
Debate Info

Little brain He's just a parrot
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Little brain (2)
 He's just a parrot (1)

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CrabCakes(130) pic

A clear explanation as to why burritolunch the Fascist calls others Fascists

Fascism has largely been falsely identified by the far left as being part of the far-right since World War II. There is also a Communist party directive dated back to as early as 1943 that demands that any Communists who encounter any opposition towards their plans are to call their opponents, among other things, fascists and nazis.[49]

Little brain

Side Score: 2

He's just a parrot

Side Score: 1
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Lol. Conservapedia.

Conservapedia /kənˌsɜːrvəˈpiːdiə/ is an English-language wiki encyclopedia project written from a self-described American conservative and fundamentalist Christian point of view.[3][4]

Examples of Conservapedia's ideology include its accusations against and strong criticism of former US President Barack Obama – including belief in the "birther" conspiracy theory[9] – along with open criticisms of atheism, homosexuality, the Democratic Party, and evolution.

And this next part is just hilarious:-

Furthermore, it views the theory of relativity as promoting moral relativism,[10][LOL!] claims that abortion increases risk of breast cancer, praises a number of Republican politicians, supports celebrities and artistic works that it believes represent moral standards in line with Christian family values, and accepts fundamentalist Christian doctrines such as Young Earth creationism.[11][12

Ahahahahahaha! I like it when you discredit yourself because it saves me work.

Side: He's just a parrot
KingZong(76) Disputed
1 point

Lol. Conservapedia.

Pretty stupid to use a source we just proved has far left wing bias

as your source to attack another source.

Side: Little brain
KingZong(76) Disputed
1 point

I like it when you discredit yourself because it saves me work.

You didn't mention anything in the debate, much less debunk it.

Fascism has largely been falsely identified by the far left as being part of the far-right since World War II. There is also a Communist party directive dated back to as early as 1943 that demands that any Communists who encounter any opposition towards their plans are to call their opponents, among other things, fascists and nazis.[49]

Side: Little brain