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Debate Score:31
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 Banned from debate for making good point (21)

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Jacobcoolguy(2428) pic

Banned from debate for making good point

50 Americans killed & STILL Obama & Hillary refuse to say Islamic terrorism! What traitors

ME: 3,000 Americans killed on 9/11 and nearly 7,000 Americans soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and George Bush still refuses to say 'Islamic terrorism'! You're so full of shit I can smell you through the computer!

FROMWITHIN: What a waste of time you are. Bush had no problem calling the enemy who they are. You fools on the Left are destroying America!!!!!!!

I made a fair point and got banned for it, proving FROMWITHIN/SAINTNOW (Same Person) doesn't care about debating/ learning. He didn't know how to counter my ingenious argument, so he pretended Bush and Obama said called terrorists two different things and banned me. My point was that Bush never called the 9/11 hijackers "Islamic Radicals" he called them "evil" and "terrorists" just like Obama has done. I feel as if he isn't very fair in these debates and a bit ban happy.
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Unlike him, I never ban people from MY debates. I am fair person. My fairness is only surpassed by my Intelligence and devotion to Shrek.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

Let's see how much you can cuss and more of it, you need the practice for eternity in Hell where you are going.

You need to be saved from Hell, you can be saved, but you won't, will you? You will just keep on hating God and anybody who tries to tell you that you need to be and can be saved from Hell. Stupid punk. Why do you want to be that way?

1 point

George Bush did start calling them Islamic Radicals though. You were wrong.

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

I couldn't find him saying that anywhere, could you give me a link?

Cartman(18192) Clarified
1 point

It may have been a little later, but still while he was president.

Supporting Evidence: Source (
1 point

Violent verses in the Quran .... shall we engage in a little Quran study ?? .....

Islam: we will call it what it is .... the SUBJUCATION of ALL to the will of Allah ...

whether it be by will of by force ... under the banner od religion < their mask and cover


Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing ....

but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone.

But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against

Jupiter(116) Disputed
3 points

Leviticus 20:13

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Quran quotes:

"Pardon (people) and overlook (their faults). Don't you love that Allah should forgive you." (24:22)

"Whatever good they (people of other religions) do, they will not be denied it (by Allah), and Allah knows who the righteous are." (3:115)

0 points

Thats not what this debate is about, its about Saintnow banning me for making a simple point (Which turned out not to be true) and not even arguing to the contrary. I don't care about the Quran or muslims.

dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

I don't care about the Quran or muslims. .... maybe you should .... texas-speech/

dadman(1703) Clarified
1 point

its about Saintnow banning me for making a simple point ... poor lil guy ...

dontcha just hate it when that happens ??

Im not sure if AintNow and fromwithout are the same person but they are both terrible debaters. Both of them will ban you for simply disagreeing or proving them wrong. Which is a ludicrous practice on a debate site.

AintNow is worse, however. He is more harmful to Christianity than fromwithout is. While fromwithout dies a grave disservice to conservatism i think SaintNoClue has done a worse disservice to Christianity..

Both are simply not very likeable people who I think must have very unhappy and small and angry lives to vent do much bigotry and intolerance here on a daily a Christian I pray for them both.

Couldn't of said it better myself. Except the "pray for them" part.

1 point

Whiney bitch. Go stub your toe and then whine about that.

At least you'd have a good reason to.

Go and get smacked by barb wired bat

It'll take your mind offa what's been stressing you

1 point

I ban people for bad manners, and that usually means I have seen them being profane in my debate or in other debates on the site.

Bad manners includes consistently trying to lead the discussion in a direction which refused to listen to my input for the discussion, refuses to acknowledge the things I am saying, just plain rudeness trying to bully the conversation.

You have been a foul mouth punk repeatedly, and I'm going to ban you for it. If I create a debate and allow you to post, I will not ban you for disagreeing with me as long as you can show me the respect of responding intelligently to my statements and questions, and not ignoring them and insulting my by going on and on claiming your opinion is all that matters. I'm trying to be nice. I'm not good at being nice with people who act like foul mouth punks and think they can bully me around. Somehow our culture today is teaching people that if they can be the loudest and the rudest, they can force those they disagree with to shut up. I think it's a disgrace to your parents, the way you act with me.......and the same for a lot of other people on here.

2 points

I ban people for bad manners, and that usually means I have seen them being profane in my debate or in other debates on the site.

You would have to be delusional to actually believe this about yourself.

the debate in question

I answered your question about methods in which DNA gets added to the genome. (You haven't refuted because you can't.)

Used your own argument against you

And said that evolution is testable/falsifiable and can be used to make predictions which makes it more useful than an imagined god.

None of which were profane and all were in direct response to something you said which was quoted in the response.

And there are scores of examples of you doing this in nearly every single debate you have - thus the existence of this clone debate.

You need to reexamine yourself and try to determine why your perception is so far afield from reality.

1 point

Wahhhh wahhhh, boooo hoooo, I got banned by Saintnow and I'm MAD!!!! :-(

1 point

But couldn't I call what you just posted here "bad manners"? And as I've stated before, you're a sad, angry little person.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

Wahhhh wahhhh, boooo hoooo, I got banned by Saintnow and I'm MAD!!!! :-(

My comment is appropriate for the debate title, quit whining. I think your parents failed to spank your behind when you needed it.....many many times.

BigOats(1449) Clarified
1 point

It's a tough case. But maybe, just maybe, a qualified psychiatrist can help you understand that you're one and the same person.

1 point

Look your Obama doesn't even what to call Islamic Terrorism for what it is ! What the IDIOT wants to do is play the same old tried game "GUN CONTROL" !

rukluk Disputed
3 points

LMMFAO ! You basement keyboard warriors are worried about such NONSENSE !