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 Donald Trump (10)

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mastermcman(50) pic

Donald Trump

Do you think Donald trump should be president
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We need another hitler we really do. We need to get rid of all the parasites in the world. That's exactly why people hated Jews, they produced no product and sucked off those who do.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

You don't make any sense, could you clarify your statement?


2 points

He is simple-minded, narcissistic, elitist, misogynistic, misanthropic and completely illiterate in both policy and economics. He's not even as good of a businessman as he should be. And he hangs out with Sarah Palin.

Hopefully she will do for him what she did for McCain.

2 points

Seeing how Trump "handled" his feud with Megyn Kelly I shudder to think how he would handle someone like Putin.

2 points

no, his simplistic ideas may play well for some but would be a disaster for the country.

he would start a trade war which will cause a global recession.

his spending ideas and tax policies are a bad joke that would cost the treasury

close to five trillion dollars.

these are policies that are a disaster waiting to happen.

mastermcman(50) Disputed
1 point

I agree completely with you he is just one big joke that will and cant do any thing for this country.

1 point

I get where trump is coming from on some of his points but he cant be for real mate this guy will bring us to WW3. Trump is a joke he really is that`s all I got to say.

gs54(27) Disputed
1 point

you may be more correct than you or I realize.

can you see trump in office, and a crisis breaks out in the Baltic states where putin even as we speak

is trying to undermine there membership in nato.

and in this scenario trump refuses to back the Baltic countries because they have not paid us there

membership money.

and then Putin moves on Poland next and trump has decision to make defend Poland and go to war

in Europe or back down and give Putin Poland and the Baltic states.

does anyone really think trump could handle a situation like this.

one should laugh at this scenario.

I have said you a while now what Putin really wants is white Russia back.

this includes both halves of the Ukraine and then he moves on Poland and the Baltic states.

1 point

thats the reason why I dont want him president he is a modern day Hitler and has no clue on where to begin to fix this country he is a racist and a retard.

1 point

I would not say he is hitler.

however one could say that he is not qualified to be president at all in any way shape or form.