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 Hillary is totally confused on Trickle Down (45)

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Hillary is totally confused on Trickle Down

This woman knows nothing about economics and in her own words she shows her confusion. This is from CBS.
Hillary said - I call it trumped-up trickle-down, because that’s exactly what it would be. That is not how we grow the economy.
Then we get this from Hillary - I want us to invest in your future. That means jobs in infrastructure, in advanced manufacturing, innovation and technology, clean, renewable energy, and small business, because most of the new jobs will come from small business. We also have to make the economy fairer. That starts with raising the national minimum wage and also guarantee, finally, equal pay for women’s work.
More on what Hillary said - I also want to see more companies do profit-sharing. If you help create the profits, you should be able to share in them, not just the executives at the top.

How can this woman know anything about what she is saying when she is completely confused ?

She plainly stated new jobs will come from small business and that does not create trickle down and grow the economy ?

Raising the national minimum wage and guaranteeing equal pay for women's work is trickle down. So how does that grow and economy ?

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5 points

For anyone interested, trickle down economics is very different than Capitalism which is what this idiot thinks trickle down economics is.

Supporting Evidence: Trickle Down Explained (
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
2 points

Trickle down has to work if it didn't you would not have an economy at all. Where does a working man get his money to pay his bills ? Now tell me trickle down does not work.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Thank you for demonstrating that I was right.

2 points

Trickle down has to work

Is quadrupling the debt (like what happened under Reagan/Bush Sr.) your idea of something that works?

you would not have an economy at all

We almost didn't have an economy at the end of 2008

Where does a working man get his money to pay his bills ?

From employers who get their money from demand.

Now tell me trickle down does not work.

It does not. How's it working for Kansas? ref

2 points

It sounds to me like you're the one who doesn't understand the meaning of "Trickle Down Economics."

Because nothing that Hillary claimed she wanted to do in the way of improving our economy or creating jobs contradicted her earlier bashing of the idea of Trickle Down Economics.

Improving infrastructure; growing small businesses and making it easier for them to thrive, as well as increasing taxes on the wealthy are all very different concepts than Trickle Down.

IN fact, that latter idea is directly OPPOSITE to Trickle Down tenets! Trickle Down only means the idea that, "If the wealthy and elite prosper, as in having to pay less taxes and have less regulation on their free enterprise, then the economy will improve for ALL of us, since the rich are the ones who create jobs."

See? It's sort of a "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" sort of idea.

So you should just go ahead and Google TDE right now--if you doubt my definition-- and then come back here and admit you were confused as to its meaning. Because it sure sounds like you need to.

Helpful Hint: also look-up Reaganomics. since that is pretty much the same thing. I'ts called Reaganomics since he was a champion of the idea.

And you obviously also didn't catch her witty double entendre concerning her name for Trump's idea either. It should be spelled "Trumped-up Trickle Down" since it was Trump's idea to implement it again. Not just "trumped-up..." as in exaggerated or embellished.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Job creation does provide trickle down ? Improving the infrastructure as the Democrats want to do does not create trickle down ?

2 points

You should probable find out what you are talking about.

Improving the infrastructure as the Democrats want to do does not create trickle down ?

No - investment in infrastructure is not considered trickle down or supply-side economics - it is considered stimulating demand (along with the increase in productivity due to improved infrastructure).

Hillary's answer to creatng jobs?

Lets see, tell us all how many jobs will be created when you force business to pay $15 per hour? It kills jobs, creates more part time jobs, replaces workers with more automation, etc.

Lets see, does raising taxes on the job creators, create more jobs? No, it kills jobs and sends them overseas.

Does more madates on business create more jobs?

She gave no answer other than the same socialist rhetoric of taking money from tax payers to give fee College, free, free, free.

The only jobs Democrats (socialists) create are Government paid jobs. That is a recipe for bankrupcy.

1 point

If you remove the last 2 lines you will remove the opportunity for people to claim that you are 100% rhetoric. Maybe next time.

1 point

I love how little you understand about economics and politics.

It's always good for a smile or two.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Only ones confused on economics is you and Hillary. You own a computer and you bought that computer. How did you do that if it wasn't for trickle down? Only way a company can stay in business is trickle down. How does your local grocery store or local convenience store stay in business ?

1 point

It's amusing how non-economists trumpet trickle down while actual economists and data do not.

3 points

Modern Economic research doesn't support "trickle-down". Some views are non-controversial(widely agreed upon) among economists yet are widely controversial in politics. Both republicans and democrats have something to learn from economic research.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Government get their taxes from where ? What might your answer be.

From Sky Valley Chronicle:


Republican Voters Stage Revolt In Kansas Over GOP Governor's Disastrous Experiment With "Trickle Down Economics"

August 04, 2016

The plan was for wealth to "trickle down" to the little guy.

(NATIONAL) -- Republican Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas may long rue the day he decided to unfold in his state a Reagan/Tea Party styled "trickle down" economic experiment.

The theory is, just cut taxes across the board, unleash the "power of the free market" and the economy will catch on fire and revenue and jobs will soar.

But a published report in May of this year says that real-world experiment -- launched by Brownback after he was elected in 2010 - has been an unmitigated disaster for the people of Kansas.

And that was with help he received for the plan from Arthur Laffer, the late Ronald Reagan's "mastermind of trickle-down economics."

What happened in Kansas four years after those hefty tax cuts first went into effect is that there was no big explosion in private sector job growth as had been expected and the loss of tax revenue has decimated the state budget, creating a fiscal crisis necessitating drastic cuts, according to a report in Mother Jones with Kansas (in May of this year) $420 million short of the revenue it had the year Brownback's tax cuts first went in effect.

Governor Brownback wasn’t on the ballot in Tuesday’s elections, but the results look as if even the state’s Republicans believe his Kansas experiment has been a huge failure.

According to a Talking Points Memo report, "The GOP primary was a bloodbath for Brownback’s buddies in the state legislature. Five far-right conservatives in Kansas’ House and six state senators lost their seats to Republican challengers. The losing incumbents included Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce, an oft-ally of the governor. The hardliners were defeated by a wave of moderate Republicans, who were also victorious in a number of open elections Tuesday. The purge of Tea Party state lawmakers -- by Republican primary voters no less -- is being viewed in the state as a referendum on Brownback’s agenda on cutting taxes and shrinking government to minuscule levels."

The report quotes Patrick Miller, a political scientist at the University of Kansas as saying, “This is the first time ever that quote-unquote ‘conservatives’ have controlled the governorship, controlled both chambers of the state legislature, but now instead of challenging the system, they were responsible for running it. Clearly, at least so far in the Republican electorate, there was a lot of discontent with how they ran it.”

Some other items from the TPM report:

~ The last six years have been coined “the Kansas experiment” for Brownback and company’s "Koch brothers-backed effort to reduce income taxes to nearly nothing. And now many voters/taxpayers are not happy campers.

~ "The reality of the state’s fiscal mess has finally sunk in and incumbents were running for cover in every way they could," according to Edward Flentje, who served in the administrations of former Kansas Govs. Robert F. Bennett (R) and Mike Hayden (R) as well as in other government positions.

~ The Kansas budget is currently facing a $74.5 million deficit ,and has routinely undershot the revenues estimated under Brownback’s "tax cut scheme." Just last week, the state’s credit rating was downgraded for the second year in a row.

~ Brownback, who eked out a re-election win in 2014 is now one of "the most unpopular governors in the nation," according to TPM.

According to news accounts listed at Wikipedia, Brownback's trickle-down move has received criticism for shifting the tax burden from "wealthy Kansans to low and moderate-income workers.""

Brownback's tax cuts helped contribute to Moody's downgrading of the state's bond rating in 2014 and they also contributed to the S&P;Ratings' credit downgrade from AA+ to AA in August 2014 due to a budget that "analysts described as structurally unbalanced.

According to a July 2014 news story by Pulitzer prize winning reporter Michael A. Hiltzik, job growth in Kansas is trailing behind the national trend, revenues are declining every month and courts and state services as well as health care and assistance to the poor have suffered as a result of the tax cuts.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities says the tax changes pushed through by Brownback will cut taxes of the wealthiest 1% of Kansans by 2.2%, while the poorest 20% of Kansans will see their taxes increase by 1.3%, and that the large revenue losses deepened the recession's damage to schools and other state services.


DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Trickle down for the little guy works because you have already stated it does.