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 Have we reached the stage that we will never listen to a different opinion? (5)

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colinong(130) pic

Have we reached the stage that we will never listen to a different opinion?

Perhaps, many of us are too stuck with our own stance that we feel very defensive against different view-points?
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Perhaps, many of us are too stuck with our own stance that we feel very defensive against different view-points?

You should please be aware that this is a problem unilateral to the United States. Sure, there are stubborn people in all cultures, but in America being obstinate about your beliefs is actually part of that culture. The answer to why can be found in the fact that the United States has been the victim of the biggest and most sustained propaganda campaign in recorded history (beginning with the Cold War but continuing even after victory) and if countering propaganda were as simple as merely giving somebody the facts, then propaganda wouldn't be very useful at all.

People in the United States are trained, in a variety of ways, to have attitudes and beliefs which all lie within a very small spectrum of change and possibility. Much of the most savage bickering in the country is between people who already agree on pretty much everything. Everything except that one little thing, which is really only important because you happen to have nothing else to argue about.

1 point

No. I've been married for over 50 years. You HAVE to listen to a different opinion! ;-)

1 point

Most people will listen to all reasonable opinions and judge them on their merits.

If however such opinions are not to one's benefit, or downright detrimental to their interests then, invariably they will be dismissed out of hand.

Those people who promote the premise of an open mind are usually the most intransigent members of our society.

1 point

If however such opinions are not to one's benefit, or downright detrimental to their interests then, invariably they will be dismissed out of hand.

Selfish, shallow, stupid people do that. Intelligent people consider more than their own interests when making decisions, if nothing else because they are smart enough to understand the law of attraction.

Mongele(643) Disputed
1 point

Apart from being irrelevant, your counter argument in which you make a cockeyed and inappropriate reference to '' the 7 laws of attraction'' is at odds with Einstein's interpretation of the accepted meaning of the practical-personal advice of bringing what you desire into manifestation.

I think I'll run with Einstein.

In the short time I've been here I can see you are the site's official provocateur who will enthusiastically and with the gusto of a lice ridden dog licking its genitalia adopt any stance as long as you can apply your well rehearsed insults.

It's strange how most debate forums have misfits like you.

''People of intelligence'' will avoid you at all costs.