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Debate Score:20
Total Votes:21
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excon(18262) pic

Do people who scream FAKE NEWS do so, so they themselves can perpetrate FAKE NEWS?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 14
1 point

I don't think that's the sole reason but mostly....yes... I do think they like to create their own when it suits their agenda, as well as spread about fake news that they happen to agree with. They are so busy pointing the finger at the opposition that they are blind to what their side does, even when it's doing the same thing. On this site alone someone has had a jolly good time yelling "fake news" while creating debates that are utterly false and deceptive and rely on 'fake news'.

Side: Yes
1 point

Hi Mint:

Thanks.. I ask because in all my 75 years, I have NEVER seen my opposition SOOOO misinformed. And, apparently, WILLINGLY so.


Side: Yes
1 point

I think there is a very large difference between being ignorant on something versus being willfully ignorant on something. We all have ignorance on one topic or another and that's not a bad thing. But CHOOSING to close your eyes to something because it doesn't suite your agenda is completely different. It's willfully writing a different narrative and being intentionally ignorant of the facts.

Side: Yes
DarthPrime(37) Disputed
1 point

I study the news from both sides constantly and pragmatically and watched you say provably false things over and over and over. Not semantics. Provably, with no possibility of being true, false.

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Super Stupid the only people that are misinformed are you Progressives and WILLINGLY SOOOOOO!

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You Precious Jewel utterly false and deceptive tactics are used by your Brown Shirt Media and can you deny it ? Punking you Progressives is just to easy due to you being Utterly Stupid

Side: No
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

Punking you Progressives is just to easy due to you being Utterly Stupid

Example of fake news. You don't punk anyone on this site, the worst you do is make them roll their eyes. Carry on.

Side: Yes
1 point

Declaring “fake news” is a form of propaganda. And propaganda is organized misinformation.

Side: Yes
OmegaPan(710) Disputed
1 point

Saying Russia Collusion for a year and a half without producing even a candy bar wrapper for evidence, and Mueller even stating that he had given up on it, is fake news.

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Propaganda is carried out each and everyday by the Mentally Insane Media of the Progressive Party but drink up Boy from that Water Trough !!!!!!!!!!

Side: No
2 points

Oh you Precious 75 year old Dummy

Fake News comes from the news you ingest !!!!!

Let's see Dummy ! ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN,MSLSD,The New York Slimes,Washington Compost do i need to continue you 75 year old Progressive from Washington LMMFAO

Side: No

Some yes... Others, no.............................................................

Side: No
1 point

Even liberals used to admit that CNN was full of crap. Now that Trump is President, they magically now foam at the mouth, wanting all the crap CNN can muster like dogs to vomit.

Supporting Evidence: The Real CNN (
Side: No
1 point

(The lib media taking a breath to make sense for five minutes)

Side: No