
Debate Info

Peace War
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:34
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 Peace (15)
 War (17)

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An Ideal World

What do you think about an ideal world. Will absolute peace and happiness make this world a better place? Or do we need war to keep a balance?


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 18
1 point

Peace is attainable. Any life form is the reality of "universal principle", and universal principle is "wanting to live peacefully".. Ergo, the status quo of living peacefully is the "only" status quo that's acceptable.

Side: Peace
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

If this were true then war would never have existed to begin with.

Side: War
Mariel33(456) Disputed
1 point

Why should war contradict what I've said? All life forms being "universal principle" doesn't have to mean the negation of war whatsoever. Just because somebody is universal principle doesn't mean that somebody else will be able to recognise that truth.

The point is to expose all life forms as that truth - thus negating war.

The global status quo is the absence of mutualism.

Side: Peace
1 point

Well, I chose this side of the debate because I DO think Peace is attainable. And I do NOT think that war is necessary. It is not. But I do NOT think that all violent strife and conflict will ever end permanently in our world.

Oh, we might have times--even years-long stretches-- of relative world peace, but there will always be hot spots in the World. Brief, and sometimes not-so-brief flare ups of violence and war.

As long as religion is around, for example. It has been a primary factor in history for violence and killing and death and war. Eradicate religion like the Deadly Virus it is, and you have taken a major step in curtailing future global conflicts.

Sadly, it is hardwired into our DNA to be aggressive. And our evolved brains have lent us susceptible to egotism and greed. And fear. Power Mongering. The strong will always try to oppress and harm the weak if they can prosper is some way by doing so. This aspect of the human condition will likely never change.

I do NOT believe, as some advocates of Social Darwinism think, that ware is a necessary winnowing method that keeps over-population in check. That's BS in my book. But I also feel that everlasting permanent World Peace and Happiness is little more than a Utopian pipe dream.

Peace out, y'all.


Side: Peace
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

As long as religion is around, for example. It has been a primary factor in history for violence and killing and death and war. Eradicate religion like the Deadly Virus it is, and you have taken a major step in curtailing future global conflicts.

Religion has very rarely been the primary and exclusive cause of violence, killing, and war. Even the crusades had underlying motives - money, politics, etc. - which were at least as strong if not stronger than the religious justification that was given. Some of the deadliest conflicts in human history had little to nothing to do with religion at all - WWI and WWII, for instance, or countless genocides motivated by race/ethnicity.

Sadly, it is hardwired into our DNA to be aggressive. And our evolved brains have lent us susceptible to egotism and greed. And fear. Power Mongering. The strong will always try to oppress and harm the weak if they can prosper is some way by doing so. This aspect of the human condition will likely never change.

Why is this sad?

Side: War
1 point

I find it sad because it does not bode well for the chance of us homo sapiens ever attaining a lasting World Peace.

Sometimes I think our brains are over-evolved for our own good. For example, religion and the need for non-existent gods is seen as an undesirable by-product of our evolved frontal lobes by many neuro-biologists and psychiatrists.

I have been getting into some Zen meditation and in doing so have been reading about how our brain very strongly resists being still. Quiet. It is always scanning, scheming, worrying, plotting. The Zen guys call this "the monkey mind" and it is certainly the main roadblock in attaining effective meditative practices.

So I am reminded, as a Biologist, how the lesser primates and other animals are not afflicted with this. So I then wonder if we would not have been better off if our minds had stopped evolving about 50,000 years ago. Right around the time when we homo sapiens left Africa and met-up--and vanquished--Neanderthal man in Europe.

Food for thought.


Side: War

We need war, but not the ones that are too violent. We need arguments to prove points. We can't just say that this game is good and yet it is terrible. Despite this is a DEBATE website with WARS of what is the right answer.

To make it short; Only debates should exist and some peace.

Side: War
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

In other words, you do not support the side you just posted on at all. Debates are not wars.

Side: Peace
WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

No, I said that you will need to talk about things to get to peace, however if a debate lasts long or is being too aggressive, it will be a war.

Side: Peace
1 point

I am a realist, not an idealist. I do not think there is such a thing as an "ideal" world, nor do I believe in "progress" or the collective "betterment". I do think that conflict always has been, is, and will continue to be present among our species. Not that there cannot be concurrent peace, of course, but I opt to post on the seemingly less naive side.

Side: War
1 point

From competition spawns excellence. The very computer and internet that led to this debating site was a result of World War 2 code breaking tactics that would never have been invented by Alan Turing had it not been for war.

The best inventions all spawned either from direct war or indirect economic rivalry between nations and/or regions.

Side: War
Nana-llama(44) Clarified
1 point

But do you really believe that that means we shall continue with war?

Side: Peace
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

No, I believe that a world of all peace is inferior to a world of all war but both are inferior to a world of a mix.

Side: Peace
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Do you think that such developments would never happen without the competition incentive, or merely that they would happen later? If the latter, do you think that the time factor outweighs the costs of militarized competition? What value do such developments have when compared to, say, social stability, national sovereignty, human life, etc. Effectively, what am I curious about is how the benefit you have observed weighs out in a cost-benefit analysis.

I also wonder if militarized conflict would be necessary or if it would be adequate to rely upon other competitive instruments, such as the economy or something else altogether (e.g. fame, legacy, etc.). If the means is non-unique to the ends why should it be preferred rather than opposed?

For the record, I think the question somewhat moot since I think we will always have conflict. Pacifism is naive.

Side: Peace
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

No, the answer is no to everything you asked.

Side: War

You can't have an ideal without something to compare it to. If there is no competition then there will be continued complacency. While a world filled with pointless war is indeed pointless, I take this context of war to mean competition and rivalry. Both are needed to continue improving the world.

Side: War
Jace(5211) Disputed
2 points

How does that follow? A person with not memories who experiences joy would still experience the joy. They would still seek to repeat that experience because it feels good. An opposite experience is not necessary to experience a different experience.

"We need suffering to appreciate and know our joy" is just a placative bit of unfounded nonsense to help people cope with the injustice of the world.

Side: Peace
WastingAway(340) Disputed
1 point

Not once did I say "We need suffering to appreciate and know our joy," my argument here is not at all that suffering is necessary for an ideal world. In fact I'm inclined to believe that you didn't read my argument at all. My argument is that COMPETITION (i.e. war) is needed to improve and achieve a more ideal world. Because a world where nothing improves (i.e. a world with only peace) would indeed be the OPPOSITE of an ideal world. A world where there is no improvement and only repetition is the death of the human experience.

Not only that, the underlying assumption of your argument is that joy is the only thing to define an ideal world. This is simply not true, an ideal world is not exclusively happiness (that is not to say that happiness isn't good). An ideal world (at least for me) is one where curiosity and innovation thrive, where we are constantly improving, and where we get the full human experience to expand and evolve to become better. Not just one where everyone is always happy.

Side: War
1 point

Peace is virtually unattainable and will never be attainable. This is based on the principles of jealousy and greed. We as humans engage in conflict amongst ourselves because of the desire for more natural resources and land. Another reason is because conflict is in human nature and because the only way peace can happen is through the Revelation of Jesus Christ or through the extinction of mankind through nuclear war or some other cataclysm.

Side: War