
Debate Info

Meh Continue fake outrage
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:37
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 Meh (9)
 Continue fake outrage (10)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Evil Trump to sign executive order to keep families together


Side Score: 11

Continue fake outrage

Side Score: 14
1 point

He's doing (after the damage is done), what Obama did automatically. Pressure from the Dems AND the rest of the world at least wins the day! He'll fk it up tomorrow, probably!

Side: Meh
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

AL are you Progressives concerned about the children in the womb ? By the way AL have you sent your check to PPH this month to protect the children ???????

Side: Continue fake outrage
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Crazy AL if you Progressives are so concerned about children why does PPH give out Lucite Blocks for awards ???? Come on AL what you got to say ?

Side: Continue fake outrage

It's funny how pedophiles and abortion doctors all of a sudden care about the well being of children, if it is to be perceived as Trump's fault.

Side: Meh
3 points

There will be sighs of disappointment in the Democrat camp tonight.

The overdone posturing of the hypocritical Democrats has nothing to do with compassion, but instead has everything to do with the shameless use of the children of irresponsible, uncaring and criminal parents as pawns in their thrust for political gain.

This affair has emphasised just how low the Democrats will sink to try to score a few cheap political points.

Side: Continue fake outrage
2 points

I agree with Trump. The family can stay together until they are all sent back from where they came.

Side: Continue fake outrage
PantherOfBog(75) Disputed
2 points

But you're supposed to be a Christian. You should let them live with you and help strangers.

Side: Meh
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point
Side: Continue fake outrage
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
-1 points

There are not enough Christians in the world to help all the children screwed up by this self love culture.

The answer is to address the reasons for broken families, not just putting band aids on the ever growing problems.

Side: Continue fake outrage
1 point

How Christian of you. If you are a Christian, I don't want to be. Jesus, not the President should leadf this country.

Side: Meh

Yes, the hypocritical Democrat Party screams about any chance an illegal immigrant's family might get separated during their attempt to break the law.

The last I understood it, when a bank robber breaks the law, he is separated from his family. Am I wrong about that? People who break the law care as much about their family as animals.

These are the same Democrats who support killing viable unborn babies for any reason up to birth.

Can there be a more hypocritical inhuman Party on the planet?

Side: Continue fake outrage
1 point

Conservatives are probirth, not prolife.......................................................................................

Side: Meh