
Debate Info

future distraction
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 future (7)
 distraction (2)

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haha123(6) pic

Cellphones should be allowed in school


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 2
3 points

Cellphones should be allowed in schools. Use of cellphones should not be allowed during class.

Side: future
2 points

I agree but with the premise that the phones be turned off during class and used only during breaks.

Side: future
Amritangshu(892) Clarified
1 point

Well it's easy to say,but ten times difficult to do...nobody can spend a moment without checking his/her update status in their phones.

Side: future
1 point

Cellphones should be allowed in schoolmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Side: future

They should be allowed in school as long as they remained switched off and in the student's bag during lessons. There may be reason why the students need to contact their parents.

Side: future
Amritangshu(892) Clarified
1 point

The school has telephone services to contact the wards' parents;by the way,Most students would manipulate what you're giving as a proposal to their better effect.Cellphones catch our ideas and emotions,no student would spare its use unless totally prohibited to do so.

Side: future
1 point

I think that cellphones should be allowed in schools as long as they are kept away from the students. perhaps a small box in every class where children keep the cellphones in and take it when they leave school...but keeping them in class with them is a no...its just a source of distraction

Side: future
Amritangshu(892) Clarified
1 point

I agree but would it benefit the students?;the moment the teacher is out,the children would resort to newer ploys to retrieve their phones and do something totally restricted.

Side: future
101kakashi(369) Clarified
2 points

That might be true, but if the phones are kept in a drawer, lets say a locked one....just in case any emergency would happen, it would be better than keeping the phones in another room or place. Also, sometimes when the phones are kept away, students look for an alternative, not all of them would resort to new ploys. Isn't that better than keeping the phones with them? Or in a different place?

Side: future

Definitely allow them, however kids should have to understand they can't pull out their phone during the middle of a class as it is not only distracting to others but also disrespectful to the teacher. Wait until the end of class, or the beginning of class to use your phone. Unless it was an immediate emergency, then you tell the teacher and he/she will allow you to leave the classroom to take the phone call.

Side: future

There's no reasonable way to effectively regulate it. Kids will do it anyways, and fighting them will just make them angry and fight the system more. We don't need more of that. The solution to make kids focus is not to take away their phones, it's to engage them more with what and how information is being taught.

Side: future

Undoubtedly a source of distraction so much so that the power of focus loses considerably and derailing us from our routine work

Side: distraction

I don't think it is a wise idea for students to bring cell phones to school. Cell phones can be a distraction in the classroom. Also, a cell phone is an easy target for a thief.

Side: distraction