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Go to war over it Talk about it
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Go to war over it (2)
 Talk about it (6)

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excon(18262) pic

A minority of 80 million people BELIVE Biden stole the election. What do we do about it?

Go to war over it

Side Score: 2

Talk about it

Side Score: 6
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1 point

Try to use the intervening time between now and the next election to iron-out all or any voting process flaws, real of perceived.

It is essential that confidence in the democratic process is re-established and the opportunities for fraud are reduced to a minimum.

One such measure would be to follow the procedures of most of the other free democratic nations of the world, one of which is the legal requirement for all voters to have an acceptable form of I.D, before they are issued with a ballot card and allowed to vote.

Why is it deemed here in the U.S., that such a clearly effective anti-voting fraud measure would be RAYYYYCIST?

Most European countries have large, non-white ethnic groups who are eligible to vote, but all of whom must produce satisfactory I.D. they're allowed to do so.

Side: Talk about it
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

one of which is the legal requirement for all voters to have an acceptable form of I.D, before they are issued with a ballot card and allowed to vote.

Hello P:

Voter ID is a GOOD idea.. I support it 100%. When a person registers, he should be given a voter ID card which the voter can present when he votes..

The problem is, the state DOESN'T provide an acceptable ID. He must present his own, and SOME people don't have that.. Now, right wingers say that EVERYBODY has ID because you need ID to buy beer.. That COULD be true, but not everybody drinks beer.. Not everybody drives. Not everybody can afford to BUY the required ID. Therefore, SOME people will be prevented from voting.. And, those people tend to be poor, black and Democrats.

In the past voter suppression efforts like this have been struck down.. Why?? Because SOME people didn't have an IQ high enough to warrant a ballot.. And. SOME people were unable to count the balls in the jar, so they couldn't vote either.

This COULD be easily solved if the state provided the required ID.. But, they don't.. Why?


Side: Go to war over it
Pench(841) Disputed
1 point

Could be wrong, but as I recall there are 8 States that provide their citizens with free I.Ds.

This is what I meant when I stated that disputed voting procedures should be addressed, and HOPEFULLY redressed before the next election.

If not, this alleged loophole for fraudulent voting practises will continue to be a bone of contention and a cause for rabble rousing/racial incitement in the run-up to, during the voting process, and after the next election.

One thing's for sure. If we don't get our shit together before 2024 WE'D ALL BETTER START TO LEARN CHINESE.


Side: Talk about it
BrontoLite(759) Disputed
1 point

I'm all for California and New York providing free IDs, but we both know the Democratic Party has no interest in forcing their voters to prove who they are or whether they can even legally vote.

Side: Talk about it
1 point

I think the rest must be educated and be taught that yes, democrats stole the elections by doing fraud.

It is fair the whole country to be aware of what happened.

Side: Talk about it
1 point

Did Trump win? Yes he did. Did Biden lose but cheated through the election through corruptive officials? Yes. Will we go to war or will we talk about it? We sit down and talk about it. Thing is, democrats hate to admit their mistakes and sins. Kennedy's democrats were good but today's democrats have fallen from grace and common sense. Republicans have shown truthful patriotic acts on the other hand. Biden has shown to be incompetent and has led the country to chaos. The truth about Biden is that he has done many negative things to destroy America. Trump has done many positive things such as creating jobs, negotiating with countries etc etc etc. Biden is clearly trying to destroy what the Founding Fathers of 1776 built. Just IMAGINE OKAY. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S GHOST SHOWING UP IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND SLAPPING BIDEN SEVEN TIMES HENCE! I believe one of Trump's goals is to help the Chinese people out of their situation due to the oppression of the CCP in China. It's more reasonable than bombing that country and killing millions. It is the commies of the Chinese govt who needs to be held responsible. The people of China must be liberated. So learn Mandarin and Cantonese to support the Chinese people, especially those who have moved to the states or Canada and tell them you DO NOT SUPPORT THE COMMIES.

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