
Debate Info

God is not dictator Lets make a better system
Debate Score:67
Total Votes:71
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 God is not dictator (20)
 Lets make a better system (34)

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goodmale(1459) pic

God is a dictator, we need a better system

God is not dictator

Side Score: 29

Lets make a better system

Side Score: 38
2 points

He is dick nor tator. You have the choice to fallow him or not

Side: God is not dictator
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

LOL, Lets form a army against god. Who would win. LOL!!!!!!!!

Side: Lets make a better system
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

No one would.

Side: God is not dictator
2 points

God is not a Dictator, he's just a fucking Dic....k .

Side: God is not dictator

A system were you are not punished for eternity for not believing in it.

Side: Lets make a better system
1 point

I guss, maybe not for killers. But just for people that want to live in a different way. Like nice and shiny people would want a nice and shiny heaven. Or people like charlie that wants to live in a different way.

Side: Lets make a better system
1 point

I love this. I think everybody should have a choice on. How they want to live.

Side: Lets make a better system
2 points

I'd prefer a system which doesn't evolve "eternity", or "eternal punishment." Can you all actually visualize eternity?

Side: Lets make a better system
1 point

I can, It hell either way. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Lets make a better system
1 point

Yes better system will be good. We don't need dictator. I thank we should make a heaven for all different people. I don't want a heaven like off of all dogs go to heaven or something. It just to nice and all so shiny for me.

Side: Lets make a better system
lolzors93(3225) Clarified
0 points

Is there a problem with a dictator? Though I don't think God is a dictator, even if He was, what would be the problem with that?

Side: God is not dictator
2 points

Because Dictators are bad. I would go beyond saying he is a dictator and say that he is like a terrorist. Like how terrorists use threaten to do horrible things to people for not believing in something God does to people who don't believe in him. He uses the fear of hell to control people.

Side: God is not dictator
1 point

As in the idea, right? Since he has neither been proven nor disproved. Regardless, I agree. A better system than eternal damnation for finite crimes is definitely needed.

God as he stands is the definition of a dictator.

Side: Lets make a better system

A system where theistic people should worry about God dictating them, and people who are atheistic shouldn't even care in the first place. It's not a system but helpful mind set for those who have nothing else to argue about. I can easily say that God can dictate others but I wont submit to him because I have my own desires and wishes to bring to life.

Side: Lets make a better system
1 point

This is a nice idea. I would love a heaven land that is made for scientists.

Side: Lets make a better system