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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Honestly is Ismalia a troll or an idiot.

Run through my feed to see the interactions we have had, I am confused only being here for about a week and am looking for insight.

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2 points

Ismaila is just an idiot.

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

I'm not quite sure I can take your word on this. A lot of people would say the same to you, and legend has it you're permanently banned from Currocs debates.

Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point


I think she's certifiably insane... which isn't her fault, but that doesn't make it any less difficult to deal with.

I was banned off one of his debates for having an opposing view and calling him on his bull.

Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

Ismaila is female.

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Though i guess it would take a troll to recognize a troll.

XD I'm messing with ya, you've been really behaved recently.

1 point

I wouldn't use the word idiot, but I wouldn't say troll either. She is one of a kind...

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

So not an idiot. I guess (also I didn't know her gender) she has coherent thoughts, and you also say not a troll. I also could agree that she wasn't then sometimes, or the way she changes up had me wondering. One of a kind, would that be, childish, overly emotional, bigoted, brain damaged (literally, as in the frontal lobe was ruined causing the sense of decency to become shattered), devastatingly opinionated, or what?

1 point

im going to agree with ya she is one of a kind or its just her she is actually being her self not acting like someone she's not if people can be more like her it will be better she's not afraid to show the real her and that wat make her well her

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

I'm all for being yourself, but even the real you needs to behave somewhat civilized and be more open to people's opinions. It's a big world full of differing ones and if she doesn't learn that others have them it will be a hard life.

1 point

Actually I don't think she's either... she's just a little nutty that's all.

Neither, Ismalia is just a very SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaavage person in general.

1 point

She seems pretty cool from what I gathered, She just has strong views like pretty much all of us here, after all we are all here to debate.

I have no problems with strong views one of my favorite debaters has strong views. It's zephyr but when he has differences with someone he won't resort to name calling and banning.