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Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Do You Like Your Music LOUD?


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 6
2 points

Yes, I love my music loud. I especially like rock/alternative loud, but even classical and jazz do well,with a certain level of loudness goodness!

Side: Yes
CaptainUSA(27) Disputed
1 point

i don't like when is loud because u can hurt your hear so then u can't hear.

Side: No
2 points

We know that it can hurt your ears well anything loud can but it doesn't really matter if you don't do it everyday.

Side: Yes
1 point

It depends. The only time I like my music loud is when I'm in a bad mood or I need to block out everything else. I only play music loud when I've got headphones on, and prefer classical music to block everything out. I don't know why, but it's the perfect kind of music to be by myself with.

Side: Yes
1 point

Hello, Saurbaby08!

I support you in listening to loud music in a bad mood. It really rises a mood and gives a pleasure to relax and forget about outer life. As for me, I prefer Hip-Hop music and it sounds too much loud when I am tired and want to be awaken or my problems are higher and even keep me in stress. In addition, I love a loud music, when I am really inspired by favorite one. I want to listen to it again and again, just like getting it on replay. Also I noticed that fact after pressing a button to play it again, I every time make a volume higher for 1 step.

However, let me tell you about disadvantages of it. I guess, even you know how it damages our hearing. According to the Statistical Department in Medicine Universities across America in 2011, in near 40 years of life people become deaf, especially those people, who work in noisy places and often use telephones. Hearing quickly goes down and cost of rehabilitation is expensive. Now, scientists are developing a new concept how to preserve people from a noise. I wanted to pay your attention to how it is easy to lose your hearing and difficult to revive through tears and pain. Take into consideration 2 ways of solving a problem: to turn music sound down or to stop using headphones. It is not easy, but so you can save you health. Your life in your hands.

Side: Yes
1 point

When I'm drunk, yes... otherwise I like it kind of in the middle.

Side: Yes
1 point

The louder the better. I definitely go over board. It actually really annoys me when I'm going for a car ride, even with people, and the music is low... or someone keeps turning it down. I love it so loud I feel like I'm a part of it...Even as a kid, wearing head phones, I'd put it nearly full blast. No clue as to how I'm not deaf.

Side: Yes
1 point

when i'm 30 then ill be deaf. if its too loud then your too old

Side: Yes
1 point

I support you in listening to loud music in a bad mood. It really rises a mood and gives a pleasure to relax and forget about outer life. As for me, I prefer Hip-Hop music and it sounds too much loud when I am tired and want to be awaken or my problems are higher and even keep me in stress. In addition, I love a loud music, when I am really inspired by favorite one. I want to listen to it again and again, just like getting it on replay. Also I noticed that fact after pressing a button to play it again, I every time make a volume higher for 1 step.

Side: Yes
1 point

However, let me tell you about disadvantages of it. I guess, even you know how it damages our hearing. According to the Statistical Department in Medicine Universities across America in 2011, in near 40 years of life people become deaf, especially those people, who work in noisy places and often use telephones. Hearing quickly goes down and cost of rehabilitation is expensive. Now, scientists are developing a new concept how to preserve people from a noise. I wanted to pay your attention to how it is easy to lose your hearing and difficult to revive through tears and pain. Take into consideration 2 ways of solving a problem: to turn music sound down or to stop using headphones. It is not easy, but so you can save you health. Your life in your hands.

Side: Yes
1 point

Loud music might ruin your ears but that is overtime if you put it loud usually but for me i put once in a while and love it.

Side: Yes

Loud music really moves me and I like to watch the strobe lights flashing to the music on my stereo.

Side: Yes
2 points

I don't like my music loud. It can be bad for your ears if you crack it up loud. I like it medium or just right.

Side: No

No, I have a hearing superiority! I don't want to lose it......................

Side: No
1 point

No, I don't wanna be deaf by the time i'm 40 thank you very much.

Side: No