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Debate Score:82
Total Votes:87
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mrcatsam(663) pic

Are you proud to be called liberal?


Side Score: 41


Side Score: 41
3 points

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Recognizing that there are some radicals on the left that I can't agree with, as on the right, within religions of many faiths (or non-faiths). I do NOT see any "leftist radicals" that I consider dangerous to the people (other than, perhaps financially).

Side: yes
1 point

I love in Europe so yes. It means someone who has a socially libertarian viewpoint.

Side: yes
1 point

...and thinks sacrificing Eurpean women to Muslim men is just worth the costs in order to mix and match incompatable cultures.

Side: no
bozwallocks(44) Disputed
2 points

A liberal believes in innocent until proven guilty. They don't just go and judge all Muslims as guilty right away.

Side: yes
2 points

Hello mr:

I'm GLAD I'm a liberal.. But, I am not PROUD of it.. Pride connotes hubris and arrogance..


Side: no
2 points

Really? I'm proud that I don't rape children or eat dog shit.

Side: yes

BREAKING: Trump announces military action against North Korea!!!

Side: no

If you are proud to support no restriction abortions, then what does that say about you and Liberals?

The vast majority of Liberals vote for the Democrat party which supports No Restriction abortions for any reasons up to birth.

Side: no
mrcatsam(663) Disputed
1 point

Still proud, from within. Still proud to protect the rights of a mother guaranteed to her by the 9th amendment.

Side: yes
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You are proud like the slave owners who were proud to support the right's of people to own slaves.

You support the right of women to kill even viable babies!

If you are proud of that, you are as sick and lost as the slave owners. They recognised no rights to black people and Liberals like you recognise no rights to even viable babies.


Side: no
1 point

No. Because I'm not. I'm a moderate.

Are you proud you call anyone who is not as extremely conservative as yourself a liberal?

Side: no
mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

You misunderstand me. I'm a liberal. Don't worry. Were you posting to someone else.

Darn, how do you delete posts?

Side: yes
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Sorry. Consider it a friendly fire accident. ...............................................

Side: yes

No. If someone called me a liberal, I'd puke in my lap. *

Side: no