
Debate Info

Children Adoption
Debate Score:48
Total Votes:56
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 Children (16)
 Adoption (13)

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dingdong(39) pic

Are gay marriages worth less overall to the state?


Side Score: 31


Side Score: 17
4 points

Gays are quite valuable to the state. We are in a situation where overpopulation is becoming a problem, most gays do not reproduce, rather, they adopt, reducing the monetary burden on the state of caring for orphan or unwanted children. Then there's the part very important to conservatives and most of the rest of U.S., they reduce abortion, the divorce rate (it seems), "wife beatings" and the cost of policing them. They MIGHT be worth MORE than the "regular" ones.;-)

Side: Children
dingdong(39) Disputed
3 points

What about most of the western world where under-population and ageing population is becoming commonplace?

Side: Adoption
Atrag(5666) Clarified
3 points

Ah yes underpopulation. I assume you support mass immigration then right? Anyway....

Yes there is a problem of the baby boomers retiring and needed support. But think your solution though.. we have more children now to support them.. then who supports them when they get older? We then have to increase birth rate again? And again? No.. The long term solution is to have less children.

Side: Children
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

There is no place on this world that is not affected by OVER population. The result of THAT will, eventually, be UNDER population. A global warming of 10 degrees will facilitate that, totally.

Side: Children
1 point

Wait..., what?

What percentage of married gays have adopted children?

What percentage of married heteros have adopted children?

Put another way, what percentage of married gays are childless VS. heteros?

Just asking ;)

Side: Children
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I don't have the exact numbers, but, a lot% is close ... just saying ;-)

Side: Children
excon(18262) Banned
2 points

Hello d:

The state has no interest in weather a marriage is composed of gay or straight people...


Side: Children
dingdong(39) Disputed
1 point

One is much more useful to their future working generation than the other.

Side: Adoption
excon(18262) Disputed Banned
1 point

One is much more useful to their future working generation

Hello again, ding:

The "state" has NO future generation.. It's an inanimate entity..

What are you trying to say?


Side: Children
2 points

There are a lot of children that need adoption. If you're pro-life, you can't reasonably be against adoption...and gay couples have limited options. They're the perfect candidates for adoption.

Side: Adoption

It is irrelevant how many Gay people live in a nation because the numbers are too few to have an impact.

The problem is when it becomes a political tool of the Left, and the activism starts transforming a nation's laws to further their agendas.

Straight people do not fear a few percent Gay population. What every nation should fear is when some Leftwing activists start influencing an entire Democrt party, and start changing our culture to fit the whims of any particular sexual orientation.

These past decades have shown the slippery slope of social engineering. Our family unit (the bed rock of any nation) is falling apart due to political correctness.

No longer can we state the obvious biological norms whereby marriage is between a woman and man, and that children should be raised by a mother and father.

If you even suggest such a thing, the Bg Brother PC thought police will label you a HOMOPHOBE!

They will shame you, ridicule you, sue you, until you tow the political correct way of thinking.

No longer can we state the obvious of our TWO BIOLOGICAL GENDERS, male and female.

The Left's fixation on this political correct madness is creating a complete meltdown in our family unit.

We have record numbers of broken homes, children being raised with no fathers or mothers, welfare roles filled with unwed mothers, etc. etc.

This is not something to embrace. It's something to fear because Government has proven worthless and unable to play mothers or fathers. We are 20 trillion in debt playing that losing battle.

The family unit between a man and woman as always been the bedrock of society, and we are witnessing what happens when the Left starts socially engineering their political correct version of a family.

Side: Adoption
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
2 points

Aren't some Righties using them as a political tool to change the nation's laws when they try to make it illegal for them to have a marriage or union? When Righties try to make it illegal for them to adopt children? That children should be raised by a mother AND a father is your own ideology and you have no problem using your personal belief as a tool to create laws as well so don't think for a second that you aren't guilty of what you just accused Lefties of doing.

It does not matter the gender of the parents so long as they love their children, both biological and adopted. Denying an orphan the ability to have a loving family because you don't agree with the lifestyle isn't something to rejoice over.

Side: Children