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Debate Score:87
Total Votes:102
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 No (22)

Debate Creator

KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Before I put a real picture of me up did you all think I was white?

Asking this question because I had 12 messages from people on here saying wow you are black I thought you were white! LOL.



Side Score: 49


Side Score: 38
7 points

I thought you were white before you put your real picture. Put I was kinda of shocked but it doesn't matter if your black or white we all are people

Side: Yes

That is why you are like my brother on here because you accept people the way there are because we are all the same on the inside. =D

Side: Yes
5 points

I know ! well basically you are my brother but in Christ, when we get to heaven we will await all our other brothers and sisters in Christ

Side: Yes
3 points

aw thats cute, i actually like the picture. you seem to have a very smiling face ;)

Side: Yes
1 point

I assume that everyone is white just because the majority of Americans are white and I live in America.

Otherwise, I don't really think about it. All I see are default pics.

Side: Yes

I know that that is true and all but I am kind of offended by the way you put it. By your default picture it seems to me that you don't really care for blacks am I right?

Side: Yes
2 points

I don't care about many things. but I don't care less about blacks, if that's what you're getting at.

Side: Yes
1 point

I can't see the picture it is gone what happened?

Side: Yes
1 point

i assumed Washington was a white name. so i did think you were white.

Side: Yes
6 points

I assume everyone's eskimo until they prove otherwise. Perhaps you're an eskimo with a tan?

Side: No
3 points

I never had any doubt that you were black.

Side: No
2 points

I assumed you were just a big MJ fan. I don't see how I could assume anything else. Perhaps it's the 90's kid in me, but I generally don't look for race.

Side: No
2 points

It was pretty obvious you were black. I couldn't see you as anything else.

Side: No
1 point

I couldn't see you

That is so racist you said you couldn't see me.

Side: Yes
1 point

To be honest, I expected a mix race. X)

And you posting your picture partly makes me want to post mine >.>

Side: No

"Mix Races" wow haha. I am happy with the way I look sometimes I don't mind posting pictures of me but if you feel you like how you look go right ahead because I am looking forward to it.

Side: No
2 points

Hahaha, yeah, but you are cute like I thought you would be. Anyone with your kindness has to be in my mind. X)

I'm going to make a debate about it and let the community decide. I love my looks, and I don't mind putting up a picture :)

Side: No

I honestly never thought about whether you were white or black or anything else. I think everyone should put their picture up so we can talk about something else.

Side: No

I know right don't be mad by what you look like.

Side: No
1 point

It doesn't matter to me, were all people. But just wondering why you're pic is of a person of black skin?

Side: No

But just wondering why you're pic is of a person of black skin?

I don't really understand what you are saying.

Side: No

This reminds me of a funny song..................................................

Side: No
1 point

Nope! I knew you were black but I can't remember how I knew? You either said something or maybe I saw something on your page??? Damn I better stop drinking so much! LOL

How have ya been brother? I've haven't been around much lately.

Side: No
1 point

your colour could be green for all i give a shit, seriously who cares, get a life...

Side: No
1 point

the way you talk, write, and type would tell someone that you are black. ( no offense )

Side: No
-1 points

What I am about to say could be considered "evil"

generally speaking caucasian people are the stupidest.

So any question that I think is intelligent I automatically assume it was asked by a non white ethnicity

Side: No
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

That is racist. We are all one human race .

Side: Yes
misslo(1) Disputed
1 point

You can't generalize to all the caucasian people the fact that some are stupid ! They are stupid and intelligent people everywhere regardless of their ethnicity !

Side: Yes
1 point

You got that right because a lot of the things that were answered by science is invalid.

Side: No

I am sorry about that I mean't to support you not dispute you. =)

Side: Yes
JellyPeach(133) Disputed
1 point

dude i did not say anything about stupid but your remark was!

Side: No
0 points

and by the way I am white- ethnic people tend to be the "deep thinkers" in societies and causian people tend to be the fluffy bunnies of intellectualities

hop little bunny!



Side: No
5 points

Wow, if thats not racist i don't know what is...............................................................

Side: Yes