
Debate Info

Harry Potter The Twilight Saga
Debate Score:33
Total Votes:33
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 Harry Potter (15)
 The Twilight Saga (6)

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amylynn93(115) pic

Harry Potter OR The Twilight Saga: Which Is Better?

What do YOU think?

Harry Potter

Side Score: 27

The Twilight Saga

Side Score: 6
4 points

Jesus Christ woman! Are you mad? Twilight sucks. ;)

Side: Harry Potter
3 points

I watched like one movie from each. I could bare watching Harry Potter again... Twilight, not so much.

Side: Harry Potter
3 points

Harry Potter!

Side: Harry Potter
3 points

Seen em all and read the books and all I can say is Twilight whilst having some interesting moments is pretty sucky, sparkly vampires please, they just looked like they'd been hanging out in too many strip clubs!!

Side: Harry Potter
2 points


twilight is boooring :)

Side: Harry Potter

Harry Potter never had to choose between necrophilia and bestiality. So that's a mark in his favor.

Side: Harry Potter

I am not really a fan of Harry Potter but it does the fantasy Genre justice where as Twilight completely drags the name of Vampires through the mud.

Honestly vampires that sparkle in the sun? What happened to the good traditional Vampire Genre with Bela Lugosi and Christopher Lee?

And I think we all know J.K Rowling is a far better author than Stephenie Meyer and as a bonus she is British.

Side: Harry Potter
1 point

i hate this comparison but urgh! nothing will ever beat Harry Potter!

Side: Harry Potter

Are you kidding me? Twilight totally takes the ham.

I mean at least the main characters in twilight look sexy.

Side: The Twilight Saga
mitgag(1652) Disputed
1 point

kriten stewart has leser expressions than a plank of wood. and robert pattinson was in harry potter. where do you think he learnt how to look sexy otherwise!

Side: Harry Potter
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

kriten stewart has leser expressions than a plank of wood.

I like that in women, that lack of expression tells me that they won't annoy the kahjoyddles out of me and it's a sexy look to boot.

and robert pattinson was in harry potter.

So? He wasn't the only sexy character in Twilight.

Side: The Twilight Saga
1 point

Kristen Stewart is not attractive and as for Robert Pattinson, why does every one find him attractive?

And how attractive the actors are doesn't really matter, how convincing they are and how good the plot is matters way more.

Side: Harry Potter
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Kristen Stewart is not attractive

That's merely a matter of opinion.

and as fr Robert Pattinson, why does every one find him attractive?

His gorgeous eyes and facial frame.

And how attractive the actors are doesn't really matter, how convincing they are and how good the plot is matters way more.

But it's their attractiveness that acts as a very effective lure which convinces people, makes it easier to catch them, and then reel them into the plot. The attractiveness is an "all-in-one-go" type of thing. They had me very convinced.

So it's their attractiveness that makes the plot for what it really is and thus makes the story better.

Side: The Twilight Saga

Harry Potter fans are always in conflict with fans of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars

Twilight on the other hand has humiliated the whole fantasy genre and made the whole internet united against it.

Side: The Twilight Saga
mitgag(1652) Disputed
1 point

actually, hp, star Wars and lord of the rings have more of a common fan base, as compared to twilight.

twilight lost most of its fans when people re-read the books. and if you do re-read the books, you realise how the author has made girls look powerless and vampires sparkly, which slowly ruins the whole plot. also, the last book has no battle. which ruined the ending as well. :/

Side: Harry Potter