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it is it is not
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:25
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 it is (1)
 it is not (9)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Is arresting looters 'white supremacy'?


Florida looting crackdown is 'white supremacy,' claims author Sarah Jaffe

it is

Side Score: 1

it is not

Side Score: 23
1 point

This is a loaded title without even a YouTube video for context. Give us a little more to understand what you are actually referring to so we can actually debate what you mean, rather than just what you say.

Side: it is
2 points

There, I added some background and some more information. *

Side: it is not
4 points

The U.K. media is full of photographs of Bongos looting and robbing vacated homes.

Bongo is what Bong does.

Of course those Floridian cops are racists arresting the poor downtrodden black enameled Bongo thieves who were only profiting from, and adding to, the already terrible misfortune of decent white folk.

Photographs of their big black faces running with armfuls of swag is sickening but not even slightly surprising.


Side: it is not
4 points

Hi Antrim , this stupid bitch would whistle a different tune if the Balubas were looting her house ; maybe we should do away with the police so the Balubas can satisfy their dishonest needs .

The police I hope knock 8 bells out of these thieving baboons

Side: it is not
Antrim(1287) Clarified
4 points

Hello Dermot, Wait for the left wing loonies to issue some statement trying to vindicate the disgraceful actions of the thieving lowlife Bongos.

Violence, dishonesty and ruthlessness are congenital characteristics of the black filth and those who would champion or try to rationalize their criminality.

Side: it is
Cocopops(347) Clarified
2 points

Hi Dermot, Here is a difficult question for you;- can you think of anything more suspicious than a Bongo running, or even walking, through the streets with a television under his/her arm?

Now, take your time, check out the internet, ask your family and friends before giving your answer.

I mean you don't want to be accused of being prejudiced by being too quick with your answer.

Side: it is
3 points

I don't think so, but I do think there needs to be a distinction between looting and scavenging. Those who are stealing food and water because the infrastructure is down at the moment and they need to survive, would be scavenging and I don't believe they should be arrested. Those who are stealing televisions, stereo's....non-essentials are looters and should be arrested regardless of color.

Side: it is not
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

In flood ravaged city do you think for one minute a police officer which there to serve and protect is going to make a distinction between looting and scavenging. As you say and think there is a difference in stealing. Really ?

Side: it is
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Only a Leftist would try to rationalize what is stealing and what is not stealing. What is one going to do with a television , a stereo or other non-essentials in what is suppose to be mandatory evacuation situation ! So what we have here according to Jewel is a difference in what is theft and what is not. Your home is broken into that would be B&E;it is now up to the police to establish as to if that is looting or scavenging ? The insanity of the Left never stops !

Side: it is
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Your compassion for people is's something. Brings a tear to my eye, really. So touching. (that was sarcasm)

I can't imagine the world being as black and white as you want it to be.

Side: it is
2 points

She is an idiot. She is wrong.

Also note she is White. This isn't a racial minority taking a shot at someone else's race.

And also note it was a tweet, not a published article or live protest. When Trump posts a ridiculous tweet your side wants to dismiss it as just a tweet. But some nobody does so from across the political aisle and then suddenly it matters to you.

Side: it is not
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
2 points

Can you just imagine that an Idiot Leftist who would have figured such !!!!!!!

Side: it is
2 points

Skin colour doesn't matter. Looting is wrong and therefore violators should be arrested. Black or white.

Side: it is not
1 point

I kind of thought that equality under the law was something we all agreed was important for a just and peaceful society.

If I understand what this woman is saying, she disagrees with that proposition, and thinks looters should not be arrested if they are not White.

By the same token, her tweet indicates that she thinks part of the societal problem is that there is not equality under the law because the incarceration rates are higher for non-whites.

Does she want favorable treatment under the law for not-Whites, or does she want equality under the law?

It is possible (though I may be jumping to conclusions) that her underlying assumptions are that only (or primarily) Blacks and Hispanics engage in looting, and that only (or primarily) Whites have anything to steal.

I truly hope I am jumping to conclusions because that assumption is just too ridiculous to support.

All I know is that abstract categories like race do not commit crimes or oppress people, nor do categories become successful and buy things. Those things are done exclusively by actual, non-abstract, people.

- -

I am reading through the responses, and seeing terms that are new to me, like bongo and baluba so I am not always sure what some of you are saying.

Side: it is not