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Is it a RIGHT? Is it a PRIVILEGE?
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Is it a RIGHT? (7)
 Is it a PRIVILEGE? (6)

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daltino123(5) pic

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Is good education a right or a privilege

Is it a RIGHT?

Side Score: 9
Winning Side!


Side Score: 7

Nice try daltino123. I'm not falling for this one again.

Side: Is it a RIGHT?
2 points

daltino123 is a big scammer!!!!!! Be careful about what you post people!


Side: Is it a RIGHT?

Finally some else understands!

Side: Is it a RIGHT?
1 point

In a democratic society with civil rights it usually is a legal right. But only through primary education (meaning up through high school). College is above and beyond.

It's a right in a democracy because the voting population has to have some basic knowledge and life skills in order to participate in that democracy. Plus it simply makes good sense to have a workforce capable of a wide range of jobs instead of being illiterate and stuck in menial tasks.

Technically, by the way, I think it can be BOTH a right and a privilege. Because indeed being part of a democracy is a privilege itself. But in the reverse, a privilege is not automatically a right.

Side: Is it a RIGHT?
1 point

I believe it should be a right.

But due to the ever increasing costs of college tuition over the past decade, it has become a privelage.

The majority of top tier University students in the US are from at least middle class families. And good portion are from upper class and wealthy families.

Why do you think it is common practice for the credit card companies to practically give college student credit cards?


It is because they know that if the kids default on payments that more often than not, mom and dad will bail them out and pay off the debt.

These credit companies are NOT giving these cards to students just to be nice and help them out.

Side: Is it a RIGHT?
1 point

good education is a right because we the people need a good education to get jobs. if we didn't have an a good education then we would probably get a crappy job at McDonald's or Burger King. some people need jobs to provide for their family and kids. think about. having a crappy education means a crappy job a crappy job mean you cant really provide for yourself if you can provide for yourself then you cant provide for a family if you cant provide for a family then you will end up lonely with a crappy job with crappy pay and no one to make you happy.

Side: Is it a RIGHT?
GodBlessUSA(80) Disputed
1 point

This opportunity to succeed is a right. However, the fact that simply because you are living and breathing, you automatically have the right to higher education without putting any hard work in order to get there is shameful, and downright evil.

Side: Is it a PRIVILEGE?
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

That opportunity isn't actually a codified right in this country, nor could it be, logistically speaking.

And why do your assume the situation is sans effort? Who said anything about being given a free diploma without the work?

Side: Is it a RIGHT?
2 points

well to properly score this we must first evaluate what we believe the word right means im not a lawyer or very good with words I cant answer this with any authority ....but I can say with all authority is that no person has an right to another persons wealth ideas property or if this educational right is based on tax then this is not a right as most people in America pay in a few thousand in taxes then receive back as much as 6 to 10 thousand in tax season....this is already horse shit we hand out welfare aid through out the year then hand out real tax payers money at the end in even more undeserved unearned credits...for being less than we also must pay worthless teachers who last time I spoke to a scool physcologist and principal could not understand a basic reference to lattice patern math in real world example .............they work less than you have no accountability and no consequence for failure ....if you do these things your fired in a second....these people are almost a complete farce and me paying for your kid to get fucked in a public setting is almost more than I can bare ....because this whole thing is a fuck other way to put it this ridiculous in every sense of the word...others pay for others to get fucked into false sense of intelligence ...I had a public educated person on here use e=mc2 as a proof of time ....this is a basic horribly flawed mass energy equation almost complete poop ..almost but the masses eat this poop and love it ....even though einstien wasn't the first to find this again flawed equation have several whole in public education and tax paying ...real tax paying citizens are on the hook for this crap...

Side: Is it a PRIVILEGE?
1 point

What is a right?

I was denied a "good education" and Canada's educational system is said to be superior to America's. I received a hellishly abysmal education from idiotic teachers who taught by rote and knew almost nothing of their subjects.

Education is generally considered a right, though I deny the existence of such intangibles. Good education, on the other hand, is a privilege which either money must provide or personal autodidacticism.

Side: Is it a PRIVILEGE?

Since the Constitution grants the Federal Government no authority over Education, the 10th Amendment applies:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Specifically the Constitution does not grant a right to an education, so I guess States can make it a right if they want to. I think it should be at least through 12th grade. After that, you're on your own.

Side: Is it a PRIVILEGE?
1 point

National-level regulation for education existed here since before the Constitution was established (see: Land Ordinance of 1785 and Northwest Ordinance of 1787). Given the fact that this role of government had already been accepted within our society, the "General Welfare" clause covers it without any real difficulty.

Side: Is it a RIGHT?
1 point

This opportunity to succeed is a right. However, the fact that simply because you are living and breathing, you automatically have the right to higher education without putting any hard work in order to get there is shameful, and downright evil.

Side: Is it a PRIVILEGE?