
Debate Info

Go To Another Country We Owe Them Something
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:32
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 Go To Another Country (8)
 We Owe Them Something (5)

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Slavedevice(1389) pic

Blacks Against The Flag

If Blacks think they would be better off somewhere else, then let them go!  White people have made the most advanced society in the world and whites should not be afraid to admit this.  Blacks get to ride the creation - where would they be better off?  Africa?  Haha

Go To Another Country

Side Score: 20

We Owe Them Something

Side Score: 7

Why are the most advanced countries (tech and health wise) predominantly white/Asian. Why did sub Saharan Africa not even have a wheel until whites came there?

Side: Go To Another Country

I'm Native American, so I owe no one anything, even according to twisted liberal logic. If anyone wants to "right past wrongs", there's the ocean. Swim back to Europe and Africa. See if I care.

Side: Go To Another Country
Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
2 points

Well said, but as we are all aware the black parasites know they're in the land of milk and honey.

They also know that left to their own devices they would surely perish.

In the west, but the U.S.A, in particular the blacks have spent much time and effort in creating a culture of WHITE GUILT, so all they have to do now is lie down, relax and live for free from the white man's bounty.

However, as they continue to demonstrate, this isn't good enough and they want to cry and scream about anything or anyone whom they perceive as not toeing the black man's line.

You know, even as a child I figured that the United States of America could never be defeated by external forces, but such a scenario could only occur from within.

America's bleeding heart liberals have, along with many misguided whites, convinced the blacks that we owe them a living and their never ending acts of murder and violent crime should be tolerated.

If this mindset is allowed to continue America will be well on the way to 'self destruct'.

Side: Go To Another Country
1 point

"Blacks against the Flag" is a phony statement, a "dog whistle"! Blacks AND MANY WHITES are NOT protesting the flag, NOT protesting those who fought for it! They are protesting what is happening UNDER that flag (that should NOT BE!!) Germans could NOT protest what was happening under THEIR flag in the 1930's, North Koreans can not protest what is happening under THEIRS! America is not that way ... at least at the moment. You may not be considered a "patriot" if you protest your government or its actions, but if your government is doing something wrong you are not a patriot if you stand by and let "wrong" happen! These "blacks" as you call them may not be saying "Give me liberty, or give me death!" They are saying "Give me JUSTICE" ... or give me different leadership!

I would remind you that, since these "blacks" have been ALLOWED higher education AND the right to live in the same neighborhoods, use the same restaurants and restrooms, they have become doctors, scientists, leaders of our country AND sports, Generals, Secretaries of State, Ambassadors and other things that have "made the most advanced society in the world." They haven't YET gotten FULL respect, but, they have certainly contributed (under duress) to that "advanced society"! It's not all WHITE!

Side: We Owe Them Something
2 points

They are protesting what is happening UNDER that flag (that should NOT BE!!

Yes, blacks having a 90%+ monopoly on the NFL and the NBA, sometimes making as much as 40 million a year is oppression beyond the pale. Shame on America for being racists that show up in mass to glorify these people like rock stars...

Side: Go To Another Country
0 points

Yes, blacks having a 90%+ monopoly on the NFL and the NBA, sometimes making as much as 40 million a year is oppression beyond the pale.

Sure Adolf, and the people who own those football and basketball teams, they are all blacks too, right? Oh no wait.

Side: We Owe Them Something
sejj0716 Disputed
1 point

Since they believe we owe them something they decide to downgrade us as a whole

Side: Go To Another Country

White people have made the most advanced society in the world

By oppressing blacks. You left that part out.

Side: We Owe Them Something
Antrim(1287) Disputed
3 points

I'm surprised that it took so long for the the ''oh, the poor oppressed blacks'' syndrome to raise it's brainless head.

When all rational argument fails, play the worn out oh us poor blacks record and refer to your adversaries by totally inappropriate names such as Hitler/Nazis and Gestapo police.

All that parrot like squawking went out with Nelson's eye.

It is human nature for the strong to dominate, and unfortunately on occasions, exploit the feeble minded.

The BONGO is weak,lazy, non-innovative and devoid of the capability of forming executive bodies to administer effective government.

The Jewish people literally rose from the ashes of WW2 and formed the modern and prosperous state of Israel while being surrounded by hostile nations dedicated to the downfall of their country.


Wherever Israelis reside they are an asset to their adopted countries.

No rioting.

No looting.

No dependance on taxpayer's hard earned dosh.

Low crime rate.

No drug dealing nor drug gang related murders, by the 1000s.

No, along with their white hosts their self reliance, innovation and hard work ethic has positioned them as a highly respected and admired people.

This is in stark contrast to the BONGO whose slovenly attitude, congenital laziness and inborn criminal tendencies has placed them at the top of the most distrusted and disliked league of all life on earth.

Side: Go To Another Country
2 points

Okay quantum. I'm game. Show us an oppression of blacks in America, today, in real life, that is powerful enough to keep an ambitious black person from achieving the American dream. I'll wait....

Side: Go To Another Country
2 points

By oppressing blacks

So Poland, Germany, Australia, Canada, Russia, and France were built by oppressing blacks? So you're... a mindless dumpster fire.

Blacks had black slaves in America. You left that part out.

Now tell us how the Nation of Islam was built. Surely the Muslims purchased all of that land. Oh wait. They stole all of the Middle East and North Africa with brutal force and used slaves to build up their empire. Of course you can't speak on the issue as a racist and a hypocrite.

Side: Go To Another Country

Ungrateful and shameless.

America/Europe woke up oneday in 2010 and puff.....magic... there was the advancement.....and immediately the greedy blacks arrived..... Interesting

I wonder where the west would be today economically(just for one) without Africa/blacks. Who can dispute this.....

There was a competition where contestants fill up 3000litres(each) barrel with water with a smaller container of 1litre.

Contestant A had a stream behind his house so finding water to the barrel was easy felt no need/sense of rush.

Contestant E had no source of water around his premises so he became desperate and out of the pressure had to develop strategies to make it.

He first approached contestant A with a friendly smile and later attacked him when he lost his guard.

A became weak and had no time to heal/recover. And E began to use A.

E made A fetch the water from A's stream to fill up E's barrel for so long that when E's 3000litre tank was filled up to 2000litres A's was about only 200litres.

After so many years of A being a slave for E, E finally let go of him and now A began to have time to heal.

A felt E owed him something but the ungrateful and shameless E despised A and said he owes A nothing and if he wants, he can go back to filling up his 200litres water level barrel....

E calls A a lazy man. Demonises him, Still has a feeling of superiority and feels A inferior to him because he is more successful than A through out history all thanks to himself only.

Tag him as self pityful when A is making demands reasonably, he duely deserves

Says the bible;

The royalty(owners, deserving credit), walks and the commoners/slaves(undeserving) ride on horses.

It happens. Even God is aware.

However, politics of self desired generated opinions and wishes can best serve as the cover of the book but will not replace the truth in the actual pages of the book.

Mr. E's keep admiring the cover(media) of the book. you are fooling nobody.

Mr. E's are insecure. They don't want the huge contribution of A's to be read in the actual pages. They are not willing to share rights.

Yes the barrel(Land) is theirs, but the water(Resources, labour etc...) wasn't filled up by themselves over the years.

Hey but it's their barrel. Mr. E's face was on it first.

Mr. A go back to your barely quater filled barrel that is where your face is painted.


E's can't wait for that to happen. The day All A's will finally move back their own barrel.

They just can't stand them but they just can't say it also.......they use

Say it...out loud....liberation...emancipation right??


Side: We Owe Them Something

Let's give a test and the top 10% become our leaders. The bottom 20% we "purge". The rest is our working class and they all get healthcare aetc. Are u scared of that plan Africans? I mean considering the average Negro scores about 20% lower than average white? Africans didn't even have a wheel for Gods sake til whites and arabs came

Side: We Owe Them Something