
Supremepizza's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Supremepizza's arguments, looking across every debate.

I'm just curious as to where you got these statistics from?

I just want to know if what I'm debating is actually true or not before I engage.

References please.


How does the word "noob" even relate?

What are you, 12?

The way you've worded this it looks like you think religious women would somehow be more likely to give you the truth when asking a them question...


supremepizza(846) Clarified
1 point

I question why this posted twice...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear-

Oh, oops, that's not right....

If you're neutral what the hell is the point in contributing anyway?

Redundancy is the only purpose, and something a great deal of this site's users apply a great deal too often.

Like, legit?

That's your argument?

You are joking right...?

The jist of what I managed to translate from your strange and unique language is that you think pedos are made.


They are born that way, just like homosexuals are born that way.

It kinda hurts to try to read the rest of what you wrote, so I shall leave it there.

If you read my argument you would see that I was actually making fun of myself by saying that.

Now you just look like a huge cunt (:

Satanism encourages unrest and encourages chaos in humanity.


Where would you rather write in the light or in the dark?


Satanism is like eat now pay later. But once you have eaten, you will have to pay... forever.

Are you fucking serious? You're trolling right?

It is because Satanism does not promise salvation.

No, because we don't believe in magical sky genies.

You're too retarded for me to warrant further further discussion with you.

Anyone who knows anything about this site knows I'm the token Satanist.

Therefore the real discussion is "Supremepizza vs Christianity"

Therefore I win the ego award.

Here is my rebuttal.

Supporting Evidence: Here is my rebuttal. (

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