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 Again the controlling right taking our freedom to choose who we marry. (36)

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Sitar(3680) pic

Again the controlling right taking our freedom to choose who we marry.

I have no idea why the right wants to force their bigoted antigay beliefs on other people. Same sex couples have the right to gert married.

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2 points

The right thinks marriage is something that started thanks to religion and because of the Bible is only between a man and a woman. But what they don't realize (because they refuse to ever listen to sound logic) is that marriage isn't even a construct of organized religion. And the fight for same sex marriage in the US is over the legality of it only. It's not a fight to get the catholic church to start recognizing same sex marriages.

Honestly, I think opposition to same sex marriage is just a veiled form of homophobia; obviously conservative politicians can't outright denounce homosexuality as a whole if they want to get reelected.

1 point

Thank you. I am bisexual, so your support means a lot. I used to oppose same sex marriage, but I found

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
2 points

Kudos - I support gay marriage, too and I'm only half-bi ;)

1 point

Do you understand what right-wing means? It doesn't mean someone who is strictly religious. In America you all seem to understand the word as meaning that but that isn't what it means at all. You can be right-wing and Atheist. You can be right-wing and be a militant supporter of Gay Rights. I am a Gay Atheist and I am extremely right-wing. I am a border-line fascist.

I am so glad in Europe we understand what political ideologies actually mean. In the Netherlands the far-right politician Geert Wilders is an agnostic who wants to punish those who threaten gays. Also in France the National Front is popular with gays. In the UK it was a conservative government that legalized gay marriage. It really upsets me to see all right-wingers being tarnished with the same brush as those who abide in America.

However I completely agree with you that those who oppose same sex marriage are homophobics. I hate them all and quite frankly hope for them to die.

1 point

Unfortunately for America, the vast majority of conservatives are also god fearing christians. I don't know anything about politics across the ocean and because of that my statements weren't referring to European conservatives. And yes, I'm sure there are non-religious conservatives even in America, but those who oppose gay rights and equal marriage laws are almost certainly homophobic, and more often than not this is the direct result of their religious beliefs.

Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

Right wingers want to tell everyone what to do. They want to tell gays what to do, for example.

1 point

Have you seen people on the Left who oppose gay marriage rights? You have shown that a few right-wing people are reasonable, but are there people on the Left who are homophobes?

Astac(242) Clarified
1 point

Over in England you are all left wingers when compared to American politics. Most people in England are ok with some level of socialized services. Heck even your Conservative party us more like the American liberal than the American Conservative

1 point

I have no idea why you are lying. Can you tell us why you are such an ignorant intolerant bigot

1 point

More irony.

Same-Sex couples do have every right to marry and the Constitution has provided "the pursuit of happiness" clause as a back-up.