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Debate Score:45
Total Votes:49
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 Yes (17)
 No (13)

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BenWalters(1508) pic

Has a debate on this site ever changed your mind about a religious belief?

Religion & politics are definitely the two most debated topics on this site, but, more so in religion, I've not once seen someone actually change their mind.

Personally, I haven't, but I would say I've refined my opinions, and become more informed.


Side Score: 28


Side Score: 17
3 points

Good question.

Actually yes, when I first started to use this site I was a church going Christian. Of course I had to put up with being forced to go to church, nonetheless I still held no reason to disbelieve any of the information I was given.

However roughly 3 or 4 years ago: after defending myself with the most simplistic arguments, and trying to make my arguments sound better with the usage of tons of metaphors, I came to the realization several weeks later as I looked back on the highest grossing and oldest debate this site had and started reading through all the arguments those whom disbelieved in God had to say ( this was of course after I argued endlessly with Xaeon ) I came to the realization that God might not exist. I started contemplating whether or not what I had been taught for all these years had any true basis. Then I eventually went with the side of uncertainty, and that is where I remain today. Agnostic Theist or whatever you decide to name it, regardless of other peoples opinion: God to me sounds awesome, if heaven does indeed exist I will repent and beg for forgiveness. However if it doesn't I will simply pass on this life and see what death is really like when that day comes.

But I would have to say that ultimately this website and the arguments posted on it regarding whether or not God existed changed my belief.

Side: yes
1 point

While I have not so much changed my belief, there are things that people have said on here that made me understand an other's beliefs more.

And I have changed my mind through someone on the internet on another topic, but not on religion. :)

Side: yes
1 point

Yes, what reading and participating in the religious debates has done for me is to learn a lot about the many religions out there. What is most interesting is the number of similarities and origins...what a surprise!

Side: yes

Totally. Reading and participating in these debates has really challenged me to think twice about accepted ways, including the religious. While I may not have changed religion, I absolutely believe that debate is the way to gain perspective. 'You think you know everything until you know better', and these discussions prove it.

Side: yes
1 point

I am posting on the "yes" side because while a debate on this site specifically hasn't changed any perspective I have about a religious belief, other debates in the past I've had, have changed my belief or perspective in what I believe to be the accurate or at least more likely accurate perspective/belief. And I think that's the greatest gift you can get from a debate.

More knowledge. More perspectives. More experience. More brain stimuli.

Side: yes
1 point

Have you seen any of thewayitis' debates? It'll definitely make you reassess what kind of Christians there are out there, aha.

Side: yes
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Go ahead and elaborate on this. To do so will only show that atheist will do whatever it takes to defend their religion. Lying is at the top of the list. Please place all evidence here that God does not exist. Just remember that in order to say that god doesn't exist, one has to be 100% sure.

Side: No
Conro(767) Disputed
1 point

"Just remember that in order to say that god doesn't exist, one has to be 100% sure."

But as we all know, believers need only claim to be 100% sure, since it is similarly impossible for them to prove 100%, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is a god.

Side: yes
2 points

Nope it never has changed my religous beliefs. I will always be Christian for the rest of life. I will serve God until the day I die. I will try to reach my goal and that is to get to heaven.

Side: No
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
4 points

Aah, the sweet delusion of the ignorant. I don't think the question is asking if you have become a muslim for example, but rather, have you considered other possibilities? I mean, has nothing made you more thoughtful of other possibilities than the bipolar bearded sadist in the sky?

Side: yes
TheThinker(1688) Disputed
3 points

Aah, the sweet deslusion of the ignorant

Why do you say he is ignorant? Can you please prove that he is ignorant?

He answered the question and i think you are attacking him JUST to attack him. You haven't provided any reason why he is ignorant. Prove him wrong about his God and religion because that is the only way to prove that he is ignorant.

And by the way, everybody is ignorant unless he or she knows everything about everything.

Im not trying to disrespect you but how you called him ignorant hitted my nerves. At least prove him wrong.

God bless.

And for this reason, im downvoting you because overall, you haven't disputed him.

Side: No
Troy8(2417) Disputed
2 points

I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe in a bipolar sadist...

Side: No
1 point

LOL the classic god is evil if he exists at all argument

Supporting Evidence: Atheists, Science, and God (
Side: No
3 points

LOL the classic god is evil if he exists at all argument

Supporting Evidence: Atheists, Science, and God (

I love that site. I always wondered why God can't seem to do anything for amputees, but now I know he can, because the Bible says he did one time.

Praise the Lord!!

Side: yes
1 point

If anything it has reinforced my dislike for non-agnostics, despite not being an agnostic myself. When it comes to proselytization, I pretty much agree with Penn Jillette: even if I disagree with your [religious] beliefs, I wouldn't respect you if you didn't try to proselytize me, for how much must you hate me to want to curse me to (as far as you are concerned) an eternity of damnation. I completely disregard atheists, especially those of the New breed, desiring to see an end to religiosity - I see them just as I see, say, a Mohammedan wanting to only allow fellow Mohammedans to live, or a Christian wanting to kill or convert all infidels - as being intellectually indefensible.

Side: No
BenWalters(1508) Disputed
1 point

I like the refreshing hate for those who don't try to convert you, at the very least it makes sense.

Side: Yes
Liber(1712) Disputed
1 point

I like the refreshing hate

I never said that I hated them, but that I didn't respect them for they obviously hate me.

Side: No
1 point

No, but that's not to say it couldn't happen. But I have yet to see a compelling argument against my religious belief. All the arguments I've seen against it commit at least two common informal fallacies: The Ad hominem and the Straw Man fallacy. It just seems to me that most people have forgotten that you must first show that a man is wrong before you can say that he is wrong.

Side: No
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
2 points

It just seems to me that most people have forgotten that you must first show that a man is wrong before you can say that he is wrong.

Not necessarily. If I believed that there is a chain smoking, monocle wearing panda pimp in the heart of the sun, how would you prove me wrong? After all, no-one has been to the heart of the sun, so I must be right, right?

Obviously, my claim has no substance. But by your rules, my claim would have to be accepted as a genuine theory until discovered otherwise. You seem to be forgetting that the burden of proof lies with the person who makes the claim; the person who disagrees doesn't have to show anything.

Side: yes

The belief that atheism is for those that cannot think is clearly pointed out here by all the web-sites they cling to. One cannot think on their own, when all they do is quote others. The ignorant follows blindly.

Side: No