
Debate Info

Percussion! String!
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 Percussion! (6)
 String! (9)

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angelchris(1) pic

Is A Piano a Percussion or String Instrument?

Some say a piano is a percussion instrument... other's say it's string! 

What do you think is a piano?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 9
1 point

It may have a ton of strings within it, but it's technically a percussion instrument.

Side: Percussion!
TheAshman(2298) Clarified
1 point

Its technically a hybrid as hammers strike the strings, its not normally included in the percussion section of the Orchestra and is reffered to as a Keyed Zither by musicologists

Side: Percussion!
1 point

It's officially labelled as percussion, I believe .

Side: Percussion!
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
1 point

Not in the Orchestra or by musicologist's who refer to it as a keyed Zither, the Zither is a string instrument

Side: String!
lupusFati(790) Disputed
1 point

I think the real question here is this. How much do I actually care?

Side: Percussion!

You play the strings so it's a string instrument.

Side: String!
1 point

Percussion instruments require a minimal amount of musical talent to play, compare to the piano which actually needs a lot of skill and practice to master.

Also, the piano was developed from the model of a harpsichord which was a string instrument.

Side: String!
1 point

It's a hybrid, obviously a hybrid.

Fingers on the keys, keys make hammers hit strings, strings make sounds.

Side: String!
1 point

Well, it is a chordophone, an instrument whose sound is produced by vibrating or plucking a string, so I will go with string.

Side: String!
1 point

String, you aren't making the noise by banging on the keys. The noise happens when you press the keys which through a series of levers, strikes the... STRINGS!

Side: String!