
Debate Info

Truth Fluff
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:26
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 Truth (6)
 Fluff (14)

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IchthysSaves(621) pic

Evolution Vs God (By Ray Comfort) Truth or Fluff?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 19
0 points

There is no fault in what he says.

Side: Truth
IchthysSaves(621) Clarified
1 point

Sarcasm ;)

Side: Truth
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point


Now, what are the faults in what he says?

Side: Truth
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
1 point

Dude, the guy goes full retard every time he speaks, what do you mean no fault in what he says. You realize he's a huge voice for creationism, and speaks primarily for creationism, unless you, yourself are a creationist.

Side: Fluff
2 points

It's all fluffy and stuff.

Side: Fluff
2 points

LOL Banana Dude? fuck him, this dude is nuts, even if I were a Christian, this dude would be the last dude I would hear out too, Ray Comfort lowers a persons IQ by just hearing him speak lol.

Side: Fluff
2 points

Ray Comfort is one of the biggest morons, I have ever had the pleasure in listening to. Ray Comfort has no understanding of evolution, and if I were christian, I'd probably loathe the guy for making Christianity look bad as he does. Ray Comfort is a special kind of stupid, has rocks for brains, and enough arrogance to compensate to himself for it.

Side: Fluff

I doubt hes even serious, he makes money off doing this stuff, hes a conman. Him and his "husband" Kirk Cameron

Side: Fluff

you probably are right, who would believe the kind of stuff that comes out of that guy's mouth? then again a lot of people do... lol

Side: Fluff

ray comfort is just a bad person. the banana man is just logically, logically logical.

you cant walk a mile with out taking one step.

Side: Fluff

Quit a great comedy though. This makes ken hovind look like a genius, and that says alot....

Side: Fluff

I do not think Ray Comfort is the right kind of person to espouse any anti-evolution theories.

Side: Fluff