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 If I vote for a KKK member who supports putting Black people on the back of buses..... (16)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

If I vote for a KKK member who supports putting Black people on the back of buses.....

Would I be responsible for laws passed that forced Black people to the backs of buses, if I knowingly voted for a KKK member or politician that openly supported it? If I agreed with all his other positions, but did not agree with putting Black people on the back of buses, would I be responsible for any law he helped pass forcing black people to the backs of buses.

The answer of course is YES! I would be responsible for such inhuman laws because I knowingly helped elect those who made it legal.

There are very few Progressives, Liberals, Democrats who would ever vote for a KKK member for President. That one issue alone would eliminate any chance of them voting for the person. So in this case, you would be a one issue voter no matter if you agreed with his other positions.

You would correctly state that the one issue of being a racist would supercede all other issues. You would say that his racist mentality would speak clearly to the core of his personal values. You would be correct in not voting for him because it would definitely speak to who he is and his lack of values.

To all the people who vote for Politicians who support No Restriction abortions, but say they are personally against them, why is it this one issue of No Restriction abortions does not bring forth your repugnance for the politician's core values?
Why is it you give this politician a pass when it comes to his inhuman support of killing viables babies for any reason up to birth.

There can be only one reason. You yourself could not care less about viable babies being killed for any reason up to birth. That one issue is not important enough to you to base your vote on it.

It bothers you more that a politician is a racist, than if the politician supports killing viable babies up to birth.

Is any of this getting through to phonies who say you are personally against late term abortions of viable babies, yet you still elect the radical fools lacking the simplest discernment of human values.

You simply lack the integrity and honesty to admit your support for killing healthy viable babies when voting for those who would keep it legal. We are not talking extreme case abortions that would still be allowed. We are talking about aborting healthy babies by healthy mothers with no health reasons, etc.

This is what this extreme Democrat Party supports. The next time you pull that lever, think about what you are supporting. It is no different then voting for a KKK member. The only difference is the victims are not Black. They are young and have no voice to cry out with.
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2 points

I vote for whatever is the better of the given options in my opinion. The only way a candidate's views would be 100% identical to mine would be if I was the candidate running. Otherwise, every time you vote you are simply doing the best with choices of A, B, or C.

There are only two things worse than voting for what you consider the best scenario of A, B, or C. Those are:

1) Not voting at all. Because then you've left it 100% up to others to decide. Or

2) Voting 100% Party Line. Because then you've given carte blanche to one ideology to decide everything.

FromWithin wants to condemn everyone and everything he disagrees with - based on the single issue of abortion. Basically he has gone with path 2. That is far worse than any of the rest of us simply trying to pick the better of whom ended up in front of us on the ballot.

Grenache(6053) Clarified
2 points

I just want to point out, as I receive my "down" vote, how ludicrous it is:

1) That the person who blocked me from their original debate supposedly because they don't want to hear from me clearly came here to view comments anyway. What's the point of blocking if you're still interacting with those you block?

2) That they did the simple down vote instead of counter arguing. Because hey, nothing beats a critic's argument like simply voting them down. Not. That's the cowardly way. That's not debating.

3) That they're basically admitting yes they're about path 2 - voting party line.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

I think the answer to question one is that he backed himself in a corner banning everyone who disagree's with him. His debates are usually empty.

He practices the deception that he accuses others of doing, instead of debating he calls everyone else liars and deceivers because he can't answer the hard questions without admitting that he either hasn't thought of it or doesn't have a clue. I read your response to his debate and it was answered without any of what he accused you of and banned you for.

Looks like we are all back to having debates on a copied version just to actually debate and he's back to sulking around and down voting because no one goes to his. :D

2 points

You will not see the decpetive people on this site even admit they would not vote for the KKK member I just described. This is how deceptive and phoney they are because admitting it would show their inhumanity to what they support with No Restriction abortions.


excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

duplicate post...................................................

Democrats voted Robert Byrd, a KKK member from 1953 to 2010 without batting an eye.

Grenache(6053) Clarified
0 points

They probably heard a Byrd in the hand is worth two Bush's.

Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Ha ha! That was clearly just a joke response yet it somehow merited a vote down. Just shows my opposition is an insecure bore.

1 point

And both are now seen as gods to the modern left.

1 point

Hello From:

I like my friends.. I don't like everything they do.. According to you, if we're not 100% aligned, we can't be friends.. That makes no sense to me..

Here's a true statement that apparently goes beyond your ability to understand it: I don't LIKE the KKK, and I do NOT support no restriction abortions..


PS> You can call me a name now..

1 point

1. Anyone who thinks they can turn back the clock and make abortion illegal again is dangerously delusional.

2. Anyone who thinks they can do so should first describe in detail how such a ban would be enforced because you don't need to go very far along before you're forced to realize that it would be impossible unless you completely reboot our society and implement a soviet style tyrannical government.(granted, a lot of radicalized extreme right wingnut dyed in the wool fascist conservatives are clearly in favor of tyranny these days but there are still enough sane people in this country to make sure it will never happen) You'ld have to force child bearing age women to submit to pregnancy tests every month and then lock them up if you think they might want an abortion. Good luck with that. (Actually I don't wish you luck with anything)

3. Notice the complete and utter silence from your GOP leaders on this subject at the very moment when they hold all three branches of government and could actually do something to back up their decades of promises to you and all the other insane radical christian fundies out there. For once in your life THINK! They use the abortion controversy to get you to vote for them because they know how easily duped you are. They promise you and promise you with absolutely no intention to ever deliver but they know you'll never catch on, you'll continue to vote for them every election and they'll continue to lie to you and take your money.

4. The whole thing is ridiculous to the point of insanity.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Here you are posting on a copied debate knowing you will not get a response from the site clown copying debates. Obviously you are afraid of posting on the original debate and getting a response. Gey, I wonder why?

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

Gey, I wonder why?

Because he doesn't want to interrupt your echo chamber.

1 point

granted, a lot of radicalized extreme right wingnut dyed in the wool fascist conservatives are clearly in favor of tyranny these days but there are still enough sane people in this country to make sure it will never happen

ANTIFA carries Communist flags and uses violence on minorities, and the left praises them as gods. And the American right continues to not be violent. Maybe you should look up what fascism actually is.

excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

ANTIFA carries Communist flags

Hello bront:

ANTIFA can carry DICK flags if they want.. As long as they ATTACK motherfucking Jew killing Nazis, they're fine by me..

But, I'm curious about one thing.. You SAY that TODAY'S Nazis are not like those Jew killing motherfucking Nazis of yesteryear.. These are FINE people. But, you certainly think TODAY'S communists are just like communists of old.. Why can't TODAY'S communists be warm and fuzzy too???


1 point

Here ya go nomenclature.

"...severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

1 point


I love Black People and I think that Black People are beautiful people.

Black People have problems just like everyone else. There are good and bad in every single race.

But Feeling a normal racial tension - is Normal. - people Are most comfortable being around, TRUSTING, Living and BREEDING with their Own kind.

BY LARGE. it is OK. I am that Way. I don't Feel Comfortable around Black people. And sometimes I don't feel comfortable around my own RACE.

Blacks have problems for the same eXact reasons that all other races have problems.

I don't wish them any harm and I respect them.

BUT Racism in respectful manner is NORMAL..

A natural survival instinct. It keeps the Countries, borders, Civilizations, Cultures and RACES Healthy and Humanity Surviving.

The Blacks in Africa have never had a White King. - Why the heck would they be offended because WHITE do not want to be Governed by NON WHITES>.... ?

Whites are not interested in Black culture. OR Indian CULTURE OR Arab Culture.

Sure it is nice to Study, Create a Museum, Write a Book, make a movie. But we are not interested in these people to the point that we want to change out NAMES, CHANGE OUR Lives, Change our LOCATION, CHANGE our Clothing, Change our Medical PROCEDURES, Change Our Language and THINKING to these other minority RACES.

1 point

I think that The USA is the Only Country On the Face of the planet who Allows NON Whites or *( LETS SAY ) - OTHER mixed RACES to - FAIRLY - Participate in the Elections or Have a Black, King or Queen . // President.

REMEMBER - There are No White Kings in Africa. -

Never, Ever, Ever - has been. For the last 7000 years of Known World History.

Is this Racist ? no.

There are No Black or Indian Presidents or , Kings in Italy. Never has been.

Is this Racist ? No.

No Jewish Kings or Presidents in Germany or Ireland or England. India has no WHITE Prime Ministers. !

You Must understand that It is normal, natural and comfortable - for a RACE or Group of similar type peoples, to seek to be governed and to trust those who are the same as them.

I AGREE THAT -.- RACE - ISM is very normal.

MOST - White People are not comfortable living among these blacks in these dangerous neighborhoods where everything that is not locked up and out of sight, is stolen. !

They are not comfortable moving to Africa.

The MINDs of Different type Peoples - do not think alike. There are many, Many Differences.

and that's ok.

Africans Will Never EVER Allow a WHITE- to become King or Queen.

There is a reason. it is normal. - The Minorities in the USA should support themselves, before mass PRODUCING THEMSELVES - Children that they have no intentions of raising and supporting and paying for.

Blacks will never be comfortable in Africa. - WITH a WHITE LEADER / President, King or Queen. They Would kill Him or Rebel against Him. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.------ That's OK. ! / it is Normal.

Why should anyone eXpect the White Majority or Group - to Change, Being Normal/. ? ?

WHEN HITLER and The Germans had problems with the Jews living in Germany

. THE MORE - ' Humane Solution would have been to remain calm, continue to respect their Lives and simply work to re-locate these jEWS. Allowing them opportunity to re- Locate -'.

instead of Slaughtering, Torturing and Killing them. and Hurting them.

This is Normal. - people Are most comfortable being around, TRUSTING, Living and BREEDING, Being married to - their Own kind. / BY LARGE.

it is OK . I am that Way. I sometime don't really Feel Comfortable around Black people. But I don't wish them any harm and I do respect them and value them and Love them.

It is NORMAL.. A natural survival instinct. It keeps the Countries, borders, Civilizations, Cultures and RACES Healthy and Humanity Surviving.

The Blacks in Africa have never had a White King. - Why the heck would they be offended - HERE in the USA - because WHITEs do not want to be Governed by NON WHITES.... ?

Whites are not all that interested in Black culture. OR Indian CULTURE OR Arab Culture.

Sure it is nice to Study, Create a Museum, Write a Book, make a movie. But we are not interested in these people to the point that we want to change out NAMES,



Change our LOCATION,


CHANGE our Clothing


, Change our Medical PROCEDURES,


Change Our Language and THINKING to these other minority RACES. Who are different from us.

Don't You Agree ? ' THE FACTS AGREE.

African who have come to America have worked so hard throughout the centuries - they have helped us win our wars, battles and in overcoming against our enemies.

I am so honored and thankful that these great Godly people are here and I know that they are one of the greatest parts of the many great things about America. I hope that each one of them feels at home and are comfortable.