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 Cult religion Unity Church (22)

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Saintnow(3684) pic

Cult religion Unity Church
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It's amazing men are willing to follow any man made religions. It speaks to the insecurity of mankind.

They refuse to follow the Christian faith so rather then just admitting that fact, they make up their own transformed Christian cult.

Do they truly believe their man made creation or are they simply trying to destroy the true Christian faith? I believe the latter.

I believe it is a war against God.

2 points

Yep, they are at war against God, trying to annihilate Him so that he can't keep them in Hell.

They do not truly believe their man made creations. I was pretty deep into Hinduism before I was's a very strong delusion, but because there is no way of really testing it other than physical death there is always a shadow of doubt, always something haunting saying "maybe this is not real". They work hard to keep that small voice of conscience quiet.

The kind of Hinduism I was into was very much like Unity Church, but it was more traditional Hinduism. Unity is more spun off mixing occult with Hinduism. What really amazed me here is that pretty much everybody here seems incapable of seeing that Unity is Hindu and not Christian. It shows how well they have been brainwashed with evolution and humanism.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified Banned
1 point

Christianity is a man made religion, even according to Christianity.

You just called yourself insecure :P

Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

Did you see Demon Hunters early stuff when he first stated posting? He said he was an atheist in a Christian rock band, "Demon Hunter", and literally was chased by demons.....then for whatever reason, probably got kicked out of the band, he was going to blow his brains out and then had "a vision" of a flame-light cutting through the curtain in the room he was going to kill himself in, and he found a Bible open to a page having to do with the veil of the temple, so he thinks some kind of god showed him that there is no barrier between him and god now and that's his "salvation" he was more than wide open to get sucked in to Unity Church.

1 point

Those fucking Shrek deniers! May Shrek rape them!

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Thanks for helping keep this debate up front for others to see. People need to know Unity is not Christian.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You're a foul mouth punk, I'll always ban you from the start when I make a debate until you act like you know how to have some manners.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Did your parents knock any of your teeth out?....................................

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

hogwash. All you are doing is pointing out how animals may adapt to their environment. That is not the same as DNA being added to the genome causing one kind of animal to turn into another kind by mutation. You have never seen it happen, you will never see it happen, you believe it happened because you want to believe life is meaningless and you escape in death. You're not going to escape, you will end up in the Lake of Fire where you will know nothing God from God as you want Him to be absent from your life, He's giving you what you want, you'll wake up in Hell if you don't wake up and repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ first.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You're a foul mouth punk, I'll always ban you from the start when I make a debate until you act like you know how to have some manners.

AtheistBSA(72) Disputed
1 point

Nevermind I saw what he said.....,............ Sorry bout that

Post the video in the webpage. Who wants to click on a link? Make it easier for people. Or better yet just type out a topic of discussion. "The Cult Religion Unity Church". Ok but what about it? Is it good? Is it bad? What do you disagree with? Why do you disagree with it? Give us SOMETHING to respond to.

As for responding to the debate. Yeah i think the unity church just tries to hold onto the good stuff everyone likes about Christianity while trying to distance itself from the bad stuff like hell. In doing so it defeats the entire point of the religion

Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

I don't know how, I try but it doesn't work.

One time I did succeed in getting the video in my post, but I don't know seemed easy but I can never do it again.

Cults are bad because they are based on lies and will lead people to Hell. Jesus is the Savior who will save people from Hell.

There is nothing good in Unity Church. It's based on lies, the whole thing is corrupt.

If I spit in a glass of water, it's only a few drops in the whole glass, but will you drink it? it's the same with Unity Church. It's a poisoned drink.

There is no such thing as a good cult. Sure they can do good community service deeds, but that does not make their teachings good. It's evil, it's against God, and it's leading people into Hell.

You need to get saved, then you will understand. I hope you will keep asking honest questions and not stopping until you know the truth.

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

Okay. But the Unity Members would say that you are wrong about all of that. They would say jesus does not send people to hell. They would say that all people are saved and forgiven. So who do i believe, them or you?

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Unity Church denies that Jesus is God, they deny He is risen from the dead, they are not Christian, nothing about them is Christian. Their Jesus is not Jesus of the Bible, their "God" is some kind of eternal Star Wars Force, their "Christ" is a warm fuzzy feeling or something weird.

It started around the time of the mind science cults like Christian Science. "Christian Science" is another cult that is not Christian. There is only one Truth, and Jesus said "I am .the way, the truth, and the life...". His claim is exclusive, and anybody who denies He is God or is risen from the dead bodily is not Christian.

Christianity is based on the Bible alone. Cults are based on the teachings of whatever weirdo started Unity it was Fillmore, some nutcase who claimed they were healed of a disease after some mind-over-matter meditating, which from what I have seen the person actually did recover from a disease, and that's how it started. He told the people around him that he had a new religion that heals, and viola.......a cult was born.

1 point

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1 point

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Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

Another fine example of how perverts are messed up and confused.

Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

Another fine example of how perverts are messed up and confused.