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ThomasSowell(28) pic

Is activism a way for useless people to feel important?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 4
1 point

Is activism a way for useless people to feel important?

Hello S:

Yeah, those useless activists should have left that tea alone and stayed home..


Side: Yes
RedDawn(3) Disputed
1 point

Yeah, those useless activists should have left that tea alone and stayed home..

Think about it. Those you are trying to praise here were white, Christian, ultra super deluxe Conservatives by today's standards, resisting paying taxes, and they were armed to the hilt. In your case, you defend, praise and worship the Redcoats. Your party worships the state, wants the peasants disarmed and demands allegiance. You're clearly not the patriots in this metaphor. You're the King's little redcoats demanding that the tea stay on the boat and those taxes be paid in full because the monarchs said so. Now put on your mask, shut down your business, pay the tax and STFU you Loyalist.

Side: No
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Think about it. Those you are trying to praise here were white, Christian, ultra super deluxe Conservatives by today's standards, resisting paying taxes, and they were armed to the hilt. In your case, you defend, praise and worship the Redcoats.

Hello RD:

I do think about it.. Contrary to you, however, I don't make shit up.. If your side was the CORRECT side, you wouldn't NEED to make shit up.. But, you do.

Look.. You don't know shit about me.. Fact is, I've been posting here for 4 years, and I have NOT hidden who I am. If you DON'T know who I am by now, you are truly an imbecile.

I don't praise them because they're white, Christian, or super deluxe conservative who stand up to wrong things.. I praise them because of what they DID - NOT who they were..

In fact, who they were, were racist slave owners who founded a country based on freedom.. Who'da figured THAT? Now STFU, paint your face and put on your buffalo horns.

And, while were at it, how much blood did YOU spill defending your country.. Yeah.. I thought so. Now, you'll carry on like you know me. Or, you'll call me a liar, or you'll call me names.. But, I was in the 5th grade too.


Side: Yes
1 point

Most so called activists dodge their personal responsibilities ( SUCH AS CLEANING THEIR HOUSE OR BEDROOM ) by hiding behind the mask of some cause or other.

In their forced state of pseudo aggressiveness the activists peaceful demonstrations invariably turn violent with the inevitable ensuing injuries to law-enforcement officers, innocent citizens and damage to property.

If we scratch the surface of the failures who go to make up the nucleus of the activist rabble we will find that they are usually unemployed, non-achieving malcontents who have nothing and want to share their state of self-loathing and emptiness with everyone else.

We all have the opportunity to be activists every four years or so at the Ballot Box.


Side: Yes
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Is activism a way for useless people to feel important?

Hello A:

It sure could be..

Some useless people "gather" at BLM marches. Some "gather" at Trump rally's.. Then there are others who "gather" for a cause. They wear pussy hats or paint their faces and wear buffalo horns.

Some people think that if a "gathering" doesn't meet their approval, the people "gathering" have NO right to “gather", or NO right to take a knee.

But, if you wear the right clothes, and holler the right things, your "gathering" has the right to break into the Capitol building. (I'm still trying to figure that one out)

Then there are people like me, who believe the Constitution is for everybody.. I'm a Jewish fellow. Certainly, I HATE Nazis. But, I LOVE the Constitution more. Therefore, pursuant to the WORDS (yes, WORDS) in our beloved Constitution, Nazis have an absolute right to "gather," as they please, even if it's a "gathering" in Skokie, Ill, a predominantly Jewish community..


Side: No

You've heard the phrase "Mob of useful idiots"? That's what these people are good for.

Side: Yes
1 point

Some black activist athletes have decided not to acknowledge the national anthem at the forthcoming Olympic games in Japan.

Side: Yes
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

Some black activist athletes have decided not to acknowledge the national anthem at the forthcoming Olympic games in Japan.

Hello A:

You know the guy above who thinks black people need his approval to do what the Constitution gives them the right to do??? It's you..

Just WHO the fuck do you think you are telling another American HOW to be an American??? You're way, Sir, is the WRONG way, believe me.


Side: No
Ahoghill(1452) Disputed
1 point

Hi Junky,

What type of mind-altering drugs are you on today?

Shit-bag BONGOS such as you often need to be educated in the accepted customs and practices of the nations which they infest.

By the way, after having had the audacity to admonish someone for their poor English skills I must point out that your grammar is woeful.

You used the abridged word, you're as in, you are, instead of the possessive pronoun, your, POSSESSIVE AS IN;- YOUR WAY, YOUR COAT ETC.

No charge for the lesson


Side: Yes
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