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Debate Score:25
Total Votes:30
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GregoryX(9) pic

Is White Power Racist?

   When someone says white power everybody freaks out and calls them racist but the term black power is ok with everyone. So I want to know is white power really racist or is the world holing a double standard.


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 17

Not if you can power a car with it. How many white dudes does it take to push/pull my civic up a hill? ;)

Side: No
1 point

I say both all the time, and never mean it in a racist way.

If anything, White Power is funny. Especially when you say "White Powder!"

Side: No
1 point

another random down vote? bunch of butt hurt bitch fags.

- - - - -a_ - -_ _ -- _ - dsd_D-s-d

Side: No
1 point

well is black power raciest? if so then yes they r both raciest if not the no nether of them r raciest. enough of the double standards you wanted fair and equal treatment so hear it is

Side: No
-1 points

No it is ok we just hold white people to a standard where we cant be proud of who we are anymore without people giving us dirty looks. Oh and I forgot the d in holding my bad WHITE POWER

Side: No
PungSviti(552) Disputed
3 points

Why should anyone be proud of something that happened to him without him having anything to do with it: you don't have any say wheater you are, black, white, from one Country or another, a boy or a girl and etc.

I can sort of see where you are going though - I bet if you would make two study´s; one with the choice from one to ten on how racist it is to have, lets say; a white power tattoo and then a comparable study that would do the same with a black power tattoo then I bet you would get a higher percentage of people who believe that the white power tattoo is more racist, and in some sense that isn't quite fair.

But we have to take things in context - allot of white power groups have connections to Nazism, which doesn't help your cause - and also Black power groups don't have the history of trying to wipe out whole nations like we whiteys have.

It is quite easy to take given things and boost them to feel proud of them, but it is not vise - To me it seems that people who do that, wheater it is by being a nationalist, a radical feminist or a white supremacist are trying to make up for some sense of powerless ness (inferiority complex)

But to answer the question of the debate: Is white poewer Racist - maybe not so much but at least a teeny weeny bit.

Side: yes
7 points

The term "white power" is used by people who want to suppress others, which is a racist tendency.

The term "black power" is usually used by people who want to give more than is currently available, to the African American community.

So if the term "black power" is used with the intention to suppress other races, too, then it is also racist.

Context is everything, always.

Side: yes
2 points


1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

The word "white" is refering to a race, and separating itself from the rest of humanity.

Now, you're kind of being an apologist if you choose to believe that anything less than 99.9999999% of the time "white power" is used to mean a superiority of one race over the others.

That aside though, even if one chooses to use it to simply mean pride in one's own race, one has to ask themselves what the end game is here.

The idea behind the term, even under the most altruistic circumstances possible, is still a manner of separation. At the least it says "we are different than you" or "we are separate from you."

This is inherently racism.

And yes, same can be said of "latino power" or "black power" or "native american power" or whatever.

I would like though to continue further, as I'm seeing the same kind of fabricated white victimization I've heard lately in the media, and in a couple arguements on the other side.

White people are not victims of anything okay. I know, I'm white. It's just about the easiest thing in the world to be white.

I'm really tired of this "oh white people aren't allowed to be proud" "white people can't get jobs because of discrimination" etc etc. It's all bs. White people statistically have more money, better jobs, are less likely to be arrested, are more likely to get hired, than any other race. And this is not do to any inherent ability in one race over the other, it is because of our society, minorities are more likely to be born into poverty, and everything else follows from there. There are a few programs which work to even this out, and correct past wrongs, that is it. But there is no "reverse racism" going on, and the idea is actually quite ridiculous when you look at the actual numbers behind things like say prison populations and unemployment.

Side: yes

Both are racist so I'll go with People Power...may we always have it and always use it wisely.

Side: yes
1 point

Just about as racist as black power is today.

But "black power" back in the 60's [if i'm not mistaken] was for equal rights.

But today here in the U.S. there is no need for any race power and would be considered racist.

Side: United We Stand
1 point

Yes, it is. But, so is Black Power.

How are we supposed to move past pettiness if people keep pointing out our differences? My skin is white. My husband has tan skin. My cousin has black skin. My other cousin has olive skin. WHO CARES.

How about instead of 'White Power' we focus on how we are alike, not different. HUMAN POWER!

Side: yes
1 point

White power is used in the same terms as black power. Its used as a way to make a certain racial minority feel better about themselves by putting others down. In my eyes all colors are the same because when we are cut we both bleed red and we both feel pain. No color is better or stronger than any other.

Side: yes
1 point

I think yes it is to a point I'm sure there is a percentage that are just proud to be white but majority are racist even when asked they say no even though there actions say different .race doesn't matter if u say black power its the same thing

Side: Yes