
Debate Info

Evolution Creationism
Debate Score:36
Total Votes:48
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 Evolution (11)
 Creationism (7)

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Creationism vs. Evolution

I think this topic is obvious and requires no explanation, post your position on reasons for/ against below


Side Score: 25


Side Score: 11
1 point

Evolution definitely there is so many facts pointing to this... but there are people that think that Creationism is what happened and i respect their opinion but for my self I like to look at the facts than read what people wrote in a book

Side: Evolution
Officialjake Disputed
0 points

Yes but there is one critical fact missing. Humans couldn't have come from monkeys because there is no half human half monkey. There is no missing link it just doesn't exist. Evolution is a hypothesis and nothing else but a biased guess based on incomplete data.

Side: creationism
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
4 points

"Yes but there is one critical fact missing. Humans couldn't have come from monkeys because there is no half human half monkey. There is no missing link it just doesn't exist. Evolution is a hypothesis and nothing else but a biased guess based on incomplete data."

XD....WOW! This is willful ignorance brought to a whole new level. Congrats!

Side: Evolution
Dandeluxe(79) Disputed
3 points

Ignorance is bliss, isn't it? .

Side: Evolution
1 point


Scientists can attribute changes in DNA and adaption to enviroments as

indications of evolution.

It can be argued that Evolution provides a straight-foward logical

explanation of the origins of man and how he came to be how he is


Evolution does not exclude the possibility of Creation

Side: creationism
1 point

Evolution just seems so obvious to me... but hey, that's just my opinion.

Side: Evolution
0 points

Yes, its evolution. And the ones who say that it is creation just want to support their religion eg - CHRISTIANITY. Read charles darwins theory, it proves almost all. and even charles darwin was hated all over the world because he shook the basic foundation of all the religions........

Side: Evolution
manuchekhr(1) Disputed
0 points

hey Mystic.... do you really think that people became from monkeys? and do you really believe that photos of monkey becoming human? IF so.....where are human-monkeys? I mean the part of where monkeys evaluating and becoming a human being...nowadays w can see monkeys and human...but why they don't evaluate if so....evaluation is one part of creativity...because just think...nothing will evaluate unless it is not changed and evaluated by somebody

Side: Creationism
TheMystic(36) Disputed
1 point

I never said monkeys. I think maybe from some animal with close resemble to us and with a tail. because we wont have that tail bone otherwise. And do you think that this whole earth is created in a single day?? all these species were created by a man up there in the clouds??? Come on, be logical...!!

Side: Evolution
Faridun(9) Disputed
1 point

During the process of evolution aquatic inhabitants somehow managed to transform and move to land. If this is possible, why couldn't apes somehow evolve into humans.

When you ask why aren't there other apes transforming into humans you are being mistaken, because you see not all units evolute together. There is just some part of those who continue evolving and another part of those who remain in their previous form. This is all explained in Darwin's famous publication "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"

In addition, another reason for you not seeing evolving animals every day is that it actually takes a lot of time to evolve. I will bring those fishes that evetually became lizards as an example again, it obviously did not happen in few hours, days, weeks or years. This is very complicated process that takes millions of years. We live approximately 60-80 years. Therefore we phisically cannot evidence these changes in nature.

And btw there were inbetween forms of, how you called them "human-monkeys". Some of them are Homo-habilis and Homo-neanderthalensis.

Side: Evolution
2 points


The basis-Book of Genesis-is suspect, is the book to be taken literally

or symbolically?

Scientists can't prove the existence of God.

Can appear as somewhat childish but also very complex when assessed in


Side: creationism
2 points

How about both? Creationism portrays we were created. When is the big question. Does the when really matter? I think not.

Evolution portrays we evolved from that "first cell".

Why can't both exist when separate one says we were created by a higher being and one says we evolved from that first cell.

To me perhaps they both can be correlated to one another.

Perhaps we were created and evolution is the process that which was created.

How is that illogical or irrational?

Side: Creationism
1 point

God created man so yes. So all you who say no kiss my everlasting butt. Read the dang bible.

Side: creationism
Dandeluxe(79) Disputed
3 points

Why don't you stick your fucking Bible for all the good it's done up your gaping everlasting hole, and stop getting involved in debates that you haven't a fucking clue about.

Side: Evolution
1 point

How does evaluation occurs? people get more knowledge, develop, learn more, moreover, start to create new world...Evaluation is part of CREATIONISM

Side: Creationism
0 points

Evolution is false. How could humans come from monkeys if there is nothing in between. Scientists always say there is a missing link they have to find but they cant find it because there isn't! There is no half monkey half human animal. In true science you review data to form an unbiased conclusion and what you are doing with evolution is taking incomplete data (ex. missing link) and forming a biased conclusion. Now i do believe that animals can adapt to their environment but not to the extent that humans came from monkeys.

Side: creationism
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
5 points

It's obvious that you've no idea about evolution or what the theory shows. First of all it does not state that humans came from monkeys, it states that we evolved from a common ancestor with APES.

Scientists always say there is a missing link they have to find but they cant find it because there isn't! There is no half monkey half human animal.

Scientists do not always say this, please tell me when and where you heard an actual reputable scientist make this claim.

There is many fossils of transitional species, ones that document the gradual evolution from quadrupedal animal to bipedal humans. I'd put up links but this is nothing that wont come straight up when you google it. Try Australopithecus to get you started.

In true science you review data to form an unbiased conclusion and what you are doing with evolution is taking incomplete data (ex. missing link)

"True science" is about building empirical data to prove hypothesis and then to use said theory to investigate phenomena, this is what evolutionary biologists do and let me tell you there is mountains of evidence to prove Evolution as fact, there is none, that is not even one piece of evidence that proves creationist ideas.

The fossil record is never going to be complete, ever, there is too many factors involved in fossilization that fossils are rare and extremely valuable evidence, most animals that ever exist can not hope to be fossilized, but still there are mountains of fossils that catalogue evolution in many species and in all kingdoms.

Molecular evidence alone proves evolution even if not one fossil was ever found.

Now i do believe that animals can adapt to their environment but not to the extent that humans came from monkeys.

Why? Is it so hard to believe that primitive men were more like their closest genetic cousins. You'd believe that two cousins share the same eye color, because it's right in front of your face, you'd probably be open to the idea that it was a gene that coded for that eye color, but as far as men and apes go, that is too difficult a pill to swallow?

Side: Evolution
Faridun(9) Disputed
1 point

Actually there were inbetween forms, such as multimillion year old fossils of creatures that can be called neither monkes nor humans, but something inbetween. As an example: Homo gautengensis, Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo ergaster, Homo georgicus, Homo erectus. All of these used to live on our planet millions of years ago, and now evovled into us. And admit it, their existance is already proven.

And it is actually your point that has no evidence, like you cant really prove the existence of God, you just have faith(Just FYU, im not atheist). But come on, faith is not enough to be an evidence in such questions. So it actually is the creationism theory the one that lacks evidence.

Side: Evolution