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Let me measure skin tone first Which party are you first?
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Let me measure skin tone first (2)
 Which party are you first? (1)

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HappyCat(161) pic

Does someone who's half white and half Hispanic qualify as a person of color

Let me measure skin tone first

Side Score: 2

Which party are you first?

Side Score: 1
1 point

Well, technically neither black or white are colors, they're shades.

But to give continuity to the inaccurate title of the thread I consider that they would only qualify as a person of pastel color.

That would mean that they couldn't enjoy the complete range of privileges as those from exclusively black lineage.

They could only pull the race card in a watered down version.

Such people of pastel color may even be arrested when caught shoplifting, rioting or for crimes of violence.

A female person of pastel color who identifies as a male would be as far down the pecking order as a white male.

Side: Let me measure skin tone first
1 point

Does someone who's half white and half Hispanic qualify as a person of color


I don't know if there's an official guide, but I think anybody who's not 100% white is a person of color.


Side: Which party are you first?
BrontoLite(759) Disputed
1 point

I don't know if there's an official guide, but I think anybody who's not 100% white is a person of color

Man, I'm like 20 people of color then, but I don't believe CNN is real, so I don't count due to jumping their fence decades ago.

Side: Let me measure skin tone first