
Debate Info

Hysterical Looney tune
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Hysterical (1)
 Looney tune (5)

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AlphaBowser(87) pic

$100 million to cover 600,000 people. Anyone got a calculator?


Side Score: 1

Looney tune

Side Score: 5
1 point

$100 million to cover 600,000 people. Anyone got a calculator?

Hello AB:

Yeah.. I got one.. It comes to $167 if everybody made a claim.. It's $333 if half of 'em do. It's $666 if a quarter get sick.. It's $1,600 for doctor visits if 10% of 'em need a doctor, and it's 10's of $1,000's if a few of 'em get really sick..



Side: Hysterical
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Nice. So everyone gets one preventative care visit and then all the money is gone for follow up. Do you only pay $167 annually for your coverage?

Side: Hysterical
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

You get a bottle of Tylenol and a cavity search. No coverage after that. Sound nice?

Side: Looney tune
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

Yeah.. I got one.. It comes to $167 if everybody made a claim.. It's $333 if half of 'em do. It's $666 if a quarter get sick.. It's $1,600 for doctor visits if 10% of 'em need a doctor, and it's 10's of $1,000's if a few of 'em get really sick..

Cool. A few things...

1)If it's free, won't the rest with insurance drop their coverage?

2)If it costs more than $100 million, what then?

3)Where's NY getting $100 million to spend on it?

4)If NY has $100 million extra, what have they been doing with it all this time?

5)If they can't pay the doctors, then what? The doctors fit the bill? What a waste of 8 years of medical school....

Side: Looney tune
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

and it's 10's of $1,000's if a few of 'em get really sick..

Treating a few cancer patients will drain that cash pot within days.

Side: Looney tune
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

I say we all head that way and get our one free visit before the tax paying New Yorkers get seen. Ya get around that imperialist New York privilege...

Side: Looney tune

"The premise is that it will be more cost-effective to give people regular medical care than to rely on hospital emergency rooms to treat serious health problems that could have been addressed at far less expense earlier."


Side: Looney tune