not morally wrong at all. Its the smoker's decision how they want to live their life and what values they hold. As long as you be polite and civil about smoking around other people, its perfectly ok.

2 points

Oh there are definitely other beings, probably more intelligent, in outer space. And i think that we will encounter them soon, if not in the next 200 years or so.

3 points

Some people in this world are sick and they DO deserve to die. Society doesnt accept these kinds of people and it will only create unsettling tension if they were still alive. Murderers, rapists, ect. that are completely engulfed in crime probably can not be "cured" by treatment. Why should we waste tax dollars to keep these creeps alive? So they can eat, sleep, and cause more trouble, even in jail. Jails are becoming more overcrowded than ever. NO, dont criticize the justice system (even though it is flawed, but thats another debate) for prosecuting too many people. The simple solution to keep the jail numbers down is execution to the people that truly deserve it.

1 point

Who are we as humans to decide whether another should live or die. We are basically committing the same sin as we are reprimanding. Sure, I know some people are sick and will never change with psychological treatment. And when those people commit sick crimes that are unforgivable to society, they may deserve to die. But I think giving someone the chair or injecting them to die is kinda helping them. Its an easy way out of jail. Some people in jail for life want a way out, they attempt suicide regularly. Helping them die is helping their wishes. After all, in jail, specifically death row, youre not human. You are told when to talk, walk, sleep, eat. There is nothing you can control by yourself, except of course, when to escape through death. (suicide).

1 point

def. 100% veggies on this one

fruits are too sweet

4 points

I would ignore the cheater and not tell the administration/teachers. Telling on the person can cause serious consequences and may even ruin their lives. I would never want to be responsible for that. I would talk to the cheater directly and tell him that his cheating has got to stop and I would tell him the ramifications of his actions as well as the risk and dishonesty. He/She would never get anywhere in life if they always took the dishonest/easy way out.

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