
Debate Info

Abortion should stay legal Abortion should not be legal
Debate Score:39
Total Votes:63
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 Abortion should stay legal (17)
 Abortion should not be legal (14)

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figgivuly(28) pic


Should abortion be legal in all cases without restriction?

Abortion should stay legal

Side Score: 22

Abortion should not be legal

Side Score: 17

Im prochoice because I believe that life begins at birth and that women have needs too.

Side: Abortion should stay legal

yes and so should cannibalism...there is no reason why you should be able to eat a cow or chicken and i cant eat the next door neighbor. its not like humans are an endangered fact they should be thought of as the deer overpopulation and we should at least have one month per year to hunt and eat them. :P

Side: Abortion should stay legal
Centifolia(1319) Clarified
1 point

It is legal, but frowned up.

No one will arrest anyone for eating human flesh; unless it was committed out of murder or you dug up a grave without permission from the family.

Side: Abortion should stay legal
1 point

we should at least have one month per year to hunt and eat them.

I'll take the first part of that deal. You are what you eat, after all.

Side: Abortion should stay legal

If someone is a strict constructionist who interprets the Constitution word for word, the sanction for abortion is given under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment of our U.S. Constitution defines a citizen “a citizen” at birth. If a woman is carrying a fetus in the womb, the U.S. Constitution does not designate the fetus as “a citizen.” It would take an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to declare a fetus a citizen. You have to be born in order to be recognized as a citizen. Therefore, a woman does have the right to choose. A fetus inside the womb is not designated as a citizen according to the U.S. Constitution so by default is not entitled to life, liberty, or prosperity. You have to be born in order to be endowed with those privileges. To conclude, neither the Federal government nor any of the States can deny a woman the right to choose.

If abortion is murder, abortion would have been terminated years ago due to the cruel and unusual punishment clause under the Eighth Amendment. Again, proof that a fetus is not recognized as a citizen of the United States of America.

Side: Abortion should stay legal
-1 points


Side: Abortion should stay legal
2 points

abortion is killing a fetus

a fetus will is a future-baby.

killing a baby of any kind is wrong.

therefore killing a fetus is wrong

if this fact are true then then abortion is wrong

Side: Abortion should not be legal
1 point

Abortion and its grim reality to intentionally take the life of an innocent human being is murder in the first degree . . . . science has concluded that a new human life begins from the moment of conception .. and here is what God says about abortion

Side: Abortion should not be legal
The_bluecoat(1) Disputed
0 points

No one cares about what god has to say about abortion. Religion is personal and shouldn't be used to interfere with other people's lives. You can hold on to your own faith and live in accordance to the rules that go with it but, don't force them upon others.

Side: Abortion should stay legal
dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

Just as you force your ideology of death on an innocent helpless unborn child BabyPicturesAbortionPhotos/Enlargement.cfm?ID=45 << and God stores his wrath

Side: Abortion should not be legal
0 points

Are you man enough to answer my questions yet? .

Supporting Evidence: Questions for prolifers. (
Side: Abortion should stay legal
SonGoku1(40) Banned
1 point

So do you like killing and murder huh???

Rape aint a excuse

A baby is a new born. You can sell it or put it to adoption. Abortion is a sin and it is bad because people die from abortion or go to jail. Abortion shall remain illegal. What did the baby do to you?? It is the rapist that shall be punished

Side: Abortion should not be legal
0 points

Anyone who would force a woman to have her rapist's baby is disgusting and no better than a rapist.

Side: Abortion should stay legal
SonGoku1(40) Disputed Banned
0 points

But still is it correct to kill someone who is only new to the world and you killed the baby for no reason just because you got raped. I know how it is for a women to get raped I know how hard it is and how painful it is but.... Why kill something that hasn't even set foot into the world. Also couples have babies and plan on taking abortion. They just kill the baby for no reason.

Side: Abortion should not be legal
1 point

Without restrictions? That woupd be problematic. I don't see why one should be allowed to abort potential life simply because they didn't think they would get pregnant. Also without restrictions does that imply that any restriction upon a particular trimester of development is irrelevant to the abortion?

Side: Abortion should not be legal
dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

"why one should be allowed to abort potential life" .... it's not "potential life" .... it's LIFE ..

Side: Abortion should stay legal
Paradox44(736) Disputed
1 point

I agree, but my opinions don't become the definitive rule for abortion. What exactly are you arguing for the purpose of debate?

Side: Abortion should not be legal
SonGoku1(40) Clarified Banned
0 points

I agree life is important no one should give up a life just because they are pregnant with a baby

Side: Abortion should stay legal