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 Every president in US history was a piece of shit and that will never change (27)

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Superior(30) pic

Every president in US history was a piece of shit and that will never change

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Every president in US history was a piece of shit and that will never change

Consider the source son.

1 point

If every U.S. President was a "piece of shit", THIS one is a "pile of shit"! If you don't like it here GO! (Back to space, preferably :-). You must be one of the Koch's libertarians that think we don't need rules and everything should be free for those who can get it, and that they should be free to use "it" without ANY government oversight. When you leave, take your chaos with you! :-(

You must be one of the Koch's libertarians that think we don't need rules

He's a boring troll with no friends who insults people and uses shock language just so people will actually recognise his existence.

Superior(30) Disputed
0 points

If you don't like it here GO!

An incredibly stupid, cliche statement. What makes you think I like any country at all? I don't fyi.

You must be one of the Koch's libertarians

Why would you assume that? Maybe I'm a fascist, maybe I'm a Marxist, maybe I'm an anarcho-primitivist. There are dozens of ideologies other than the one you assumed I must be. Dozens of ideologies that are opposed to plutocracy and the American government system. Your hasty and presumptuous assumption is proof of your narrow mind.

2 points

Your hasty and presumptuous assumption is proof of your narrow mind.

Your flamebaits are proof of your lack of maturity.

2 points

It's not stupid. if you hate a country, you are free to leave...............................................................

1 point

presumptuous assumption

Also, I find it simply bizarre that you'd use this language right after assuming "every president in US history was a piece of shit".

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

You don't like any country at all? Same advice, Go. Maybe volunteer for Trumps "Space Force" and colonize Mars. Anyway, YOU are calling ME incredibly stupid?

If you don't like the American system, where on Earth will you find that you can be happy …. Antarctica? A country without a government cannot defend itself, cannot educate itself, cannot have a decent health care system … well, you likely don't like any of them either. Your mind isn't narrow …. it's BLOWN. :-)