
Whatever19's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Whatever19's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Schools are going to get rid of everything, they've already gotten rid of actually learning anything in school and important curriculum that could actually help you. They should create a class called "You might not make anything of yourself even if you do finish school because the economy is in the shiter."

3 points

Is the point of being voted up to help your bruised ego when people vote you down. If that's the case... vote for me! Vote for me!

0 points

Then the world would be even more boring then it already is, if you want to have someone agree with your opinion all the time then talk to yourself outloud all day (which i'm not so sure you dont already do).

1 point

Pagans are just as obnoxious, over-opinionated, and hateful as the extremists in christianity and other religions

1 point

Really, did he just hire a group of his college buddies, and then they all sat around with a beer and called americans dumb-asses for voting for him.

1 point

What the hell! She killed somone she only came forward with it beacuse she figured she was close to dying, put the wrinkled hag in jail for that last year of her life.

1 point

The ages of children giving birth to babies is getting younger and younger. I think it's okay for a group to hang out maybe get your first kiss at that age. But, when children begin playing adult games, they end up with adult responsibilities.

1 point

In the U.S. if i were made illegal that wouldn't stop the demand for it, it would instead raise up a new wave of mobsters who would go around terrorizing cities again selling guns at staggering prices. whilst they would be getting rich, people would end up dead.

1 point

Religion was not founded on bigotry and death it has been human kind who has warped religion and made it into something ugly, like we do with most things. No amount of technology or advancement is really going to improve the simple nature of stupidity, and the animalistic nature of violence. All of human kind would have to be eliminated to do that.Really you kind of sound like an apocalyptic nut job with all that computer stuff, been watching too may sci-fi movies lately?

2 points

I'm all for people expressing their opinions and beliefs in anything, hell run around naked and be a nudist for all i care. All i can say is that religion isn't going away, people seem to need some sort of belief to cling to in all the bullshit, some hope; and atheists need their hatred of religion to cling onto. So keeping religion around is a win-win situation.

What I do think should be eliminated is all the people screaming words of hatred, murdering, and being unaccepting all in the name of God; when that goes directly against all the commandments and teachings of God.

0 points

From observing and living with both sides there is simply different mannerisms. I'm saying that some black people over exaggerate the way they speak in order to fit into the predominate race group where they live. People that talk unbelievably ghetto annoy me too.

So who would it be racist against, because the fun thing is that you dont know what race i am.

1 point

Maybe the better debate would have been do people that talk like valley girls just to fit in annoy you.

0 points

Thanks for the friggin book, i doubt that many people want to sit and read the damn dramatic story of your salvation. It's almost as long as the bible.

1 point

I'm somewhat of a christian, but i would say that even true stories can have some faulty notes behind it to make it more interesting. God didn't write the bible, a bunch of dusty guys wearing dresses and sandals did.

1 point

No, but i do wish that life will end for that idiot that keeps predicting it, and the news stations that keep listening to that bull.


When it does happen he's gon be like "Shit, I didn't see that coming." (Duh)

1 point

It can enhance beauty, but you dont have to look at someones brains all day, so if they're unattractive their intelligence wont help.

1 point

No, straight marriage isn't the shining example of what relationships should be.

1 point

Damn that's extreme, just act like he was adopted into the family.

1 point

Batman is just some rich dude that wants to dress up in a dark black suit and a cape, he has no powers. I think he may have some childhood issues. I dont much care for superman either, but at least he can fly or somethin.

1 point

dudes usually want the girls that are hot, and without combative opinions, and the other women want male attention.

2 points

If i want to eat greasy food until i get sick and fat that's my perogative.

1 point

Douchebags are intially more attractive, but as i've seen the smiley outgoing dudes get girls too (the wholesome smiley girls). By douchebags i mean guys that just expect the pussy to come to them, and usually it happens.

1 point

what other reason is there to drink alcohol is nasty as hell, why not go till you cant taste it!

1 point

What the hell can you do. I found out both of my brothers were in jail by google. shrug and say fuck it.

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