
Debate Info

The one in CHURCH The one trans genders use
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 The one in CHURCH (3)
 The one trans genders use (2)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

If you were a fine young Catholic lad, which bathroom would be MORE fearful to use?

The one in CHURCH

Side Score: 3

The one trans genders use

Side Score: 5
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The one that Mao and Stalin killed millions in. Kim Jong Un likes to do it right now, today, in real life on planet Earth. Apparently if you don't have the Darwin fish patch pinned on correctly, in a nation ruled by an Atheist, they want to chop your nuts off in the bathroom stall regardless of religion or lack of religion. 577868656146381959/46EC23502B70E626A48F4B266607392602E2AD53/

Aaaaaah... The dreaded belief that "God is not watching you, so little kids are fair game" and without conscience or ridicule from your peers. I'm sure the Islamic clerics are good with children as well...

Oops. My mistake.

Side: The one trans genders use
Ramshutu(227) Disputed
1 point

Bronto Lie Counter: #91

In a nation ruled by an Atheist, they want to chop your nuts off in the bathroom stall regardless of religion or lack of religion.

This is just retarded.

Side: The one in CHURCH
Negligentt(397) Disputed
1 point

Ramshutu Lie Counter: #92

Yes. It's retarded, and... what Atheist dictators do. Kill people. That's scarier than Trans or Catholics.

Side: The one trans genders use
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Hey Baby Girl who referenced this other than you -"In a nation ruled by an Atheist, they want to chop your nuts off in the bathroom stall regardless of religion or lack of religion."

Got to say you Leftist are really spun out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: The one in CHURCH