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 19 shot across Chicago in first 12 hours of Halloween Weekend (21)

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DBCooper(2194) pic

19 shot across Chicago in first 12 hours of Halloween Weekend

The weekend’s first killings happened about 10:20 p.m. Friday at a Back of the Yards gas station. Chiquita Ford and Brian Fields, both 30, were sitting in a vehicle at the station in the 1900 block of West Garfield when a gunman walked up and fired at them, hitting the woman in the side and the man in the chest.
Six people were killed during a 12-hour rash of violence that saw 19 people shot across the city to start Halloween weekend.At least 12 more people were wounded in other shootings between 4:45 p.m. Friday and 2 a.m. Saturday. A 14-year-old boy was the latest homicide victim early Saturday. Gun violence continues on the streets of Chicago and the Lame Stream Media will not cover any of it.

Will more gun laws stop the lawless from killing people on the streets of Chicago ? Why is it Democrats will not address the gun violence taking place in Chicago ?
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Too many bums hanging around, it's bum control we need.


To acknowledge the problem would be to acknowledge the folly of gun control and the failure of liberalism, so they try to sweep it aside. Thanks to the blackout in the MSM, they have been largely successful.

1 point

Chicago is the perfect example to show gun laws aren't for the lawless but the law abiding.

That is not even arguable at this point.

2 points

It is better to have some extent of laws regarding guns rather than making them even more easily attainable not-via "black market."

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Criminals don't follow any gun laws ! You are aware of that right ?

Thanks for the facts once more. If we left it up to anti gun Liberals like Hillary, people would actually believe that more gun control measures would have an impact. They do not as we constantly see in city's with the most strict gun control laws.

If you like your freedoms to own guns, you are out of you mind if you vote for these extremist Democrats. Their ultimate goal is to take your guns.


2 points

If you understood the actual situation, you would know that Chicago's gun problem is actually a problem with Indiana. Which is why national regulation is completely different than trying to just institute gun control within one city.

cownbueno(407) Disputed
1 point

You do know where the majority of illegally obtained weapons in Illinois come from right? Do you research anything before commenting on it or is your baseless opinion only present so as to have something validated by another imbecile?

1 point

Are you sure it wasn't just Jason Vorhees getting shot 19 different times? Because that's OK. That dude just keeps getting back up and hacking away. Same with Michael Myers.

Hey, both those dudes are white. What was I thinking?

Oh wait, could it be the anti Black Lives Matter argument that more whites are shot by police than blacks can actually be discredited by how many of the white shooting statistics were simply Jason and Michael taking thousands of rounds? There we go. A cogent theory is coming together.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

The weekend’s first killings happened about 10:20 p.m. Friday at a Back of the Yards gas station. Chiquita Ford and Brian Fields, both 30, were sitting in a vehicle at the station in the 1900 block of West Garfield when a gunman walked up and fired at them, hitting the woman in the side and the man in the chest.

Six people were killed during a 12-hour rash of violence that saw 19 people shot across the city to start Halloween weekend.At least 12 more people were wounded in other shootings between 4:45 p.m. Friday and 2 a.m. Saturday. A 14-year-old boy was the latest homicide victim early Saturday.

Facts are hard truth are they not !

-1 points

sorry fam i had to shoot a few crips my nigga they were messing with a nigga had to clap that spic fuz