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Debate Score:14
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TheAshman(2298) pic

Are secular societies better

There is a debate raging at the moment that has linked Atheism with Depression and Suicide, whilst there have been studies that have showed this link to be correct that is not the whole truth.  Studies have proven that within religious societies Atheists tend to suffer more from depression with higher suicide rates, in secular societies atheists and religious people are equally as happy as each other which makes me think that it is not the lack of belief that is the cause.  Bearing this in mind would it not be better if religious societies were done away with and replaced with secular societies where people are free to follow religion or not


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 6
1 point

I'm not sure what you mean by "religious societies". I will grant I am best, and only mildly, familiar with American culture; but this is irrelevant to my argument.

(I know it doesn't matter how carefully I say this to avoid unreasoned backlash)

By pure per capita numbers; agnostics have higher IQ's than strongly religious people. And there is a scientific link between intelligence and depression and suicide.

So; I'd say it isn't a matter of being forced to follow a religion or given the freedom to not; but an issue of just the mentality of the people involved.

Side: Yes
TheAshman(2298) Clarified
1 point

If intelligence was the factor causing depression then I would have thought the statistics would have been similar, the only theories I can come up with are either the studies are flawed in some way or there is some factor in a religious community causing atheists to become depressed maybe if someone lives in a community and their the only atheist they may feel excluded.

Side: Yes

If by secular soceity you mean a non-relgious goverment that allows relgious groups to worship without hassasment, then i agree. I think when it comes to law, things should be kept secular so that there can me more common ground.

Side: Yes

Just because a society is secular doesn't automatically mean superior. When religion is removed from the picture, something else replaces it as the dominant philosophical thought. So if religion is replaced by say....... An equally subjective relativistic school of thought with basically the same exact moral code, not much has been achieved.

Side: No
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

I am not sure what to think. I just do not believe that the government has any right to play favorites. If you give the government the legal right to dictate one belief system, the government will do it to you. Do unto others, you know? :)

Side: Yes
1 point

North Korea

Side: No
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
2 points

That's not much of an argument, please supply some reasons why North Korea is your answer, if its because religion is oppressed there please re-read the debate description where I mention religious freedom. Also there are religious societies that do not allow religious freedom.

Side: Yes
2 points

That is just like how they say all atheists are bad. Then they point out the worst atheists of History as if that's everyone.

Side: Yes
xBetzy(123) Disputed
1 point

Iran and Vatican City.........................................................

Side: Yes
TheAshman(2298) Clarified
2 points

Why do you think Iran and the Vatican City are better than a secular society?

Side: Yes
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Oh yeah, Iran is so cool with the way that they murder gays, rape victims, etc. They also mutilate little girls and force them to get married at age nine. Aint that cool? End satire. The Vatican can also fuck off.

Side: No
Thejackster(518) Disputed
1 point

Technically North Korea isn't a secular society, they worship the Kim family like Gods. A true example of a secular country is Sweden, over half their population is irreligous but they are among the highest ranking in human rights and living conditions in the world.

Side: Yes
1 point

I think a balanced society is best because you get the good from both sides

Side: No

Religion, when it is not hateful or forced on others, can be beneficial to society.

Side: No