
Debate Info

Kidding - excon is the racist Deny it - excon is the racist
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:21
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 Kidding - excon is the racist (4)
 Deny it - excon is the racist (4)

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excon(18262) pic

Has racism gone mainstream??


Right wingers TELL us that there's NO racism in the US..  They say it ended years ago.  They say the left wing sees racism where it simply does NOT exist.

So, I wonder how they explain the blatant racism on these very pages??   Will they say it's NOT racist because they're only kidding around, and that makes ME the racist??  Or will they they just flat out DENY that what they say is racist, and THAT makes ME the racist?? 

There's one other option, of course.  It CAN'T be racism if what they SAY about black people is just the simple TRUTH.


Kidding - excon is the racist

Side Score: 11

Deny it - excon is the racist

Side Score: 8
4 points

You keep missing the point don't you ?

No one on the thread in question said it was " all black people " did they ?

The other day Bront put a topic up regarding a black young man who spoke about the way certain American blacks continually wail about being victims of an oppressive society ; most of us agreed he is a fine young articulate man and an asset to his country , I didn't notice you ' wailing ' about racism then , whys that ?

The baboons doing the looting are cowardly wretches who deserve to be beaten to a pulp by ' robust policing ' methods ; you seem to go into a hissy fit as maybe you think the ' black gentlemen ' are being demonised by those nasty whites .

Why you cannot condem this behaviour is beyond me ; no doubt if the baboons came thieving in your pad there would be brandy and cigars offered by you as a fawning thank for the honour .

Also yes you are racist as has been proven several times

Side: Kidding - excon is the racist
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

I didn't notice you ' wailing ' about racism then , whys that

I can't debate a video. But you're a live human being.

No one on the thread in question said it was all black people did they ?

So, denial is your option, huh? When Antrim says BONGO IS WHAT BONGO DOES, it LOOKS like he's talking about all of 'em... He didn't say "ALL" so, of course, there's plausible deniability there..

When you call 'em balubas, it LOOKS like you're talking about all of 'em. Maybe not, huh?

But, if you wanna tell me that you and Antrim refer to your very good black friends as balubas and bongos, I'll believe you. When you discuss with your very good black friends why their flared nostrils are better suited to the jungle, I'll believe you.. When you ask them if they can sleep with bones in their noses, I'll believe you.

Who wouldn't?


Side: Deny it - excon is the racist
Dermot(5736) Disputed
3 points

I didn't ask you to debate a video , I asked you to read the commentary regarding what was said about the black man in the video ...... way to avoid answering again as in your usual dance .

No denial here buddy the looters are baboons I thought I made that clear ?

No I'm not talking about all of them , that's why I complimented the black man in the video yesterday , a fact you keep avoiding as it doesn't fit your bleeding heart narrative , does it ?

Again incorrect Antrim also complimented the young black man on his laudable behaviour yesterday but you're too obsessed with kissing the looters collective asses to recognise this .

I don't care what you believe , you're a criminal with multiple offences behind you , you could possibly could get a few lessons from the looting Balubas in how not to get caught , you were not very successful as a career criminal were you ?

I take it by your silence to my last enquiry that you agree you're a racist

Side: Kidding - excon is the racist
3 points

Crackers and Honkies must magically only mean "some white people". Is that your claim Con?

Side: Kidding - excon is the racist
1 point

Yes if you say so ! What point are you making ? MSM has shown it are you arguing their insane point ?

Side: Kidding - excon is the racist

I know a lot of White people. Not a single one comes off as a racist or says racist things. The left needs racism to exist. Without it, they have no party and no platform.

Side: Deny it - excon is the racist
3 points

Sure there is racism going around in peoples' minds, but it wasnt until Donald Trump became president, that people actually went out and showed their true identity. Im not sure if I'm on the right side of this debate, but I just wanted to get my point out there.

Side: Deny it - excon is the racist
1 point

No but as i see it one debate on a website means racism has gone mainstream in your world ! ROTFFLMMFAO

Side: Deny it - excon is the racist