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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Can an athiest be terrified by demonic possession?


Side Score: 40


Side Score: 39
3 points

Anyone can be terrified of anything regardless of whether they believe it to be a possibility.

ex. I'm terrified of floating around in space in a space suit after the ship has left me.

This is ridiculous since I'm never going to space, still a scary thought though.

Side: yes
mpthemaster(1) Disputed
1 point

Really, you feel an intense fear and great anxiety when thinking about that? Being terrified isn't thinking of something as scary. Being terrified means you feel as if you are at gun point (intensely afraid with great anxiety).

Side: No
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
3 points

No I'm not.

Honestly not much of anything scares me that much.

But for this debate I could be that terrified of something, even if it is only in my head. Even if I don't really believe it exists.

That's my only point.

Possibilities, not realities.

Everyone is only capable of being afraid of possibilities. Once possibilities are realized the moment is over, and you aren't afraid in that sense any longer. If one is still afraid, they are still only fearing further possibilities.

Heights, spiders, clowns, it doesn't matter.

Pain(and the various types of pain, sadness etc) and the unknown are the only two things anyone is ever afraid of when all human psychology is stripped away.

Once the worst is realized, it's not fear but something else.

As that is the case, all fear is only in our head, even the kind where you feel like someone is holding a gun to your head.

Since that is the case, since it only lives by its nature, in our head,

then anything that can be imagined must by its nature be capable of invoking terror.

Whether it is real, and even whether one believes it is real has 0 bearing on whether or not that thing can cause terror.

Way more than I felt like explaining in this debate, but good question.

Side: yes
1 point

Being terrified does not necessarily have anything to do with your spiritual beliefs. A person might be terrified for any number of reasons such as fear for their life or limb. Some people are terrified by not knowing what might happen in a dangerous situation. Some people are terrified by the prospect of great pain such as burning to death or torture. Having a lack of belief or understanding in something does not excuse you from its effect.

Side: yes
1 point

Having a lack of belief or understanding in something does not excuse you from its effect.

I like this line, and it pretty much sums it all up. You don't need to really know what the cause of something is to be scared of it.

Like if people started dropping dead in the streets. Whatever the reason was, it'd still be really disturbing and scary.

Side: yes
mpthemaster(1) Disputed
1 point

While it is true that you don't need to know what causes something in order to be afraid of it, that is irrelevant here. Atheists don't believe that demonic possession happens. In other words, their is no demonic possession to them so saying that they can fear the cause of it, doesn't make sense.

Your example has this same faulty logic; people don't start dropping dead in the streets therefore it doesn't matter what would cause it. Being afraid of something has to have a probability of it happening. (Though it is probable to happen in certain circumstances, that doesn't mean there has to be a fear of it happening in every situation available) Why would an atheist be afraid of something if he or she doesn't believe it will happen? Are you afraid of gravity ceasing to exist and then floating off into space? I don't think so.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Like if people started dropping dead in the streets. Whatever the reason was, it'd still be really disturbing and scary.

But that wouldn't necessarily be the cause of the devil, rather it could be a worldwide plague or weapon.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

But if they do not believe in spirits or the demonic, they would have no reason to fear. If they are an atheist, they have most likely made a conscious decision that such ideas as demons are ludicrous - why would they fear something such as that?

I can easily understand why they would fear, for instance, a book or film about a world-wide disaster or plague - though are things which can happen. Same with slashers - Eddie Gein was famous for cutting up his victims and wearing them. Those things, to the atheist's mind, are real. Why would they fear something which they consider imaginary?

Side: No
1 point

This is a completely subjective generalization .

Side: Yes
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
0 points

If you wish to insult my debate, do so in your argument. Do not make an argument out of your insult. You do it again, and I'll have you banned.

Side: No
1 point

I consider myself an atheist and I was as thrilled and scared wathcing the Exorcist as any one.

Even though I dont believe in the actual existance of Demons I still think the the Demonic arctype (found in most religions, myths and forgotten lores) has real value for our psyche. It is a very valid symbol and probably one of the cornerstones of the way our mind works and organizes itself. Our sensory system works first and formost in discerning outside influences, and for a species like ourselves, that has mastered symbolism, we are bound to use symbols to qualify these outside influences.

Even tough I criticize organized religions and its followers , I have nothing against religious literature, taken as such - It can give good clues as to how our mind has evolved since the start of civilisation.

Besides: I really think crazy people in their histeria are scary - so it is enough for me to see somone who believe he is possesed, to be scared of him myself

Even more scary is when such a large part of the world belives in fairy tales and is willing to go to war over them.

And even more scary is when the country that considers itself a pinnicle of democracy is willing to vote (twice) for an idiot that went to war because god told him so, among other things.

Side: yes
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

The question is not, 'Are you afraid of people who are possessed?', nor is it 'Do demonic-horror films cause fear to the atheist?'. Rather, whilst those elements are to be incorporated into debates, the actual title obviates your debate.

Side: No
PungSviti(552) Disputed
1 point

explain what the question is then

Is it suposed to be "can an atheist be terrified by demonic possession, assuming that such a thing exists" ???

what "actual title" are you talking about that "obviates" my debate??

Side: yes

Well, anyone can be terrified of anything. It seems the main arguments in this debate revolve around the definition of the word atheism, which is roughly defined as the lack of belief in dieties. This in no way covers the supernatural or abnormal (atheists believing in aliens or ghosts), so anyone claiming beliefs hinder the possibility of demonic processes is mistaken. It's also a mistake to assume that "demonic" requires a religious connotation. Demons have always exited in religious, mythical, etc.. systems as external entities that are not to be trifled with (it's been only newer religions that adopted dark entities solely as their own [christianity]). Demonic possession could be easily argued as paranormal (ghostly unfinished business, extraterrestrial intervention, magik/energy work, hypnosis) phenomena as far removed from religion as I am. Furthermore, breaking our world down past the crystallised matter, we arrive at energy strings as the building blocks of our world. It would take no stretch of the imagination to see the possibility of negative energy being drawn to weak sources of positive energy, it needn't take the form of hollywood teeth and red eyed creatures hiding under your bed.

p.s. I don't necessarily subscribe to any of the beliefs I've outlined (aliens etc..)

p.p.s. Sorry for typos, I typed this on my phone.

Side: yes


Side: yes
1 point

Yes, but only in scary movies. In real life one doesn't fear what one knows can't exist. Unless the "possessed" person is acting violently, then the fear would be directed towards that.

Side: yes
1 point

Ooh, the flailing limbs of a mentally ill individual on the hard ground while everyone stares with some guy restraining her, smacking a cold hard book on the individual's head. Who wouldn't be scared?

Side: yes
1 point

Haunted houses set up by humans still have the capability of being scary.

Movies and books created by humans still have the capability to be scary.

Just because people know it's fake doesn't mean it's not scary.

Along with that, some atheists do believe in demonic possession, so that fear is even more real to them.

Side: Yes
2 points

Some yes, some no. Some Atheist are skeptical on their own doubt in God's existence, and those are weak to what may/may not be a demonic possession.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
0 points

If they are skeptical of their atheism, they are not really atheists. When they question their own disbelief in God, they become agnostic.

Side: yes
SilentSound(117) Disputed
1 point

No, they are Atheist, since they don't believe in God or a Deity, but they aren't 100% certain. No different from a Christan that believes in God, but has doubt in his existence, would still be a Christan.

Side: No
1 point

No, because if there is no belief in demonic possession, then there is no reason to have a fear of it. Are people afraid of the cessation of gravity? No, because there is no belief in that happening.

Monsters are a great example. Little children are afraid of monsters because they believe in them while adults are not because they don't believe in monsters.

To say that an atheist is terrified by demonic possession would in fact suggest that the person is really not an atheist after all since he or she would have to believe in demons which is a belief in some type of powerful beings in the afterlife. Of course, atheists don't believe in powerful, supernatural beings. If a catholic said that they don't believe God exists, is that person still a catholic?

Side: No

No, that person is not a Catholic if they do not believe in the very foundation of Catholicism. Atheism is a disbelief in God, does that necessarily mean that they have a disbelief in ghosts?

Side: No
1 point

I never said anything about a disbelief in ghosts. Demons are not ghosts.

Side: No
1 point

No such thing as demons. I've seen The Exorcist, pretty silly movie if you ask me.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Many, many people say it's extremely scary - though perhaps not to today's Saw and Hostel-type standards.

Side: yes
Liddy(36) Disputed
1 point

I thought Linda Blair was an excellent actress. And so are the people who claim to be possessed.

Side: No
1 point

An atheist cannot be terrified by the idea of demonic possession as they do not- by definition - believe in demons. Where-as a atheist can by all means be terrified whilst being demoniacally possessed or seeing a demonic possession as fear of the unknown is perfectly legit.

Side: depends


I can't seem to wrap my brain around why that word is only spelled right 1 out of 10 times on this site.

Side: No

Hm; I didn't notice.

Usually, however, I do spell it accurately.

Side: No
1 point

No they can't because if they're atheists they don't believe in god or demons.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
0 points

Just because they do not believe in the demonic does not mean that such a prospect would not frighten them.

Or, perhaps their fear is their subconscious knowledge that the demonic is true, and their atheism is simply a front?

Side: yes

As an athiest I believe we could be terrified by demonic possession but only if such a thing existed, which it doesn't. So since it doesn't exist whats there to be scared off?

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Obviously, my ally, you've yet to see The Exorcist. That film scared the best of 'em.

Side: yes
1 point

Well not a true atheist.

As a true atheist will tell you that there is no god and no demons.

Without there being demons how can one be possessed by something that doesn't exist?

Side: No

Not if one doesn't believe in demonic possession. Demonic possession has always been a secret of the church in its validity.

How many people have been apparently possessed by a demonic entity? Even if, that is a small percentage. Even those are not atheist, what is the percentage? Still very low.

Side: No

I was hoping that you would answer that way.

What about films dealing with demonic possession - how can they scare people who do not believe in such apparitions?

Side: No

Well, films have a strong poignancy to our preconceived notion of what is real. They bring stories to life into a matter where we can experience first hand what may happen to us if we were to experience a demonic possession. This was evident in the Exorcist because it sent shivers down people's spines into thinking absolute truth.

Side: No
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

The same way one can be afraid of heights even while being on the ground. They can imagine.

Side: yes