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Debate Score:52
Total Votes:57
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Quantumhead(749) pic

Can Real, Meaningful Change Ever Be Achieved Without Violence?

OK, so the theory behind the question is this. The historical record is a map of small groups of people seizing power within a society, through economic, military, political or religious means. When the rest of society wants to change things, and make them fairer, they first face the problem of how to get rid of the group currently running things. Since the group currently running things is the one with the power, it doesn't really want change. Hence, we must use violence to remove it, and in doing so become tyrants ourselves. The only break in this cycle in tens of thousands of years has been the idea of democracy, but in practical terms all democracy has done is split the groups of people trying to seize power into two or three groups instead of one, and differentiated them on ideological rather than economic or military grounds. It has ended the cycle of violence but not the problem itself. 


Side Score: 28


Side Score: 24

The liberal version of "fair" in and of itself is "unfair". Giving a person a job over a more qualified person simply because of race isn't "fair". Demanding the not hard working people get as much of the pie as a hard working person is "unfair". The liberal version of "fair" is nonsense. You can change things without violence. Liberals are just too ignorent to know how.

Side: Yes
Quantumhead(749) Disputed
0 points

The liberal version of "fair" in and of itself is "unfair".

Please provide some evidence to support your assertion that every Liberal has the precise same definition of fairness, which directly opposes the dictionary definition.

Oh, but you can't do that, can you? Because you are just opening your fat mouth and letting all the shit fall out, as per usual. Do you even think before you type? Or do you just smash out the random words floating around in your head?

Side: No
3 points

I think he's on a mission to show everyone how much he hates liberal people.

I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I'm going to say that SOME liberals support the addressing of other power imbalances (such as racism) through positive discrimination, to give equity rather than equality (treating people according to their needs instead of treating them exactly the same).

However, the less vocal majority of liberals see it as discrimination of another form, see equity as being too subjective and argue it will just cause a greater rift between majority and minority groups.

But bronto's mistake is assuming that all liberals subscribe to exactly the same belief system, and assuming that the extreme, minority end of the spectrum is representative of every liberal everywhere.

Side: No
1 point
Side: Yes
3 points

If we do not limit the conversation to changes in social power dynamics, then the obvious answer is "YES, violence is not required to achieve change." In fact, the vast majority of changes to human life, especially the improvements to human quality of life, have been achieved without violence


-The plow drove real and meaningful change in food production, and the ability of people to become sedentary. Staying in one place (and not having to walk around carrying all our worldly possessions with us) was a pre-requisite for development of writing, development of most of the visual arts beyond rudimentary sculpture, and the development of the increasingly complex and interconnected technologies that comprise the core of how we live.


-Writing enabled us to learn from people who predeceased us by millennia, and over that time to develop ideas of increasing complexity, including the distinction between superficial change and "meaningful" change. The core of who we are as societies and what we aspire to as individuals is shaped by exposure to the written word and ideas developed over time through reading and writing.


-Writing ultimately led to the development of empiricism and the scientific method not only made possible the technologies that affect our daily physical lives in meaningful ways, but also expanded and deepened our concept of the universe and our place within it. Scientific thinking enables our native curiosity to become an engine of real and meaningful change.


-Because of science we have vaccinations, antibiotics, refrigeration, water treatment, and the ability to live free of lice and other parasites. All these things directly impact health, life span, comfort, and all the social and emotional benefits that directly result from these things.

Because of these real, meaningful changes, we do not spend our lives in constant discomfort, perennial illness, and near-constant grief over the deaths of loved ones. Because these things radically reduced the rates of infant mortality, we name our children and form emotional attachments to them prior to them reaching two years old.


-Due to the combination of selective breeding of animals and plants, improved fertilizers and pesticides, mechanical advances (tractors, etc.) and the ability to transport products long distances, has made food more plentiful than it has ever been. There are increasing concerns that the most common chronic health problems worldwide are caused by obesity.


-Abject poverty is the natural state of humankind. We naturally live in squalor, malnourished and on the edge of starvation, beset constantly by disease and parasites, and in possession of nothing but what we can easily carry. The expectation of eating every day is the expectation of wealthy people.

As recently as three hundred years ago, the richest people in the world lived lives characterized by health conditions, food quality, and standards of living that we would now designate as abject poverty. There are people we now consider to be "poor," but are simultaneously classified as "obese." For the entirety of our species, obesity automatically qualified one as rich.

These real and meaningful changes were not the results of violence, but rather were achieved, in spite of violence, by changes in human thought and the free exchange and development of technology.

Side: Yes
2 points

The whole concept of nonviolent non-cooperation is to beat the enemy in a battle of moral standing.

If you are dealing with people in a position of power and they are using that power to control and oppress the people then the best weapon you have on your side is free will.

Take Gandhi's movement for example.

They told them to carry papers with them so they burned the papers. They were making them work unreasonable hours for horrendously low pay so they all stopped working. What were they going to do, throw the whole country in prison?

Side: Yes
3 points

If liberals all stopped working, the country would go on as normal and the welfare checks would keep piling in. *

Side: No
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
2 points

So tell me in all your pious pathetic hypocrisy, what do Democrats do to oppress the right's of a viable baby's life?

Do you people even hear yourselves?

Its like you do not possess the least amount of integrity to see and admit your own inhumanity towards others.

Do you actually think anyone can take you seriously?

The day you start actually caring about the innocent lives you support killing, we might actually respect something you have to say.

Please spare us all your deceptions when saying you do not support no restriction abortions of viable babies for any reason up to birth.


Side: No
Wolfgang666(174) Disputed
2 points

First you say that liberals don't consider the arguments from conservatives because they don't think like us, but you then go on to say that you won't listen to anything that we have to say because we disagree on this one subject.

How are we the hypocrites again?

Side: Yes
Quantumhead(749) Disputed
1 point

in all your pious pathetic hypocrisy

Do you know what pious means? I am not religious, and much less devoutly so.

Its like you do not possess the least amount of integrity to see and admit your own inhumanity towards others.

Hang on. You're the guy who bans people for debating on a debating site, but I am the inhumane one? What exactly have I done which is "inhumane"?

I feel like you are just rambling complete nonsense with the intent of bashing out whichever insults first pop into your diseased mind.

what do Democrats do to oppress the right's of a viable baby's life?

I don't understand what that question even means. Sorry.

the innocent lives you support killing

I don't support killing anybody. I support saving an egg from an eventual life of prostitution, crack addiction and crime.

Side: Yes

I really like and appreciate this answer, Wolfgang. Many great scholars have shared this perspective, including Karl Marx.

However, I am unfortunately less confident. A movement such as the one you describe requires solidarity in both ideas and action. As civilization has progressed, so has the ability of the powerful to divide the people. We have reached the point in contemporary life where a person can be persuaded, through a process of lies and deceit, to vote against his or her best interests. Capitalism itself divides us, since we must all compete for the same resources.

I believe your solution might be possible, but that it is dependent on better education of the people. Not education in the sense we currently understand it, but education in the sense of learning to think critically, learning the law of reason and when it is being abused, how to identify the various forms of deceit and fallacy etc... Without a revolution in critical thinking it is my fear that society will be kept in bondage through words and ideas rather than force.

Side: Yes
2 points

I believe that it can, but only when information is freely shared and accessed. Throughout all human history, the most powerful weapon of any "regime" has always been the control of information. If you suppress free thought, free speech, and free inquiry, and supplant it with dogma of any kind (religious, political) then you are able to control a population. Every pyramidal society in history has done this, from the ancient Egyptians to the Medieval Papacy to the propagandas of the twentieth century, and only now, for the first time in human history, is information so abundant and available.

The internet is, for all its flaws, an information exchange the like of which humans have never seen before.

It's the final frontier for freedom, and governments know this. And this is why governments around the world are bent on censoring and controlling it, because they know how powerful a weapon it can be, either for meaningful change, or tyranny.

Side: Yes
1 point


I like the fact that you approach the question from the standpoint that information and technology are paths to change. It redefines the parameters of power beyond the political, and includes the potential for meaningful change to include the human drive to find or create meaning through learning, ideas, and art, all of which have been advanced through the development of technology, the internet in this case.

Side: Yes
2 points


The only break in this cycle in tens of thousands of years has been the idea of democracy...

No, you are discussing what you know of the last roughly 10,000 years of history, since the construction of Cities/States/Civilization/ect. which neglects over 95% of our history. Really, this is more of a general statement about your extreme lack of knowledge in Anthropology and/or Pre-History rather than an argument

Side: Yes
1 point

"The only break in this cycle in tens of thousands of years has been the idea of democracy, but in practical terms all democracy has done is split the groups of people trying to seize power into two or three groups instead of one"

Yes and there you have it from the Communist Q-Head

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes when the British ruled India they were a minority in the country itself and made local Indians do as they pleased. Indians got freedom non violently hence a small group of people with political, economic, and military influence were removed without violence

Side: Yes
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Though the Indians didn't engage in violence, their opposition did. The violence against the peaceful movement went a long way toward gaining worldwide favor for the cause of Indian Independence. So even in this case, the ends were not achieved without violence in the process. Though it was one sided.

Side: Yes
2 points

WEll people and countries must have signed countless so called 'PEACE' treaties and called it successful but even a blind man will say otherwise. Violence is essential, violence is indispensable, but before any of you call me inhuman i refer to meaningful violence , not violence without cause but for a change. People need to be forged not advised or 'peacefully' requested to change. You can waste several years requesting people to change or take a weapon and threaten them to change, you do not need to be a genius to figure that out.The world is a child it needs to be scolded to change.

Side: No
1 point

Conservatives disproportionately favour generic attacks because it means they don't have to think or address individual arguments. They like to brush everything into the same bucket because it makes the world easier to understand for them

And without even a hint of irony...

Side: No
Quantumhead(749) Disputed
1 point

And without even a hint of irony...

Why would there be irony? Did I say all Conservatives or a disproportionate number of Conservatives? Do you often have difficulties with basic reading comprehension?

Side: Yes
Amarel(5669) Disputed
3 points

While it's true that your sweeping generalization was not extended to absolutely all conservatives, the irony is two fold. Collectivism is a touchstone worldview of the left going all the way back to the class analysis that Marx popularized. While it is true that conservatives also sometimes take a collectivist worldview, the individualist worldview is almost exclusively on the right, though not the entire right.

This is why identity politics is a beast of the left. This is why people on the left often argue that minorities cannot be racist. Their view of racism extends only to groups. Some on the left even argue that if you are white, the first helpful step is to admit you are racist. All while fighting for privileges to be granted to people with the right skin color or gender or lack thereof.

Though not all liberals are collectivist (Classical Liberals), collectivism is a philosophy that lies at the root of leftist politics, and always has.

It is ironic for an apparent Marxist to talk about a "disproportionate number" of his enemies preferring to argue in terms of generic attacks against groups. And then to defend the position by pointing out that you didn't include absolutely all people in the group you attack is icing on the hypocritical cake.

Side: No
1 point

No i don't think so there Powder Puff use what little brain you have and think about Cuba !

The Left loves Cuba just get with Barack (as he jets around the world burning the fossil fuel you hate) and let him tell you his love of Communism

Side: No
Wolfgang666(174) Disputed
0 points

You really think that liberals love a Communist dictator?

So by that extension we could say that all conservatives are in favor of Nazism.


It is more likely that you are a simple minded, ignorant, fool that only thinks in dichotomies.

Communism is what happens when a country leans to the extreme left, were as Fascism is when it leans to the extreme right. Neither one is good for the development of a healthy society.

Side: Yes
1 point

Hello Q:

In today's political climate, NO.... I defended liberty once, and I'm ready to do it again..


Side: No
1 point

In order to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs ;)

Side: No