
Debate Info

If so, it'll be way different Nahh, we're toast
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 If so, it'll be way different (6)
 Nahh, we're toast (3)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

Even if I survive the virus, will my country survive?

If so, it'll be way different

Side Score: 6

Nahh, we're toast

Side Score: 3
1 point

It'll be way different in any case. If Trump gets reelected, I don't really want to be a part of it. I'm allergic to authoritarianism. :-(

Side: If so, it'll be way different
1 point

I'm allergic to authoritarianism

Sure ya are Al. You happily watched Obama rape the Constitution for 8 full years.

Top 10 Ways Obama Violated the Constitution during His Presidency during-presidency

Now show us Trump being authoritarian.

Side: Nahh, we're toast
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Socialist your Party is not the Party of Authoritarianism ? Idiot you have not figured out that all the blame you lay on others comes right back to you. Then the Socialist complains about the 15th Amendment. Socialist you should not try to be so transparent.

Side: If so, it'll be way different

Even if I survive the virus, will my country survive?

Of course you'll survive. It only took Trump months to move the market from 18,000 to 22,000, and 3 years to get it to just shy of 30,000. He will have more time ahead of him for growth than he has behind him.

Side: If so, it'll be way different

We need Jesus, hun. Jesus loves, His creation......................................................................................

Side: If so, it'll be way different

Let's hope not. Your country has really taken mankind down a bad path. Religion badly needs to die, and so does this new brand of fascism which Trump has awakened.

Side: Nahh, we're toast
Hitlersmom(38) Disputed
1 point

Death to Excon as well as america. Yes indeedy .

Side: If so, it'll be way different
1 point

I want Jesus, to be my Lord, and He is. It is my and His choice. We both agree, that He is awesome.

Side: If so, it'll be way different
0 points

Religion badly needs to die

Yes, the Progressive religion needs to die. It thinks boys are girls.

and so does this new brand of fascism

I agree. This leftist culture of statism worship, Hollywood propaganda, media propaganda, and putting massive pork into emergency bills must be stopped at all costs.

Side: If so, it'll be way different
1 point

I agree. This leftist culture of statism worship

The reason you agree yet have convinced yourself that I said the precise opposite of what I actually said is because...



Please see your nearest doctor for more information about living with this condition.

Side: Nahh, we're toast