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Debate Score:28
Total Votes:30
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Sitara(11075) pic

Is God cruel?

If human parents did to their children what God does to us, they would be convicted of child abuse. I am so raging angry at God that I want to curse Him to His face.


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 13

Yeah, they should put God on trial. The Old Testament has more than enough evidence to give him the death penalty.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I am angry at God and I will probably go to Hell for it. :'(

Side: Yes.
Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Go to hell?

You're lucky hell isn't real then.

I highly doubt that you're immortal, to be honest. It's a nice story, but realistically, it appears you will die just like all other life.

What a wondrous journey life is.

To think it goes on forever though... is a bit crazy.

Side: No.
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Don't cry about it, one day we'll rule in hell with Satan as our lord, We shall rise from the depths of hell to the clouds of heaven and tactically terrorise all the holy bitches up there.

Side: Yes.
1 point

That's why I worship Satan, he's honest about his cruelty.

Side: Yes.

Here's how I see it:

God created all, and that includes Satan and all the other evil shit that exists.

Now if you are a God fearing christian then you have to take it all as God's test and like Job stick with him.

If on the other hand you are logical about it, you'll have to come to the conclusion that you don't have a choice in the matter so the test is null and void and here's why.

God is omniscient, he had to know how everything was going to play out before he made it, that means everything, Satan, sinners, the lot, he created them to be this way. There can be no concept of free will with an all knowing creator, so if hell exists and some people go there then that was Gods plan for them all along and therefore he is indeed cruel.

Side: Yes.
1 point

When you say "Gods plan for them all along", I feel is not accurate.

When you say "he created them to be this way", I feel God created everything, pushed the first "domino" piece and thus allowed the pieces fall where they may, resulting in fallen angels, the temptation/free-will of adam & eve (mankind), sin, ECT.

I agree with most of what you wrote, as far as Gods omniscience, however, free-will exists to us humans for we know not what tomorrow will bring.

God, on the other hand, knows who will choose him and who will not before we are born. And so, essentially God did not plan for any person, and soul, to not want to choose it (salvation). God wants everyone to choose him however he knows some will and some won't. And to top if off, according to the book of Revelations, mankind will have like 2 other chances to "accept salvation" even after his return! He's like "Okay, this next time come around AFTER having physically seeing me, some will STILL not choose to believe in me." And this ricedaragh, is precisely how human beings are fucking strange beings; even after having seen physically this God that everyone is disputing about, there will be those that will still not choose God and his path. How fucking weird is that.

Side: Yes.
1 point

If god were real and he were a parent, he would be convicted of far more than child abuse. Just saying.

Side: Yes.
1 point

No he destroyed towns and flooded the world out of love.

Side: No.
1 point

i love your satire. God is not 100% love. He hates too. I love Him, but damn. Pun intended. ;)

Side: No.
1 point

I wouldn't say God is cruel if God does love His people He would also punish us because that is what loving people do. If someone loved you but never punished you that means they never cared for you but God cares for you and if your going to be in a relationship with Him you will be loved by Him and other times He will test you by bringing obstacles in your path to see how you react to a certain situation.

Side: No.
2 points

The problem is the Christian god doesn't seem to understand that the punishment should fit the crime. Would a loving parent torture their child for misbehaving? Of course not, any parent that did that would be considered a monster. So why is not equally as reprehensible when god punishes people with eternal torment for finite crimes? That doesn't sound like a very loving or fair thing to do. If god wants to punish me for the lies I've told or for the time when I stole a piece of candy from the store when I was 5, then I have no problem with that as long as the punishment fits the crime. No crime is worthy of eternal torment, especially from someone who is supposed to be the most loving being in existence.

Side: Yes.
Srom(12120) Disputed
0 points

So why is not equally as reprehensible when god punishes people with eternal torment for finite crimes?

Its not only just that but since you choose yourself not to believe in God on this earth that means to Him that you don't want be with Him in eternity and you will be eternally separated from Him.

Side: No.
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

i want Him to stop. he is so cruel. I do not feel safe with God. I would tell you what i really think about God, but I would be arrested.

Side: Yes.